Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Pickled early cabbage is one of the options for homemade preparations. For its preparation of cabbage, it will take a minimum of time that must be spent on preparing cans and cutting vegetables. The pickling process is carried out at the expense of brine, to which salt, granulated sugar and spices are added.

Features of early cabbage

Early cabbage has a short ripening time. The formation of heads occurs in 130 days and earlier. Such varieties of cabbage can be harvested in early July.

Early varieties of cabbage can crack if not harvested on time. Such heads are not recommended for use in blanks.

Important! Early cabbage is distinguished by small forks.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Most often, for home-made preparations, varieties related to medium and late ripening are chosen. They have a high density, which is preserved during salting.

Early cabbage has more tender leaves and less dense heads. Therefore, when planning home-made preparations, the question often arises whether it is possible to marinate it. Cabbage of this type is successfully used for pickling and pickling. For long-term storage, it is recommended to add a little vinegar to the blanks.

Recipes for Pickling Early Cabbage

Early cabbage is pickled in wooden, enameled or glass containers. The easiest way is to use glass jars that are treated with steam or hot water. Depending on the recipe, you can get delicious preparations with carrots, tomatoes, peppers and beets.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Traditional recipe

In the classic version, pickled cabbage for the winter is prepared using marinade. The procedure for obtaining such homemade blanks includes several stages:

  1. Cabbage forks (2 kg) are chopped into strips.
  2. Using a combine or grater, you need to chop the carrots.
  3. The components are mixed, taken a little by hand and placed in a jar. Pre-sterilized containers.
  4. Cabbage is poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes.
  5. Then the liquid is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil.
  6. The procedure for pouring vegetables with boiling water is repeated, which must be drained after 15 minutes.
  7. At the third boil, add a few peppercorns and bay leaves to the liquid, as well as one tablespoon of salt and sugar.
  8. Fill containers with vegetables with filling and cork them with lids.
  9. The blanks are left for several days at room conditions. Then they are removed to a cool place.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Quick recipe

With the help of a quick recipe, you can get pickled early cabbage in a few hours. Pickled early cabbage for the winter is prepared according to the following technology:

  1. A kilogram head of cabbage is cut into thin strips.
  2. Carrots are crushed in a combine or using a grater.
  3. To get the filling, put a pot with a liter of water on the stove, add a glass of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt. After boiling, add 150 g of vinegar and 200 g of sunflower oil.
  4. The container with the vegetable mass is poured with the prepared liquid.
  5. Vegetables are pickled for 5 hours, after which they can be transferred to jars for the winter.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Fragrant snack

The use of spices allows you to get fragrant pickled cabbage. The preparation process in this case is divided into several stages:

  1. A head of early cabbage (2 kg) is processed in the usual way: cleaned of damaged leaves and finely chopped.
  2. Carrots are crushed using a blender or grater.
  3. One garlic head is cut into individual cloves.
  4. The components are mixed and laid out in sterilized jars.
  5. Cabbage should be treated with boiling water for 15 minutes. Then the liquid is drained.
  6. Put clean water on the stove (you can use drained from cans), add a couple of tablespoons of salt and a glass of granulated sugar. To give the pickles a spicy flavor at this stage, you need to add black pepper and cloves (7 each).
  7. After boiling, two tablespoons of sunflower oil and one and a half teaspoons of vinegar are added to the marinade.
  8. Spicy filling fill containers with cabbage.
  9. To marinate vegetables for long-term storage, jars are rolled up with iron lids.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Pickled cabbage chunks

It is most convenient to cut heads of cabbage into large pieces 5 cm in size. This cutting option is most suitable for processing early varieties of cabbage.

The pickling process is carried out strictly according to the recipe:

  1. A cabbage head weighing 1,5 kg is divided into large parts.
  2. The glass jar is sterilized in the oven or microwave. A few bay leaves and black peppercorns are placed at the bottom.
  3. Pieces of cabbage are placed in a jar, which are lightly tamped.
  4. To get the filling, you need to boil water, add granulated sugar (1 cup) and salt (3 tablespoons). When the liquid boils, add ½ cup of vinegar.
  5. When the filling cools down a bit, it is filled with jars.
  6. The containers are twisted with metal lids, turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket.
  7. After cooling, the pickled ones are removed for permanent storage.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Acute appetizer

To prepare a spicy snack, you need hot peppers. When working with this ingredient, it is better to use gloves so as not to irritate the skin. Before canning the pepper, it must be cleaned from the stalk and seeds removed. Seeds can be left, then the sharpness of the snack will increase.

The procedure for preparing early cabbage for the winter is as follows:

  1. A kilogram head is divided into parts, after which the leaves are cut into small squares with a size of 4 cm.
  2. Carrots need to be grated with a grater.
  3. Half of the garlic head is peeled, and the cloves are cut into thin plates.
  4. Then finely chop the capsicum.
  5. All vegetables are mixed and placed in a common container.
  6. Then prepare the filling. A glass of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of salt are taken per liter of water. When the liquid boils, you need to pour 100 g of vegetable oil. For further preservation, 75 g of vinegar will be required.
  7. A container with vegetables is filled with filling, a plate and any heavy object are placed on top.
  8. The next day, you can have a snack in the diet or send it to the refrigerator for the winter.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

curry recipe

Another way to make a spicy early cabbage appetizer is to use curry. This is a mixture of several types of spices (turmeric, coriander, fennel, cayenne pepper).

You can pickle cabbage for the winter in jars in the following order:

  1. A kilogram head of early cabbage is cut into square plates.
  2. The chopped components are put in one container, pour a tablespoon of sugar and three tablespoons of salt. Curry seasonings will require two teaspoons.
  3. The vegetable mass is mixed and covered with a plate to form juice.
  4. An hour later, 50 g of vinegar and unrefined oil are added to the vegetables.
  5. Cabbage must be mixed again and placed in jars.
  6. During the day, pickling occurs at room temperature, after which the containers are transferred to a cold place.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Beetroot recipe

Early cabbage is pickled together with beets. This appetizer has a sweet aftertaste and rich burgundy color.

The cooking process takes place in several stages:

  1. A cabbage fork weighing 2 kg is cut into squares 3×3 cm in size.
  2. Beets and carrots are finely chopped.
  3. The cloves of one garlic head are passed through the press.
  4. The ingredients are mixed in a common container.
  5. The filling is prepared by dissolving a glass of sugar and two tablespoons of salt into a liter of water. The marinade should boil, after which 150 g of vinegar and sunflower oil are added to it.
  6. A container with vegetables is filled with hot marinade, then a load is placed on them.
  7. During the day, the vegetable mass is marinated at room temperature.
  8. The canned vegetables are then placed in jars that are stored in the refrigerator.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Recipe with tomatoes

Early varieties of cabbage are pickled in jars with tomatoes. For such blanks, ripe tomatoes with a dense skin are necessary.

How to pickle vegetables, the following recipe will tell you:

  1. Several cabbage heads (10 kg) are processed in the standard way: wilted leaves are removed, the stalk is removed and the leaves are finely chopped.
  2. Tomatoes will need 5 kg, they are used whole, so it is enough to wash them thoroughly.
  3. Cabbage and tomatoes are laid out in jars, cherry and currant leaves are pricked on top.
  4. Finely chop one bunch of dill and celery and add them to the jars with the rest of the vegetables.
  5. For marinade per liter of water, you will need sugar (1 cup) and salt (2 tbsp. L.). After boiling, vegetable slices are poured into the liquid.
  6. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to each jar.
  7. When pickling cabbage in jars, close them with lids and leave to cool.
  8. Pickled vegetables are stored in a cool place.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 

Recipe with pepper

Pickled cabbage combined with bell peppers is a delicious snack for the winter, rich in vitamins. You can cook it by following a simple recipe:

  1. Early ripening cabbage (2 kg) is finely chopped.
  2. Bulgarian pepper is taken 2 kg, it must be washed, cleaned of stalks and seeds. Vegetables are cut into half rings.
  3. Three garlic cloves cut into thin slices.
  4. Vegetables are mixed and distributed in jars.
  5. To fill, boil 1,5 liters of water. Be sure to add three tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar. Add 150 ml of oil and vinegar to the hot marinade.
  6. The resulting liquid is poured into vegetable slices in jars.
  7. For winter storage it is recommended to pasteurize the jars. To do this, they are placed in boiling water for half an hour.
  8. Pickled vegetables are covered with lids and left to cool.
  9. When storing cabbage in jars for the winter, they are put in the refrigerator.

Pickled early cabbage in jars: recipes 


If the recipe is followed, delicious homemade preparations are obtained from early cabbage. From it you can cook a spicy snack with curry, garlic or hot pepper. The dish gets sweeter when using bell pepper and beets.

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