Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

A variety of cabbage dishes are not in vain considered the basis of the feast – after all, since its appearance in Our Country, both in princely farmsteads and in peasant huts, no one has ever disdained sauerkraut or salted cabbage. In our hurried time, not every housewife has an extra minute to put cabbage on sourdough with feeling, sense and soul, and even wait the allotted time from several weeks to several months until the moment when you can enjoy fragrant crispy sauerkraut appetizer.

In the modern world, quick recipes are gaining more and more popularity, so cooking quick pickled cabbage will most of all arouse interest among housewives. After all, it is pickling that allows you to try a cabbage dish in a few hours, and in a day it will be able to acquire a completely finished taste and aroma. And pickled cabbage with instant beets is considered one of the most elegant and delicious dishes that can be made from cabbage. It is quite suitable for both the daily menu and the solemn feast.

Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

What is needed for pickling cabbage

How to pickle cabbage with beets will be discussed in this article. But before delving into the intricacies of recipes, it is necessary that inexperienced cooks realize what exactly makes pickled cabbage.

Attention! Perhaps the main traditional ingredient, the presence of which makes it possible to distinguish pickled cabbage from salted or sauerkraut, is vinegar.

It is he who allows you to speed up the fermentation process at times and in the shortest possible time to get a delicious salad, the taste is not much different from pickled and salty dishes.

But on the other hand, not everyone likes the vinegar taste in ready-made dishes, and many people who lead a healthy lifestyle often fundamentally refuse to use ordinary table vinegar in their preparations. What can be advised in such cases?

Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

First of all, it must be borne in mind that, in addition to traditional table vinegar, there are many varieties of vinegar of natural origin in the world. Their use is even beneficial for health, but the taste is much softer and is able to satisfy the most demanding requirements of real gourmets. After all, natural vinegars are obtained as a result of the fermentation of alcohol-containing liquids such as grape wine, apple cider, beer wort and others. Due to the rich composition of the initial components in the finished products, in addition to acetic acid, one can also find malic, lactic, citric, ascorbic acids, as well as esters, pectin substances and many other organic compounds that give natural vinegar a pleasant aroma and mild taste.

Important! The strength of any natural vinegar is about 4-6%, therefore, when mixing them with a marinade according to a recipe, it is necessary to increase the amount of the added starting product by one and a half times.

Most often, the following types of natural vinegar are used for pickling:

  • Apple vinegarwhich is made from apple cider. Cabbage marinated with the addition of apple cider vinegar acquires a delicate apple aroma and a sweetish taste. If you have apples growing in your garden, then the easiest way is to make your own apple cider vinegar and then use it for a variety of salads and preparations.
  • Vinegar can be made from white or red wine. It is able to give cabbage marinated with beets a tart and unique taste and a slightly woody aroma. There is also balsamic vinegar, but thanks to many years of aging in special conditions, it is so valuable that only true gourmets can afford to use it for pickling.

    Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

  • Rice vinegar is very popular with lovers of Asian cuisines. The richness in amino acids makes it one of the healthiest varieties of vinegar. If you are planning to pickle cabbage with its use, a light touch of oriental exoticism is provided to you.
  • malt vinegar It is prepared from fermented beer wort, and is most widely used on the islands of Great Britain. It is rarely found outside, but if you are lucky enough to get it or even make it yourself, then pickled cabbage will have a delicate and mild taste with a fruity aroma.

Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

Quick Cooking Recipes

There are many quick recipes for pickled cabbage with beets, but among them stand out those that are prepared in just a few hours and the so-called daily recipes. The difference between them is mainly in the way cabbages and other vegetables are cut and used in recipes. For super-fast production of pickled cabbage with beets, cabbage heads are usually chopped into narrow pieces, or thin slices no larger than 4×4 cm in size. It is most convenient to grate carrots and beets.

Comment! To add additional aesthetics to the dish, you can use a Korean carrot grater. 

But in the manufacture of daily pickled cabbage, the size of the cut and its method does not matter, moreover, small heads of cabbage are often cut into only 6-8 parts. And carrots and beets are often cut into thin circles.

Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

These methods also differ in the composition of the ingredients for the marinade, but so slightly that the recipe for the fastest method can be used to cook cabbage in a day and vice versa.

The table below shows the difference in ingredients for both cooking methods.

Necessary components

Cabbage in 4-5 hours

daily cabbage


2 kg

2 kg


2 pieces

2 pieces


1 large

1 large


3-4 cloves

1 head

Purified water

200 ml

1 liter


1 Art. a spoon

2 Art. spoons


100 g

100 g

Vinegar 9%

100 ml

150 ml

Sunflower oil

130 ml

150-200 ml

Allspice and hot pepper

3-5 items

Bay leaf

2-3 items

The process of cooking cabbage is very simple. Mix vegetables cut in a suitable way with chopped garlic in a separate container. Set aside and prepare the marinade.

Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

To prepare the marinade, mix water with salt, sugar, heat to a boil, pour in sunflower oil and add spices if necessary. Again, wait until the mixture boils, and remove from heat. At the end, add the required amount of vinegar.

Advice! In addition to the vinegar itself, for the marinade in these recipes, you can use the juice from one lemon without seeds or half a teaspoon of citric acid.

With the fastest method, place all the vegetables in a glass jar and gradually pour boiling marinade over them. At first it may seem that the marinade is not enough to cover all the vegetables. You need to wait about 20 minutes until the juice stands out. Then the liquid should be enough. Cover the jar loosely with a lid and leave to cool at normal room temperature. After about 5 hours, cabbage can be served on the table. During this time, it will acquire a beautiful beet shade and lightly salted taste and aroma.

Pickled Cabbage with Instant Beetroot

If you prefer a recipe for cooking cabbage during the day, then it is better to leave the vegetables in a saucepan, also pour boiling marinade over them, then press a lid or plate on top and put a small load. Under these conditions, the cabbage will be completely ready to serve on the table, after a day.

Using the above recipes and experimenting with different varieties of vinegar, you can surprise your guests and family with the variety of flavors of this beautiful cabbage dish.

Pickled cabbage with beets

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