Physical education lessons at school will be daily

Moscow authorities plan to increase the number of compulsory physical education classes in schools from two to five lessons per week, according to RIA Novosti.

“Among the plans to increase – up to five hours a week, standards for physical activity. It will be two hours of physical education classes, two hours of sectional classes and one hour for participation in competitions, ”said Olga Larionova, head of the Moscow Department of Education, at a government meeting, where the issue of improving the system of physical education for children and youth in Moscow is being considered. in the capital districts, schoolchildren are already engaged in physical education for five hours a week. “The results of the experiment are successful,” Larionova said.

According to Olga Larionova, only 10% of children in Russia can be considered healthy. To combat physical inactivity, which most schoolchildren have, and to improve their health, the authorities intend not only to increase the number of physical education lessons, but also to make classes more intense so that children experience greater stress.

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