Physiotherapy treatment: what is the benefit?

Many people consider physiotherapy, although a wonderful, effective means of treating many diseases, but too technical, scientific and boring: wires, plates, magnets …

The physiotherapist presses buttons, clicks toggle switches, lights blink, mysterious devices hum quietly, and all we have to do is sit or lie, bored of the allotted time. No vivid impressions, no thrills. Injections are more interesting to do. Of course, in physiotherapy there is neither the brightness of the masseur’s work, nor the magic of cosmetic procedures, nor even the drama of visiting a dental office, but if we ignore the strict medical environment, it turns out that physiotherapy procedures are actually amazing, mysterious in their own way, somewhere even magical methods of treatment. It is not for nothing that the very word “physiotherapy” comes from the Greek “physis” – nature and “therapeia” – treatment, that is, this treatment by the forces of nature – the most ancient way of man’s fight against diseases.

Physiotherapy is a method of treatment that uses currents, magnetic fields, laser, ultrasound, etc. The use of physiotherapeutic methods usually does not cause pain; human immunity. The effect of physiotherapy procedures (if it is not an anesthetic regimen) occurs after 4-5 procedures.

Myostimulation – currents for tone

Overweight problems, cellulite and weak muscle tone are of concern to most modern men and women. A sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet, stress, lack of time for regular exercise – all this leads to the accumulation of body fat, weakening of muscle tone, the appearance of an unaesthetic “orange peel” on the hips, abdomen and buttocks.

Myostimulation procedures do not take much time (maximum 40 minutes a day) and require a minimum of effort from you. To achieve good results, it is recommended to take a course of 15-20 sessions for 30-40 minutes, and then do supporting procedures 2-3 times a week.

All these problems can be solved through training, but a person’s strength is not unlimited, not to mention his patience and willpower required for regular exercise. And I always want to see the result as soon as possible.

And in this we can be helped by myostimulation, or, as it is also called, myolifting – the use of impulse currents to increase muscle tone.

The device for myostimulation is a pulse current generator with electrodes, with the help of which an electrical impulse is applied to the nerve endings of the muscles, and the muscles begin to actively contract, as in sports. At the same time, subcutaneous fat deposits are consumed, and the volume of the body decreases.

Just do not consider myostimulation as gymnastics for the lazy and hope that these procedures can turn the body into a standard of beauty and health, saving you from the need to go in for sports. At first glance, the procedure really looks like a workout without the slightest effort: you rest and your muscles work. But myostimulation alone, without sports activities, can only maintain the condition of the muscles or slightly improve it. So myostimulation is not a magic wand that does all the work for you, but it is an excellent continuation of training and a wonderful helper for those who are really ready to put in the effort and achieve excellent results. Moreover, myostimulation also has its own secrets that will help bring your figure to perfection. If, during a natural load, not all fibers are included in the work, then myostimulation will be able to make all the muscles involved in the procedure work. This forced training allows you to reach very deep fibers that are difficult to load under normal conditions, such as the muscles of the inner thigh.

Drug Electrophoresis

This method is indicated for neuralgia, neurosis, neuritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, for various types of hernias of intervertebral discs, arthrosis-arthritis of large joints, for chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.

Medicinal electrophoresis is a combination of direct current exposure and a small amount of medicinal substances entering the body along with it. Medicinal substances introduced by electrophoresis form a kind of depot in the epidermis, from where, gradually being washed out by blood and lymph flow, they are carried throughout the body. Since the intake of medicinal substances occurs gradually, over several days, this excludes their effect on the digestive organs, including the liver.

The duration of the procedures is 10-20 minutes. The duration of the course depends on the disease.

Medicinal electrophoresis is an exclusively medical procedure prescribed by a doctor and carried out only if indicated. Medicinal solutions are also prescribed depending on the disease. For example, for herniated intervertebral discs, our physiotherapy room uses Karipazim, a herbal preparation that improves the elasticity of intervertebral discs. This research institute developed by them. Burdenko’s method is still used in few places, but in our physiotherapy room it has been used for a long time, and, I must say, we are very pleased with the results of treatment with this drug.

Darsonvalization – a health boost

In 1892, the physiologist Jacques-Arsen d’Arsonval began to use a high-voltage transformer for physiological research and introduced it into medical practice. The method of treatment is called “darsonvalization”.

Darsonvalization is considered a cosmetic procedure, but it is successfully used to treat many skin diseases, eliminate venous stasis, activate blood supply in arterioles and capillaries, which contributes to the disappearance of spider veins on the legs. The procedure effectively and safely eliminates the appearance of cellulite, reduces tissue swelling.

During the darsonvalization procedure, a very nice small device with several attachments is used. One of them – a transparent cone with a red spark of a pulse current flickering inside – is used to cleanse and heal the skin. The darsonvalization procedure improves its turgor and color, and helps to reduce wrinkles.

Another nozzle is a transparent comb, like a cone, with the same beautiful scattering of bright sparkles inside. Regular use of this comb can visibly improve the structure of your hair.

The darsonvalization procedure is a wonderful way to cure baldness. Maybe you won’t get a lush head of hair in the place of the annoying void in your hair, but the process of its enlargement will certainly be stopped. For good results, the procedure must be carried out once a day, for 15-20 minutes.

Magnetotherapy – field strength

Magnetotherapy is a therapeutic method based on the effect on the patient’s tissues of a constant or alternating low-frequency magnetic field.

Magnetotherapy has sedative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Magnetic therapy procedures lower emotional tension, normalize sleep, improve blood circulation and tissue trophism and reduce swelling, lower blood pressure. The most effective magnetotherapy for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, vertebral bursitis), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis, radiculitis), diseases of the female genital area, chronic bronchitis and many others.

The procedure is simple: inductors are applied to the human body, and he lies quietly. And at this time, the magnetic field leads to a vortex of the lymphatic and blood flows, thereby improving tissue nutrition, normalizing the functioning of organs, and so gradually, procedure after procedure, leading to recovery.

It is precisely the absence of external effects (after all, a person does not feel the influence of the electromagnetic field) that this quietest and most calm physiotherapeutic procedure makes many of us doubt its effectiveness.

For some reason, treatment is always associated with discomfort, pain, and indeed some kind of active action. So it seems to us that since nothing happens, then there is no cure. Even those who were able to make sure from personal experience of the excellent results of magnetotherapy, remember about it much less often than about drugs, injections and other “tangible” methods of treatment. It is a pity, because we have been given the powerful and healing power of nature, capable of quickly and painlessly solving many of our health problems, but we do not trust her and do not value her, and precisely for her comfort and humanism.

Ultrasound – massage at the cellular level

This method of treatment is based on the use of high-frequency mechanical vibrations for therapeutic purposes, under the influence of which massage occurs at the cellular level, that is, the cells contract and expand. As a result, blood vessels expand in soft tissues, blood flow increases in them, nervous structures are excited, and life processes are activated.

Ultrasound therapy can be used not only for medicinal but also for cosmetic purposes. Acting directly on skin cells, it improves their metabolism and oxygen supply, enhances the activity of enzymes, thereby increasing skin elasticity, smoothing wrinkles.

With the help of ultrasound, medicinal substances are injected deep under the skin, where their depot is created, which increases the effectiveness of their therapeutic effect tenfold. Ultrasound therapy is indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joint diseases and osteochondrosis.

Ultrasound therapy with anti-cellulite gel is also used as an additional procedure to myostimulation – a whole anti-cellulite program is already obtained. Under the action of ultrasound, the gel penetrates through the skin into deeper layers, and the problem of cellulite is solved much faster than using anti-cellulite creams and ointments simply applied to the skin.

Laser therapy – regeneration effect

Laser methods of treatment – the impact on the body with a therapeutic purpose of low-energy laser radiation – are effective and promising.

The main mechanism of laser therapy is the activation of microcirculation, that is, the improvement of blood circulation at the level of the smallest vessels – capillaries. Under the influence of laser radiation, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues is activated. Laser therapy gives a vivid anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant and regenerating effect.

Most physiotherapy procedures are therapeutic methods, and they should be prescribed by a physiotherapist, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, indications and contraindications for a particular procedure.

In laser therapy, two types of lasers are used – infrared and red. The infrared laser penetrates deeply and is used to influence the organs and tissues of the body. It helps in the treatment of diseases of the spine, neuralgia, joint diseases.

Red laser acts more superficially and is used to treat mucous membranes and skin; it is one of the best treatments for all kinds of ENT and skin diseases. The red laser perfectly treats dermatitis, literally after one or two procedures, redness and itching disappear, and in order to get rid of such “small” troubles as herpes or cracks in the corner of the mouth, just one procedure is enough.

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