Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

According to all the rules, pickled cabbage can be tasted after a few days, when the fermentation process is completed. We offer to cook vegetables according to recipes for quick preservation. Some options allow you to taste cabbage almost immediately.

We will tell about how pickled cabbage is prepared in 5 minutes in the article, we will share some secrets with our readers. And may you always have a crispy dish on your table – a storehouse of vitamins.

Important! You can quickly pickle any cabbage, not just white cabbage.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

About the benefits of pickled billet

Fresh cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals. But during storage, its value is reduced by almost half. To preserve the usefulness of a vegetable, it is pickled, salted or fermented. In pickled cabbage, vitamins and minerals do not disappear, but are perfectly preserved.

In fact, quick pickled cabbage: recipes in 5 minutes – the best way to make up for the lack of nutrients in the winter, when colds and viral diseases begin. Due to the presence of vitamin C in it, a person’s immunity increases.

Of course, no one will consume a pickled white vegetable daily, but the menu is quite enough for a change. After all, these are salads with the addition of various vegetables, berries, stewed vegetables, stews, soups, pies and pies.

Important! In pickled cabbage, there is much less acid than in sauerkraut, so it is easily digestible.

The only drawback is that people with gastrointestinal problems need to use conservation in minimal doses.

Variations on the theme of marinating

There are many options for quick pickling of cabbage, and each housewife has her own zest-secrets, thanks to which the finished product cannot be confused with anything.

We bring to your attention several recipes. But we should not forget that the kitchen is a real culinary laboratory. Therefore, taking any pickling option as a basis, you can get a unique pickled cabbage.

Option 1

What we need:

  • white forks – 2 kg 500 g;
  • carrots – 3 or 4 pieces;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pieces.

The composition of the marinade per liter of pure water:

  • table vinegar 9% – ½ cup;
  • granulated sugar – 1 glass;
  • refined lean oil – 125 ml;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • lavrushka, black and allspice peas, clove buds – at will and taste.
Comment! When pickling cabbage, do not use salt with the addition of iodine, otherwise the workpiece will turn out soft and dark.

How to cook

We remove the upper leaves with damage from the cabbage, and then rinse. You can chop a vegetable on any device: a shredder, an ordinary knife or a special knife with two blades. The main thing is to get a thin straw.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

Peeled and washed carrots are rubbed on a grater with large cells.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

We put the vegetables in a large bowl and grind until the juice appears.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

Remove the top flakes from the garlic and pass through a press. We combine spicy seasoning with mashed vegetables.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

Pour a liter jar of water into a clean saucepan, put on the stove and boil. In boiling water, add all the ingredients indicated in the recipe for quick pickled cabbage in 5 minutes. Spices of your choice are also boiled in the marinade.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

We shift the vegetables into a marinating dish and pour them with hot brine. Put a plate on top, oppression and cover with a lid. It is in this form that our cabbage should stand for 24 hours.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

A day later, healthy vitamin cabbage is ready for use. For ease of storage, pickled vegetables are transferred to jars and put in the refrigerator.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

Even a novice hostess can cook cabbage. Thus, she will bring pleasure to her family.

Recipe 2

And now about how to cook quickly pickled cabbage in 15 minutes.

We prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • head of cabbage – 3 kg;
  • carrots (medium size) – 4 pieces;
  • garlic – 3 tooth.

We prepare the marinade from the following ingredients:

  • water – 1500 ml;
  • sugar – 200 grams;
  • salt – 90 grams;
  • vegetable oil – 250 ml;
  • table 9% vinegar – 200 ml.

Method of preparation

  1. We chop the vegetables, add the garlic crushed with a garlic press and mix everything, rubbing lightly.

    Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

  2. Then we prepare the brine. According to the recipe for quick cabbage in the marinade, it should boil before pouring. We put a pot with one and a half liters of clean water on the stove and add all the ingredients indicated in the components, except for vinegar. It is added after boiling. Boil the marinade for no more than 3 minutes. For pouring according to any recipes, it is not recommended to use tap water even after settling, since it contains chlorine.
  3. We preserve vegetables with boiling marinade. As a result, after a couple of hours, when the cabbage has cooled down, you can taste it. You can pickle cabbage in a saucepan or immediately in a jar. Preservation is stored in a cool place.
Advice! If you need to serve a snack in 20-30 minutes, then grind the vegetables until juice appears and pour boiling marinade over.

Pickled cabbage in 15 minutes

As you can see, everything happens quickly. Although, of course, the time of 15 minutes indicated in the title of the recipe for cooking cabbage in a hot marinade is somewhat exaggerated.

Classic quick cabbage recipe in 10 minutes:

Pickled Cabbage In 10 Minutes. Preparations From Cabbage.

Useful tips instead of a conclusion

To get the most delicious cabbage in the marinade quickly, try to heed our advice:

  1. Choose forks with white leaves, as green ones will add bitterness to the billet.
  2. Shred the vegetables finely, then the pickling process will go faster.
  3. Rock salt is best suited for marinade, but if there is none, you can use Extra table salt without any additives.

Cabbage in a hot marinade can be cooked in any quantity. Experienced housewives recommend not chasing quantity, but preserving it a little, since the snack is not stored for long.

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