“Picasso. Intimate portrait by O. Widmayer-Picasso

Unique photographs, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off; many reproductions, excellent printing, text and special intonation of the author make this album-biography of Pablo Picasso an absolute highlight.

Olivier Widmeier-Picasso writes about his famous grandfather as freely and boldly as he is delicate. And with a sincere interest in a man who appeared in his life only on the day of his own death. For more than forty years after that, “there was not a day that he did not appear before me,” Olivier admits. Using his advantage as a grandson, he personally communicated with those who were close to Picasso, whom the artist trusted, who could tell about events previously unknown to anyone. He collected many interesting facts and details from the life of Picasso, examined his relationship with women and politics, money, death and eternity. Olivier Widmeier-Picasso gave us the bright and controversial nature of the artist, but he himself finally met his grandfather, whom he knew so little.

KoLibri, 320 pp., 2015.

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