Pick me: 7 rules for job seekers

What is the best way to market yourself to a potential employer? How to get a dream job? What to expect from the interview? Psychodramatherapist, recruiting consultant Miljana Blazic will help you answer these questions and show yourself from the favorable side.

Job search is associated with great emotional stress. We worry like we’re taking an exam. Often we have no idea what awaits us in an interview, what to say, how to answer questions. Follow seven simple rules and you will be able to pass the interview with brilliance.

1. Answer yourself: what do I want? The better we understand what kind of work we want to do, the easier it is to weed out unnecessary vacancies. Focus on one thing: an applicant who is ready for anything scares off an employer.

2. Write a structured resume. Its task is to clearly convey key information about you as a professional. The first impression as an adequate HR candidate will be from the photograph (it must be businesslike).

List concrete results, prepare a portfolio — show the fruits of your labor. Your hobbies will show that you are engaged in self-development, which means that you are interested in the development of the company.

3. Come to your interview on time. This means that you respect other people’s time. You can’t come — explain the reasons, they must be really valid.

HR-specialists consider frivolous applicants those who promise and do not come or disappear at all.

4. Be in dialogue. At the interview, listen to the recruiter, answer the questions posed, do not tell what you are not asked about. Be confident, but not self-confident: «stars» are considered by many to be capricious and uncontrollable.

5. Take the test seriously.Tests are already given when you meet the general requirements and psychological characteristics, now you need to prove yourself as a professional. Usually these are real cases, the solution of which will show your skills.

If puzzles are offered at the interview, then intelligence and understanding of how to solve them are appreciated.

6. Don’t complain about a previous employer or criticize a potential one. “If he speaks badly about another, then it will be the same about me,” the employer argues.

Quite often, the candidate begins to talk about the weaknesses of the inviting company during the interview. Do not offer competencies that exceed those requested: this is a signal that you do not understand what is required of you.

Unless you are invited to the position of the so-called change agent, who is expected to take steps to change the system.

7. Be prepared for non-standard requirements. Sometimes the requirements of the employer are completely unexpected. For example, once in the position of assistant to the general director, the employer was looking for twin girls to replace the retired sisters.

But the twins did not fit in other competencies. And then they began to look for just similar girls. So your resemblance to someone may come in handy.

About the expert: Miljana Blazic is a psychodramatherapist, recruiting consultant.

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