Picker fishing: equipment and techniques for catching crucian carp, bream, carp

Picker fishing: equipment and techniques for catching crucian carp, bream, carp

This is a certain type of tackle that has an extensive list of advantages. According to the degree of mastering this type of fishing, its advantages are fully known, since there are no restrictions when fishing with a picker. Picker can be caught in any conditions, and in any water areas, including hard-to-reach places on reservoirs, and because the fish prefers exactly such places where it feels safe.

Having mastered such tackle, fishing should be based on some considerations:

  • Firstly, such tackle is indispensable when fishing on water bodies, where there is, although not large, but course.
  • Secondly, the picker is convenient if you have strong windwhen it is difficult to control bites with conventional gear.
  • Thirdly, it allows for accurate casts at distances of 25-30 meters, in the presence of not even a big wind. Everyone knows that fishing at a distance is more efficient because it does not feel and does not see the presence of the angler.
  • Fourthly, when the length of the bottom rod fluctuates within 3 meters, it is more convenient to fish in areas with thickets.
  • Fifth, as practice shows, when catching a picker, mostly large individuals (relatively) come across.
  • Sixthly, such tackle can be classified as catchy, compared to a conventional float fishing rod.

The use of a picker in conditions of dense aquatic vegetation is limited by a psychological barrier. The psychological component is present even among experienced “pickers” and they limit the use of bottom tackle in difficult conditions, since there are certain difficulties when playing fish.

In this case, it is worth at least once to test such tackle in extreme conditions, and then the psychological barrier will be overcome. This is exactly the case when “impossible” turns into “possible”. The main thing is to properly mount the equipment and balance all its elements.

Picker snap

As for the choice of a picker, everything here is conditional: one thing is correct for one, another is completely different for another. The most important thing is that the kit includes plastic tips of various flexibility. If this is not the case, then you yourself will have to deal with the understaffing of gear.

Picker fishing: equipment and techniques for catching crucian carp, bream, carp


The main attention should be paid to the load of gear, especially when fishing in aquatic vegetation. As a rule, the basis of the load is sinkers and feeders. With the help of a picker, it is possible to cast loads weighing up to 30 g over long distances. Bait, in such cases, is carried out manually. For this, balls with a diameter of up to 5 cm are rolled and thrown to the place of fishing by hand. The sinker can be attached to the rig in various ways, but it is better to fish with feeders, since they play the role of sinkers, especially since the feeders do not wash out so much, having a large area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbcontact with the bottom.


The use of a feeder allows you to catch larger specimens of fish. For this to happen, you need to fish in the same place for several days, constantly feeding the fish.

If the feeder is caught on algae or drowned in silt, which can be checked, then you should not panic and pull out the tackle with force. It is necessary to install the rod in such a way that it, together with the fishing line, forms one line, after which, gradually increasing the effort, pull the equipment out of the water.

When fishing with stagnant water, feeders that have a cylindrical shape are better suited. If there is vegetation in the reservoir, then they cling less and quickly float to the surface. As a rule, in the presence of aquatic vegetation, the depth in the reservoir is relatively small, especially since not all plants can grow at great depths.

In such conditions, it is better to use lighter feeders, weighing from 5 to 10 grams. The body of such a feeder may consist of metal or plastic, without the presence of cargo plates. Feeders with blindly fixed end weights should not be used. Such feeders are able to get bogged down in silt or grass. Light feeders, without additional weight, do not hit the bottom. For such feeders, you should prepare bait of such density that it spills out of the feeder at the slightest contact with any, including a soft surface.

When using light feeders, it makes sense to abandon the monofilament fishing line, and use a braided line with a diameter of 0,08 to 0,1 mm. It has more breaking force, so in case of a hook, you can apply some force to release the gear. Despite the thin line, such a picker can catch quite a large fish.

The feeder is attached to the equipment quite simply. The fastening method, where carbines and swivels are used, has good prospects. They allow you to quickly change feeders. In picker gear, it makes no sense to use anti-twist tubes. As leashes, you can use a monofilament with a diameter of 0,14-0,16 mm, the length of which does not exceed 20 cm. The smallest inertialess coils can be installed on the picker.

Bait and baits

Picker fishing: equipment and techniques for catching crucian carp, bream, carp

In the spring, after a long winter, the fish begins to actively feed. This suggests that she does not need any special recipe, and she eats what is offered to her. During this period, picking up a picker, you can catch almost any peaceful fish. For bait, you can offer a proven and not complicated recipe for bottom fishing. The basis of a simple bait is ordinary soil mixed with pearl barley or millet porridge. Porridges allow you to attract large fish to the place of fishing. Along with bait, it is necessary to use various baits that are typical for spring fishing. These include the worm, bloodworm and maggot. They are not only suitable, but also versatile. As a rule, the worm is mainly used, since it is quite simple to acquire it. In extreme cases, it can be dug up in the garden. A good size worm attracts larger fish than a small one.

Boiled pearl barley, corn, as well as dough made from them, hominy, etc. are used from plant origin nozzles. In extreme cases, you can use bread crumb or make a semolina talker.

Many anglers use foam balls. Such balls are sold (multi-colored) in fishing stores. At the same time, they have a colored shell that has a certain aroma. The advantage of foam balls is that they lift the bait from the bottom and it becomes more visible to the fish. Some fish feed from the bottom, and some – in the water column. Moreover, if there is grass at the bottom, then the bait can drown in it and the fish are unlikely to be interested in it. By planting foam, you can be sure that the bait will always be at the right level in the water column.

Why the fish peck at the foam, still no one knows for sure. According to one version, for fish, foam is garbage that prevents it from taking bait and it tries to get rid of it. For her, he is, in some way, an irritant and she takes it in her mouth to move it away from the feed and gets hooked. A very plausible version, especially since the fish is able to distinguish an edible object from a non-edible one.

Picker fishing technique

Picker fishing: equipment and techniques for catching crucian carp, bream, carp

This is a sport type of fishing, as it is necessary to make sweeps. This is due to the fact that small feeders are used and the fish are not able to self-hook. Therefore, you have to constantly monitor the movements of the tip of the rod and, at the slightest bite, you need to cut.

To do this quickly, you need to properly install the tackle. Basically, the front wide-profile stands are used for this. The main thing is that nothing interferes with the quick removal of the fishing rod. At the same time, the stand allows you to adjust the angle of tension of the fishing line.

In the case of using an ordinary wooden slingshot, it is better to break off one horn so that it does not interfere with the actions of the fisherman during hooking. In the spring, when all the fish begin to behave actively, idle bites are possible. This is due to the fact that at shallow depths the water warms up faster. In this case, it is very important to experiment to determine the bait, as well as the speed of hooking. Equally important is the design of the equipment: it may be necessary to increase the length of the leash and replace the hook with another, smaller one. It may be useful to change the fishing location due to the presence of a large number of small fish.

Sometimes you should not rush to change places, because the water begins to warm up gradually in the morning and, over time, a larger fish may come to this place while the “little thing” is biting. Other factors can also affect this: for example, an increase in atmospheric pressure or a change in wind direction. If fishing in one place does not give results, then you can completely switch to mobile fishing, changing place after place. You may again have to make adjustments to the equipment and replace the feeder with a sinker. Walking along the shore of a reservoir, you can find a promising place in this way and stop there, continuing the classic picker fishing. As a rule, this will give its results, especially if you return to the baited place in the late afternoon. Perhaps the fish was afraid of the presence of a fisherman on the shore of the reservoir and did not want to approach the place of fishing. After leaving, the fish got used to it and began to stay near the baited place.

Any type of fishing is interesting and unique, like fishing itself in general. Not in vain, most men have acquired the necessary gear and on weekends “disappear” near water bodies in the hope of catching at least some kind of fish. The most important thing is that for many of them the catch is not the most important thing. The main thing is that the mood rises from this process, and emotions are only positive.

Picker Catching White Fish — Video

Catching White Fish Picker. Master class 263 HD. This versatile picker

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