Physalis varieties

Among the many popular edible plants from the nightshade family, the Physalis genus is still considered rare and exotic. Although it has more than 120 species, only about 15 of its varieties are of interest to summer residents and gardeners. The article attempts to summarize all known information about the breeding work carried out in Our Country with this plant, and present the best varieties of physalis with a photo and description.

Physalis varieties

Variety of species and varieties of physalis

Due to the fact that this culture is relatively new for Our Country, breeding work began only about 100 years ago – there are not many varieties of physalis. Yes, and those began to arise mainly in recent decades, and among manufacturers there is still a lot of confusion and confusion with the names and descriptions of certain varieties.

And in their homeland, in America, physalis have been known in culture for several millennia, since the time of the Incas and Aztecs. Therefore, physalis among the people has many names associated with both its origin and its taste properties: strawberry tomato, Peruvian gooseberry, earth cherry, strawberry cranberry, emerald berry.

In connection with the physalis belonging to the nightshade family and the comparative exoticism of the plant, a lot of rumors have piled up around it. Among the main ones is the fact that there are edible and poisonous physalis plants. This is not entirely true. There are no poisonous physalis, but many species are really not meant to be eaten. They are rather famous for their decorative effect, and their fruits may contain bitterness, which is one of the hallmarks of inedible physalis.

Physalis varieties

A lot of controversy is also caused by the belonging of physalis fruits to one or another botanical classification. Since the scientists themselves have not fully decided on how to correctly name the fruits of physalis, there are two main groups of edible plants: vegetable and berry.

vegetable species

The most famous group of vegetable physalis are Mexican species. These annual plants, as the name implies, come from the mountainous regions of Mexico. According to the growing conditions, they are very similar to ordinary tomatoes, only they are more cold-resistant. For example, their seeds germinate already at a temperature of + 10-12 ° C, and young plants are able to withstand frosts down to -2 ° C. It is for this reason that any variety of vegetable physalis can be safely recommended for cultivation in Siberia.

Vegetable species of physalis have rather large fruits: from 40-80 g to 150 g. Since from 100 to 200 fruits can form on one physalis plant, the yield of these varieties is significant – up to 5 kg can be harvested from one bush. These varieties of physalis differ in comparative precocity – on average, the crop ripens 90-95 days after germination.

The taste of fresh fruits is quite specific, sweet and sour, and usually does not cause much enthusiasm. Although if the weather was especially good during ripening (a lot of sun, little rain), then the first ovaries, fully ripened on a bush, can even please with their harmonious combination of acid and sugar and the almost complete absence of nightshade flavor. Especially sweet fruits, judging by the descriptions in the reviews, are characterized by the physalis variety Korolek.

Physalis varieties

But from vegetable physalis you can make a delicious jam, which is not much inferior in taste to a fig delicacy. Vegetable physalis is also pickled and other interesting exotic dishes are prepared.

The fruits often fall prematurely, but do not spoil when lying on the ground. Moreover, one of the enticing characteristics of vegetable physalis is that intact and especially unripe fruits can be stored in cool conditions for 3-4 months. At the same time, the amount of vitamins and dry substances does not decrease, and the pectin content even increases. The gel-forming properties of physalis are so noticeable that this made it indispensable for use in the confectionery business.

Advice! Since the fruits of vegetable physalis are usually covered with a sticky substance, they must be blanched or at least washed in very hot water before processing.

Vegetable physalis, due to its good preservation, is perfectly adapted to long-term transportation.

Among the most famous varieties of vegetable physalis are Confectioner, Gruntovy Gribovsky, Moscow Early, Jam, Marmalade, Kinglet, Plum Jam.

Berry species

Berry species of physalis differ, first of all, in the small size of the fruit (1-3 g, some up to 9 g), which made it possible to attribute them all to this group. In other respects, this group is much more diverse in composition than the vegetable physalis group. True, compared with the latter, all berry varieties usually differ in later ripening periods (vegetation can be 120-150 days) and greater thermophilicity. Among them there are both perennial species (Peruvian) and annuals (raisin, Florida). But in terms of taste characteristics and the aroma inherent in many fruits, berry species of physalis are significantly superior to vegetable ones.

Physalis varieties

They can be eaten both raw and dried, and, of course, they are used to make delicious jams. These are the sweetest varieties of physalis – the sugar content in them can reach 15%. Unlike vegetable varieties, berry physalis is best harvested fully ripe, although some of its varieties are able to ripen already harvested.

Important! Berry physalis is often free of the sticky substance that coats the fruit.

The yield of berry species is not very large – up to 1 kg per square meter. With regard to safety, raisin varieties are stored very well – in suitable conditions they can last up to 6 months. The most famous and popular varieties of berry raisin physalis are Golden placer, Raisin, Turkish delight, Dessert, Bell, Surprise.

But the varieties of Peruvian physalis (Columbus, Magician) are desirable to use as soon as possible after harvest – they can deteriorate literally within a month.

decorative types

There are several varieties of physalis that are perennials and are grown solely for the beauty of the fruit, dressed in a corrugated, almost weightless box of bright red-orange hues. It is thanks to the bright colors and airiness of this box that the decorative physalis was popularly nicknamed – Chinese lanterns. Any variety of physalis has such a cover, but in edible species, as a rule, it does not have a very attractive appearance – from dull light yellow to beige. In addition, this case often spreads as the physalis berries ripen. In decorative species, the berry itself is very small, and the cover, on the contrary, reaches 4-5 cm in height and is very strong and beautiful in appearance.

Physalis varieties

In addition, ornamental species are very unpretentious – they easily propagate by rhizomes, withstand harsh winters and require almost no maintenance. In winter, the entire ground part of them dies off, and in the spring it resumes from the roots.

Important! The berries of ornamental varieties of physalis are not poisonous, but they will not bring much pleasure when eaten, because they have a bitter taste.

The best varieties of physalis

Many domestic producers and trading companies still have some confusion and confusion in the description of Physalis varieties. Therefore, the main information on which the descriptions of the varieties listed below are based is taken from the official source – the State Register of the Federation for Plants.

Physalis Franchet

Physalis varieties

Many may recognize by the description of this most common member of the physalis family. His homeland is Japan, and this partly explains the fact that he took root perfectly in the vastness of Our Country.

Every spring, from a creeping rhizome, curved-angular stems grow, which reach up to 80-90 cm in height. The leaves are oval, up to 12-14 cm long, widened at the base. The flowers are solitary, inconspicuous, sit in the axils of the stems, whitish in color, about 2-3 cm in diameter. But after the end of flowering, the calyx surrounding the fruit grows both in length and in width.

It is painted in a bright red-orange color and up to 12-15 of these festive-looking “lanterns” can form on one shoot. This riot of colors begins in the second half of summer and continues until the very frost. Inside there are small berries with a cherry size, reddish hue with a pleasant aroma and taste. Seeds are very different from the seeds of vegetable and berry forms of physalis. They are black, leathery, quite large in size.

Plants tolerate winter well, because during this period all shoots with leaves die off. Chinese lanterns can grow on any soil, but on calcareous soils their development will be especially violent.

Physalis Orange Lantern

Physalis varieties

This variety is another representative of the decorative group of physalis. Physalis Orange Lantern is not listed in the State Register of Our Country, and is found only among the seeds of the Sedek trading company. Judging by the description, all its characteristics almost completely coincide with Franche’s physalis. For some reason, the description on the packages only indicates the one-year cycle of plant development. In addition, the shade of the covering box is called orange rather than red.

Physalis Confectionery

Physalis varieties

One of the oldest varieties of physalis – was bred in the middle of the last century. In those days, the emphasis was mainly on suitability for industrial use, so taste was not at all in the first place. In plants, first of all, cold resistance, early maturity, productivity and suitability for machine harvesting were valued. All these qualities are fully inherent in the vegetable physalis variety Confectioner. In addition, the name itself suggests that this variety was created for the confectionery industry, so special emphasis is placed on the increased content of pectin and various acids.

Good preparations for the winter, jams and preserves are obtained from the fruits of this variety, especially if it is used as a jelly-forming additive, and other berries and fruits set the taste and aroma. Judging by the reviews, Physalis Confectioner is not at all suitable for fresh consumption.

Plants are mid-early, ripen in 100-110 days from the moment of germination. The bushes branch well, grow up to 80 cm. The fruits have a greenish tint even when ripe, their weight varies from 30 to 50 g. Seeds have good germination.

Physalis Marmalade

Physalis varieties

One of the interesting and relatively new varieties of vegetable physalis. It was bred by Sedek specialists and registered in the State Register in 2009.

Physalis Marmalade refers rather to mid-season, since the growing season lasts up to 120-130 days. But the bushes are undersized (it is convenient to pick berries, and it does not need to be formed), and quite productive – up to 1,4 kg per plant. Plants are shade tolerant. The flowers are yellow, and the color of mature fruits is cream. They are medium-sized – the mass reaches only 30-40 g.

Attention! On some packages in the description and in the pictures, physalis marmalade appears as berries with a purple tint.

This is a clear exaggeration and you should not trust such seeds.

Physalis varieties

Differs in universality in use. For lovers of physalis, the fruits can be called tasty even when fresh, but the best blanks are obtained from this variety. Moreover, it is equally good both in pickled form and as part of preserves and jams.

Physalis Jam

Physalis varieties

At the same time, the breeders of the Sedek company bred another attractive variety of vegetable physalis – Jam. In many of its characteristics, it coincides with the description of the previous variety. The main difference is the fact that Jam is a tall and rather powerful plant with large leaves. The flowers have an orange tint, but the color and size of the fruits are completely the same. They are also ideal for making delicious jam, which, by the way, is reflected in the name of the variety.

Physalis Plum or Plum Jam

Physalis varieties

This is one of the few varieties of vegetable physalis with fruits that have a bright lilac-purple hue. True, on the cut, the berries still have a greenish color. This is its difference from another variety with a purple fruit color, Tomatillo, in which the flesh on the cut has a lilac hue.

Physalis varieties

In general, according to the technology of growing physalis, Plum Jam is no different from its counterparts. Only in order to get such a bright color of the fruit, the plants should be planted in a sunny place.

Under favorable conditions, bushes can grow to a height of almost 2 meters. The yield and ripening time are average, so the main advantage of this physalis is the attractive color of its rather large fruits.

Physalis Kinglet

Physalis varieties

Physalis Korolek, bred by VNIISSOK breeders in the late 90s of the last century and entered into the State Register in 1998, is the most productive variety of vegetable physalis. Its fruits are quite large, on average they have a mass of 60-90 g, and the yield from one plant can be up to 5 kg. Gardeners who grow different varieties of physalis claim that in terms of taste, Kinglet is one of the most delicious among vegetable varieties.

In terms of ripening, Korolek belongs to early ripening, the berries ripen within 90 days after germination. Plants are medium in size and bushiness. At the ripening stage, the berries acquire a light yellow or even bright yellow color. They contain up to 14% pectin and up to 9% solids.

Physalis florida philanthropist

Physalis varieties

Florida physalis is a completely new species for Our Country and at the moment there is only one of its varieties – Philanthropist. It was obtained by breeders of the Gavrish company and included in the State Register in 2002.

The philanthropist belongs to the berry group throughout its developmental biology, and in appearance it resembles vegetable physalis only in a slightly reduced size. It reaches a height of 30 cm (in open ground) to 50 cm (in greenhouses).

The growing season averages about 120 days. In all parts of the plant, an anthocyanin color (with a purple tint) is present in one form or another, which gives the bushes a very decorative look.

The berries are small, weighing about 2 g, yellow, in a mature form there are purple blotches. They are well tied even under adverse weather conditions. In general, plants of this species endure stressful growing conditions very well.

The berries are sweet and juicy, without sourness, and almost without aroma, they are quite edible even when fresh. Slightly reminiscent of yellow cherries in taste. Jam from them turns out to be sweet, but for flavor it is better to add some herbs or berries.

In rainy weather, the berries are able to burst, and in the absence of damage, they can be stored in a shell in cool conditions for only 1,5 months.

Physalis Golden Rush

Physalis varieties

One of the oldest varieties of physalis berry raisin, obtained at the end of the last century. The description of the variety is quite standard – plants are small in size (up to 35 cm high), early ripe (about 95 days of vegetation). Bushes form a kind of bowl. The yield is small, up to 0,5 kg per plant. The berries themselves are small (3-5 g), in a mature state they acquire a yellow color. The palatability is good with a taste of both strawberries and pineapple, characteristic of all raisin varieties.

Physalis Dessert

Physalis varieties

Dessert was already a significant step forward in breeding work with physalis raisin varieties. It was obtained in 2006 by VNIISSOK specialists and is quite suitable for growing in the open ground of the middle zone, since it tolerates extreme conditions (heat or cold) well.

According to the description, the bushes are erect, reach a height of 70 cm. The fruits are small (about 5-7 g), at the stage of maturity they turn yellow-orange. The yield is already up to 0,7 kg per plant. The use of fruits is universal, they can be eaten fresh, and cook a variety of gourmet dishes: caviar, pickles, jams, candied fruits.

Physalis Campanula

Physalis varieties

In the same year, Poisk specialists bred another interesting variety of raisin physalis – Bell. For some reason, in the descriptions of the variety on the manufacturer’s bags, there is nowhere clear information about which group the physalis Bell belongs to – berry or vegetable.

Of course, this is a typical raisin variety that belongs to the berry group, since its bright orange fruits, although they are among the largest, still do not exceed 10 g in weight.

In height, bushes can reach 1 m. Although, given their semi-creeping form of growth, they occupy space rather in a horizontal plane than in a vertical one. The yield can reach 1,5 kg per plant.

Physalis varieties

In terms of maturation, the Bell is classified as mid-season.

Physalis Delightful

A variety with such an attractive name could not but arouse interest among gardeners. True, its description is not available in the State Register, however, judging by the reviews, physalis Turkish delight is in demand and popular with summer residents and gardeners.

Physalis varieties

Its seeds can be bought from the Aelita trading company and, judging by the description on the bags, the plants are cold-resistant and ripen quite early – 95 days after seedlings are discovered. Seed germination, like most raisin varieties, is not too high: from 50 to 80%.

The bushes are small, rather compact, but the berries for raisin physalis are characterized by large sizes – weighing up to 8-12 g. They are very tasty fresh, you can get dried fruits similar to raisins from them, and, of course, cook jam or jam.

In the description of Physalis Turkish Delight there is also information about the resistance of plants to major diseases and pests that especially annoy the nightshade: late blight and the Colorado potato beetle.

Physalis Raisin

Physalis varieties

On sale, this physalis is also found under the name Sugar raisin. A variety from the breeders of the NK Garden Corporation, bred relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity among the people.

It has not yet been entered into the State Register, so the description of Izyumchik can be given solely from information from its producers and numerous reviews from gardeners.

Plants of medium height with small berries (weighing 3-6 g). Maturity seems to be average. Growing and caring for physalis raisins are quite standard.

  1. Seeds germinate only at a temperature of at least + 20-22 °C.
  2. They are planted either in a greenhouse or on beds when all frosts have passed.
  3. He does not need a garter.
  4. It grows in almost any soil, but loves to be watered.
Attention! If watering is uneven, then the berries may begin to crack in one way or another.

Although in mid-August, before harvesting, it is better to stop watering. The fruits are very well stored, up to six months, and also dry quickly and easily.

According to gardeners, Physalis Izyumchik has the most delicious berries among raisin varieties. They have the most pronounced flavor of pineapple, and the juice from them is slightly reminiscent of tangerine.

Physalis Peruvian

Physalis varieties

Peruvian physalis is usually attributed to the berry group, although this species is completely unique. First of all, these are perennial plants that are unable to winter in Our Country and are grown either as annuals, or they are transplanted into tubs and transferred to a house, a greenhouse, a winter garden.

  1. It is quite possible to grow them from seeds, but they have a long growing season, from 140-150 days. This means that it is necessary to sow varieties of Peruvian physalis for seedlings no later than February, otherwise they will not have time to give the harvest.
  2. Plants are characterized by a significant growth force, they can reach a height of 2 meters.
  3. They differ in light and thermophilicity, therefore in the northern regions it is better to grow them in greenhouses.
  4. They need shaping – usually they pinch all stepchildren below the first inflorescence.
  5. In the second half of summer, first feeding, and then watering is stopped so that the growth of green mass stops and the berries themselves have time to ripen.
  6. The maturity of the berries is determined by the yellowing of the “lanterns”, and the fruits themselves acquire an orange color.
  7. Unlike raisin varieties, the berries themselves do not crumble, but hold on to the bushes so tightly that they have to be cut off with a knife.

Physalis varieties

The berries are very tasty and tender, in composition they are closest to garden strawberries. They have a strong fruity aroma that may even seem prohibitive to some. Dried fruits vaguely resemble dried apricots, but with much richer flavors.

Peruvian physalis is very easy to propagate from cuttings, so just one plant is enough to not suffer from seedlings later. In this case, the harvest from cuttings can be obtained already 5-6 months after rooting.

It is better to cut the cuttings from the side shoots-stepsons at an angle of 45 °. Their length should be at least 10 cm. They take root easily even without treatment with stimulants, just when planted in light nutrient soil for about a month.

Physalis peruvian Kudesnik

Physalis varieties

This variety is distinguished by the largest berries (up to 9 g) and quite significant yields for such an exotic crop (0,5 kg per plant).

Berries are slightly flattened, have orange-brown flesh and skin. The taste of the juice is sweet and sour, reminiscent of grapefruit, thanks to a slight bitterness, but much richer in aroma and accompanying shades. The berries are very good both fresh and for making all kinds of desserts.

Physalis varieties

Plants are not the highest (in open ground they barely reach 60-70 cm). The maturation period averages about 150 days. Among the Peruvian varieties, it is considered the most stale – the berries can be stored for up to 2 months.

Physalis Peruvian Columbus

Physalis varieties

This variety of Peruvian physalis ripens another 10 days later than Kudesnik and has very small berries (3-4 g). But on the other hand, according to many gardeners, Columbus is the most delicious variety of physalis. The berries have an orange tint of skin and pulp, and their flavor range is unusually rich. Neither bitterness nor nightshade flavor can be found in them. But there is a strong aroma, slightly reminiscent of strawberry.

Columbus bushes grow tall and quite powerful. The berries after ripening are so tender that they are stored for a very short time, a maximum of a month. They are best consumed fresh or dried. Physalis Columbus also produces a very fragrant, tasty and beautiful jam.

Physalis varieties reviews

Elena Vorotnikova, 42 years old, Belgorod
I have been growing physalis for a long time. Once upon a time, only the Confectioner variety could be found in stores, it is only suitable for jam or caviar, but on the other hand, a large crop was harvested from it. And it has long been growing on a self-sowing site. In recent years, new, more delicious varieties of vegetable physalis, Jam and Korolek, have appeared, I read reviews about them, bought them and was not disappointed. I also tried to grow its berry varieties: Izyumchik and Kolokolchik varieties. I liked them even more – the kids ate berries straight from the bush. There was almost nothing left for the jam.

Physalis varieties

Maria Blagina, 37 years old, Samara
Physalis tried to grow two years in a row, but he did not impress me at all until I bought two berry varieties: Turkish Delight and Columbus. They rose, however, unlike other brothers, not so good. Well, if out of 10 seeds, about 3-4 pieces hatched. I just couldn’t breathe over them. But with the advent of cotyledon leaves, they began to develop faster. After planting in the greenhouse, they began to grow powerfully. I have 2 Columbuses and 3 Turkish Delights left by this time. We managed to try Turkish Delight back in August – the berries are really tasty, there is nothing to compare with. True, there were not very many of them, almost everything went to food. And Columbus managed to ripen quite a few fruits – but I have already collected my seeds, because their taste amazed and delighted me. Next year, I hope there will be more such yummy.

Physalis varieties


Physalis varieties with photos and descriptions presented in this article, of course, do not exhaust the diversity of this culture in Our Country. However, descriptions of the most popular and best varieties allow you to get to know an unusual, but very useful plant called physalis.

Physalis – Cultivation. Sort-narcotic – Pineapple!

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