There are many old recipes for soaked apples that have become traditional for some families. However, in the conditions of modern urban apartments, many of them lose their relevance due to the laboriousness of the process. Nevertheless, enterprising chefs come up with simplified ways to cook pickled apples. Thanks to these recipes, the “grandmother’s” dish can be prepared quickly and without much hassle.
Pickled apples: video recipe
Prepare all the ingredients you need for your poached apple recipe. To make a three-liter jar of blank, take:
– apples (1,5 kg); – rye bread (0,5 loaves); – table salt (2 tablespoons); – natural bee honey (2 tablespoons); – oregano (1 branch with inflorescences); – black currant leaves (3-4 pcs.).
Select strong, slightly unripe sour apples, then rinse the fruits thoroughly in running water and dry on a cotton towel at room temperature. While the raw materials are drying, prepare a solution for soaking – wort. Chop the crumb of rye bread, cut the crust into cubes and pour boiling water over everything. Add table salt and bee honey. Stir the wort well and leave it in a warm place away from direct sunlight. The settling time of the solution is 3 hours.
If you are allergic to natural bee honey or are not entirely sure about the quality of the product, you can replace it with granulated sugar in the same proportions.
Prepare a three-liter glass jar for soaking apples: wash it thoroughly in warm clean water, then sterilize it with hot steam on the spout of the teapot. When the glass is completely dry, line the bottom of the container with currant leaves and broken oregano (oregano). Fill the jar with the fruit carefully, being careful not to crush them. Be sure to lay all the fruits up with cuttings.
Strain the finished wort through a sieve, lining it with two layers of clean gauze, then completely fill the apples with the filtered liquid. Place the plastic lid on the jar loosely and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The fruits should be soaked in coolness, but under no circumstances be frozen!
In order for pickled apples to acquire an additional aroma and rich flavors, rye or wheat wort bread can be pre-dried in the oven. Keep it in the oven until the crackers are browned
During the first few days, pour clean cold water into the container as needed, not boiled, but bottled or filtered. The term for cooking “quick” soaked apples is 2 weeks. You can store ready-made sour fruits in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.
Such a preparation can serve as the main ingredient in wonderful snack salads. Apples will harmonize perfectly with other soaked fruits such as lingonberries and cranberries. For example, cut the fruit (2 pieces) into slices, remove the core and combine with the kiwi slices (1 piece), onion rings (1 head). Crushed garlic (2 cloves) for 3 minutes in vegetable oil with cubes of rye bread (2 slices) and mix all the ingredients of the salad. Season with apple brine, sunflower oil, salt and sugar to taste. Use other pickled fruits as desired.