Physiotherapists outraged by the government’s decision. »Please do not confuse us with massage parlors»
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Tattoo, piercing and rehabilitation salons will be opened at the very end – the Prime Minister announced, announcing a plan to alleviate the restrictions related to the coronavirus epidemic. For physiotherapists, this is an outrageous decision that proves that they do not understand the nature of their work.

“In the next stages, we will open crafts, then trade, at the end of the service, and finally services such as tattoo, piercing or rehabilitation salons” – said Mateusz Morawicki during a press conference on April 16.

«Please do not confuse us with massage salons, beauticians or hairdressers»

These words particularly hurt the physiotherapists who wrote letters to the rulers. The National Chamber of Physiotherapists recommends restoring physiotherapy as soon as possible. Already in the first words of the letter, the authors remind those in power that physical therapists are representatives of an independent medical profession.

“Please do not confuse us with relaxation services (massage) or beauty services (hairdressers, beauticians). The task of physiotherapy is treatment, therefore it is considered an important element of treatment all over the world. We call for this medical profession not to be discredited by treating it on a par with piercing, cosmetics or hairdressing. Important professions, but not saving life and health. ” – writes the president of the National Council of Physiotherapists Maciej Krawczyk in the letter.

For patients, a long period of inactivity means irreversible changes

In the next part, the president of the KRF calls for the resignation of the restriction contained in the regulation of the Council of Ministers regarding the discontinuation of healthcare services in the field of therapeutic rehabilitation:

“The protracted period of the epidemic causes enormous problems for patients who suffer from diseases other than COVID-19. Also, limitations in the area of ​​rehabilitation negatively affect the health of patients. It is worth mentioning that for sick people, a long period of inactivity or lack of proper activity may cause irreversible, destructive changes. Muscle atrophy, decrease in general and muscular efficiency, general weakness, exposure to an increase in thromboembolic complications, psychomotor disorders are only a small part of the negative effects of discontinuing physical therapy ».

Each day of delay is life-threatening

As the authors of the letter further explain:

«They are the most dangerous for people with chronic diseases and the elderly. People with neurological, cardiac or pulmonary problems cannot wait. For them, each day of delay causes serious damage to health or is a threat to life. It is also important to support people after elective procedures or injuries who cannot wait for rehabilitation and should be helped shortly after the incident. Without proper physiotherapeutic care, these people risk seriously deteriorating their health. physiotherapists to intensify their professional activity and work with each patient in whom they suspect that the lack of rehabilitation will cause a serious deterioration of health ».

The National Chamber of Physiotherapists calls for the resignation of the limitation contained in the regulation of the Council of Ministers regarding the discontinuation of healthcare services in the field of rehabilitation.

The police will not assess whether the patient needs rehabilitation

“In practice, this will facilitate the functioning of medical entities and professional practice providing services in the field of therapeutic rehabilitation, and will reduce absurd checks by the police, which have no possibility of assessing whether the patient needs the intervention of a physiotherapist or not. Safety and hygiene in them is much higher than in commercial establishments or offering care services. We always respond to government appeals. More than 200 physiotherapists have already voluntarily responded to the appeal of the Ministry of Health and volunteered to support the fight against COVID-19. We expect constructive cooperation and taking into account the recommendations of professionals and experts, including KIF. “

The entire text of the letter is available on the KIF website.

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