- When is Phytosporin used for cucumbers
- Composition and form of release of the drug
- How to breed Fitosporin for processing cucumbers
- Consumption rate of the working solution
- How to process cucumbers with Fitosporin
- Use to prevent infections
- Frequency of processing
- Compatibility with other drugs
- Safety measures
- Conclusion
- Reviews of gardeners on the use of Fitosporin-M for cucumbers
Phytosporin for cucumbers can be used for pre-sowing seed treatment or for the treatment of bushes. The tool is highly effective, but it must be used strictly according to the instructions.
When is Phytosporin used for cucumbers
Phytosporin is a universal remedy that can be beneficial for most fungal and bacterial diseases of cucumbers. In particular, the drug is used:
- with alternariosis;
- with powdery mildew;
- with white spotting;
- with root rot;
- in peronosporosis;
- with rust and bacteriosis;
- with phytophthora;
- with bacterial cancer.
Spraying cucumbers with Phytosporin helps stop the spread of fungi and infections in the early stages. But it is even more useful to use the drug for pre-sowing treatment of planting material. The tool increases the immunity of cucumber seeds and disinfects the soil, and also stimulates the rapid growth of bushes.
With proper use according to the instructions, the drug Fitosporin:
- eliminates the early symptoms of one or more diseases;
- strengthens the roots of cucumbers;
- protects leaves from insects;
- increases crop yield by an average of 10-15%.
The drug is considered relatively safe for human health. It does not accumulate in fruits and does not harm the crop.

Cucumbers after treatment with Fitosporin retain freshness longer
Composition and form of release of the drug
The main active component of Phytosporin are living cells and spores of soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis in the amount of 2 billion per 1 g of the drug. Microorganisms are characterized by increased resistance to negative and high positive temperatures. Under the influence of water, they are activated and neutralize pathogenic bacteria that cause diseases of cucumbers. Also in the composition of Fitosporin there are auxiliary components – chalk, copper and boron, manganese and zinc, the Gumi additive.
In gardening stores, the drug is presented in several forms:
- Solution. Liquid Fitosporin is convenient to use, since it does not require preliminary dilution with water before seed or seedling treatment.
Fitosporin solution is sold in small bottles or canisters of 10 liters
- Powder. Dry Fitosporin is the most popular – it is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The powder is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions, optionally adding laundry soap to increase the viscosity of the solution.
It is recommended to infuse a solution of Phytosporin powder before use for 2-4 days
- Paste. Phytosporin in the form of a paste is a viscous black mass, the consistency and color of which are mainly responsible for humic acids in the preparation. The product is diluted with water according to the instructions on the package to obtain a stock solution, and then diluted again right before use.
The mother liquor of Fitosporin paste retains valuable properties in the dark and cold for up to six months
Most often, gardeners use Phytosporin powder or paste to process cucumbers. In such forms, the drug is most convenient to store, moreover, it costs less than a ready-made liquid solution.
How to breed Fitosporin for processing cucumbers
Liquid Fitosporin for cucumbers does not require prior dilution with water. The agent is used in its pure form for spraying bushes or pre-sowing seed treatment.
As for the paste and powder, they are usually diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 with filtered or melted water and left for 1-2 days to infuse. Right before use, about 15-30 ml of the prepared product is added to 10 liters of watering or spraying liquid.
Consumption rate of the working solution
The consumption rates of Fitosporin are determined by the purposes for which the drug is to be used:
- Processing of planting material. To soak the seeds, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of the stock solution or ready-made liquid product to a glass of water.
- Soil cultivation. To disinfect and improve the quality of the soil, it is necessary to dilute 15 ml of the Fitosporin stock solution in 10 liters of water.
- Prevention and treatment of diseases. To spray cucumbers in a bucket of liquid, dilute 10-15 ml of the prepared preparation. The resulting amount of solution is eventually enough for about 100 m2 vegetable garden.
How to process cucumbers with Fitosporin
It is necessary to process cucumbers with Fitosporin in accordance with all the rules. Algorithms differ depending on the purpose for which the drug is used.
Seed soaking
Pre-sowing soaking of seeds allows you to increase the endurance of cucumbers and eliminate possible pathogens. Processing is carried out as follows:
- In 200 ml of water, dilute 3-4 drops of the mother solution.
- Immerse the cucumber seeds in the resulting liquid for half an hour.
- After the expiration of the period, the grains are removed and washed in clean water.
After treatment with Fitosporin, cucumber seeds can be additionally kept in a root formation stimulator.
Soil disinfection
Soil treatment with Fitosporin before planting cucumbers allows you to destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungal spores in the garden. The procedure algorithm is as follows:
- In a bucket of water, 2-3 large spoons of Phytosporin liquid concentrate are diluted.
- Evenly spill the beds with the resulting solution.
The procedure should be carried out about a week before planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground. When cultivating the soil outdoors, it is better to choose dry weather without rain, so that precipitation does not erode Fitosporin too quickly.

It is necessary to use Fitosporin for tillage in the spring after the soil has warmed up to 10-15 ° C
Treatment for diseases
Treating cucumbers with Fitosporin-M is recommended for most fungal diseases. The procedure looks like this:
- Three large spoons of concentrated mother liquor are diluted in 10 liters of water.
- In the affected bushes, diseased stems and leaves are cut off, severely affected plants are completely removed from the garden.
- The remaining plantings are evenly sprayed with Fitosporin, 10 liters of solution is enough for 100 m2 greenhouses or gardens.
Treatments in the treatment of fungal diseases are carried out three times per season at intervals of two weeks.
Use to prevent infections
Diseases of cucumbers are not always treatable even with the use of Fitosporin. Therefore, it is recommended to use the drug for preventive spraying and preventing infections.
To process cucumbers, a weak solution is prepared – about ten drops of the concentrate are added to 1 liter of water. The drug is used for spraying bushes on the upper and lower surface of the leaves, the procedure is carried out on a dry but cloudy day. Phytosporin for cucumbers during irrigation is used to protect against root rot.
Frequency of processing
Phytosporin for cucumbers is used from spring to autumn without interruption during flowering and fruiting. It is recommended to spray plantings on average twice a month, and in rainy weather – twice a week. Watering under the root with the addition of the drug is carried out every 30 days, about 1 liter of solution should go to a separate bush.
Preventive treatment of cucumbers with Fitosporin is carried out in warm but cloudy weather. In the heat, the beneficial substances in the composition of the drug are destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and in conditions of dampness they are quickly washed off by rains.
Compatibility with other drugs
Phytosporin can be used to process cucumbers not only in its pure form, but also simultaneously with other means. The beneficial effect of the drug is enhanced by:
- insecticide Aktara and Fitoverm;
- growth stimulants Kornevin, Zircon and Epin;
- Strobi and Quadris fungicides;
- antibiotic Fitolavin.
It is forbidden to use the drug simultaneously with alkaline agents, they neutralize the action of beneficial soil bacteria.
Safety measures
The drug Fitosporin belongs to the fourth class of danger and does not harm human health. In this case, the agent can cause an individual allergic reaction. When processing cucumbers with a concentrated solution, it is necessary to use long-sleeved clothing, a protective mask, goggles and gloves. If Fitosporin accidentally gets into the eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of water. When swallowing even a small amount of the product, you need to artificially induce vomiting and take a sorbent, for example, activated charcoal.
In cucumbers, the drug does not accumulate and does not reduce the nutritional value of the crop. You can use the fruits already a day after spraying, but before that you need to properly rinse them with water.

It is best to spray Fitosporin in the early morning or evening after sunset.
Phytosporin for cucumbers helps prevent the development of dangerous diseases, and also contributes to the treatment of ailments in the early stages. The drug is used to treat seeds, soil and adult plantings, its safety is attributed to the advantages of the product.