Physiology of childbirth: video
A pregnant woman is advised to learn at least the basics of the physiology of childbirth in order to thoroughly prepare for this process and understand how to act in a given situation. This will help and get rid of many of the fears associated with the process of having a baby.
Physiology of childbirth: preparation and start of the process
Labor almost never starts unexpectedly, even if it is premature or late. A pregnant woman may notice a number of signs that a baby is about to be born. About 2 weeks before giving birth, the fetus sinks down, closer to the small pelvis, and the woman notices that it becomes much easier for her to breathe. At the same time, false contractions begin, which pregnant women who are not familiar with the physiology of the process sometimes take for the onset of labor. Such contractions are irregular and do not increase, so it is not difficult to distinguish them from real ones.
In the last few days of pregnancy, a mucous plug comes out, freeing the birth canal. However, a woman cannot always notice this moment, so you should not focus only on it.
Just before delivery, the cervix is shortened and softened. The pregnant woman herself does not notice this, however, a short examination will be enough for the obstetrician to understand that the child will soon be born. The onset of labor is contractions. Unlike false ones, they last about 10-15 seconds and are constantly repeated, moreover, at first the pause between contractions is about 10-15 minutes, but each time it decreases. In addition, the pain sensations also increase. You should not be afraid of this: the pain will be short, and then you will have a little time to rest from it.
You need to be able to distinguish contractions from attempts, i.e. contractions of the muscles of the press, arms and legs. It is impossible to control contractions, but a woman is able to control her efforts. The task of the woman in labor is to direct all efforts to pushing the fetus through the birth canal.
How is physiological childbirth
Long contractions are associated with the first stage of labor. At this time, the cervix opens, the diameter of the uterine pharynx increases to 10–12 cm, and the cervix is smoothed out. During one of the contractions, the fetal bladder bursts, and water leaves. This contributes to the easier passage of the fetus through the birth canal.
When the uterine pharynx opens completely, the duration and strength of the contractions increase, and the process of expulsion of the fetus itself begins, i.e. birth of a child into the world. Tightening her muscles, the woman gradually pushes the baby out. This process usually takes about 1–2 hours. At this time, the baby is under natural “anesthesia” and does not move. Simultaneously with its birth, the back waters leave.
Of course, after the birth of a baby, a woman is in dire need of rest, but one should not forget about the physiology of the postpartum period. It is necessary to gather strength and repeat the attempts to push the afterbirth out of the birth canal. Only after this will the childbirth be completed and the further physiological course of the postpartum period will not be complicated.
Read about what to do if your chest hurts while feeding, in the next article.