Physical activity can protect against burnout

Participation in sports activities can protect against depression and burnout, suggest an Israeli study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

The latest work of scientists from Tel Aviv University and the University of Haifa confirms that avoiding physical activity not only increases the risk of obesity, but also has a negative impact on mental health.

The observations were carried out among over 1,6 thousand. healthy employees in the private and public sector. During the periodic examinations, they were given a questionnaire, and during the next 9 years, they were invited three more times to follow-up meetings.

The analysis confirmed that the deterioration of depression symptoms augursed burnout in the future and vice versa. It turned out, however, that physical activity (defined by the authors as any activity that increases the heart rate and causes sweat production) mitigated this dependence in a manner directly proportional to the involvement in it.

In inactive people, depression and burnout increased more over time than in those who exercised. And the more time someone spent exercising, the less likely they experienced mental health deterioration, including depression and burnout, over the next three years.

People exercising at least 240 minutes (4 hours) a week were most beneficial – their mental state did not deteriorate at all. But even 150 minutes of exercise a week had a very positive effect on the psyche, the authors emphasize. It helped people cope better with their work responsibilities, improved productivity and self-esteem, and prevented personal and work problems arising from depression and burnout.

The researchers commented that these results indicate that physical activity is an effective method of fighting stress.

In their view, employers can benefit in the long run from creating a gym on the company’s premises or subsidizing physical activities for their employees, and even introducing flexible working hours to facilitate their participation in sports activities. Encouraging your employees to be physically active can reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

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