Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow

Physalis belongs to the nightshade family of crops. Growing and caring for vegetable physalis is within the power of even an inexperienced gardener. The plant is used both for ornamental purposes and for human consumption.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow

Physalis is a berry or vegetable

Physalis is a herbaceous plant reaching 1,2 m in height. There are perennial and biennial varieties. The main feature is the fruit, which is in an unusual box resembling a Chinese lantern. The box is a sepals that have grown together. When ripe, it changes its color from green to orange or yellow, less often lilac or white.

The fruit is a berry that looks like a tomato. When mature, it reaches a yellow or orange color. The pulp is dense and fleshy with small seeds. Tastes are varied. They range from sweet to neutral with a hint of bitterness.

Wild-growing representatives of physalis can be found in forests, ravines, on the edges, in the form of a weed in garden plots.

Attention! The most common ornamental physalis or immortelle. Its berries are unfit for human consumption and are considered poisonous.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow

The species diversity of physalis is represented by the following varieties:

  • berry;
  • vegetable;
  • decorative.

How to distinguish vegetable physalis from berry

Vegetable physalis differs from berry in the large size of the fruit. Individual specimens reach 160 g. The vegetable variety is a sprawling plant, reaching a height of 80 to 100 cm. It belongs to self-pollinating species. Does not require constant care. The berries can be green or orange in color and look like a tomato.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow

Vegetable physalis is one of the productive varieties. From one bush you can collect 4-6 kg. berries.

Features of vegetable physalis

Physalis is unique in its benefits. All of its parts are valuable.

Berries contain the following useful components:

  • carbohydrates;
  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • carotenoids;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • macro – and microelements.

The roots contain alkaloids. The seeds contain fatty oil. The leaves are rich in carotenoids, steroids, esters, flavonoids and beneficial acids.

Physalis berries are used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, hemostatic, diuretic and choleretic agent.

Decoctions of them are used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Urolithiasis disease.
  4. Edema.
  5. Ascites.
  6. Bronchitis.
  7. Gout.
  8. Rheumatism.

Juice from fresh berries is useful in the following cases:

  • in the treatment of respiratory diseases;
  • dysentery;
  • hypertension;
  • dermatosis.

A decoction of the roots is used as an analgesic and antitussive. A tea is prepared from the leaves and pods of the vegetable physalis for the treatment of hypertension.

The calorie content of fruits does not exceed 55 kcal per 100 g.

How to grow vegetable physalis

Vegetable physalis prefers sunny areas. Tolerates light shade. Grows well in soil that is not overloaded with fertilizers. Most often it is grown in seedlings, but seeds can also be sown in open ground.

Terms of planting

As a rule, physalis is grown using seedlings. Seeds must be sown in early April. After 45-50 days of care, seedlings can be planted in open ground. This time falls on the first half of May, when the threat of frost has passed.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow

Growing physalis vegetable from seeds

To select the best seeds for growing vegetable physalis, you need to prepare them. To do this, the seeds are placed in a container with a 6% saline solution. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The seeds that end up at the bottom are the highest quality and best suited for growing. Dry them thoroughly before planting.

Attention! To obtain good seedlings, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The soil on the ridge is dug up a few weeks before sowing. Ash and humus are used as top dressing. It is good to grow vegetable physalis on the ridges after cabbage and cucumbers. You should not use the soil on which potatoes, peppers and tomatoes grew.

Physalis is quite resistant to low temperatures. Therefore, for cultivation, the method of planting before winter is used. You can sow seeds in early spring in open ridges. Young seedlings will be stronger and stronger. But this method of cultivation leads to a late start of fruiting.

Growing by seedling method

To obtain good seedlings, vegetable physalis seeds can be placed in Epin’s solution for 10-12 hours. For planting and care, use ready-made soil or prepare it yourself. The soil should be fertile and light.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow

Seeds are planted in small containers with soil and watered. At a temperature of 16-21 degrees and careful care, shoots appear on the 7-8th day. As soon as 2-3 full-fledged leaves appeared on the sprouts, they dive into separate pots.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to harden it. To do this, you can take the seedlings out into the street, gradually increasing the time they are in the open air. As soon as the temperature reaches 15 degrees, the seedlings are left overnight.

With proper care, fertilizers for young seedlings are applied no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. Liquid top dressing is watered only under the root of the plant.

When vegetable physalis forms 6-7 leaves, it is planted in open ground. So that when growing the bushes do not interfere and do not obscure each other, they are placed in a checkerboard pattern. For better care, the distance between seedlings should be at least 60 cm. When growing tall varieties, additional support is used.

Care instructions

Care when growing vegetable physalis consists in timely watering and removing weeds. If mulching is carried out when planting seedlings, then loosening and other care procedures will have to be carried out much less frequently. Before the crop ripens, watering is minimized. This will help prevent cracking of the fruit.

Attention! Vegetable physalis does not need pinching. It is enough to remove the top of the plant. This will increase the yield of the bush.

With more thorough care, fertilizers are applied no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks. You can use mullein infusion at the rate of 1 to 10 or other organic top dressing.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow


Vegetable physalis grows very quickly with the help of a powerful root system. Therefore, when growing it, special limiters are often used.

The easiest way to propagate is to dig up young shoots with roots. For these purposes, cuttings are also used. The procedure is best done at the end of July. Cut off the top of the shoot with 3 formed internodes. The stalk is half placed in the prepared soil and moistened. For faster rooting, seedlings are covered with a film. On hot days, they require special care. They need to be shaded and watered more often. As soon as the shoot is fully grown and rooted, the shelter can be removed.

Diseases and pests

Vegetable physalis can be exposed to the following diseases:

  • mosaic refers to viral diseases. Attacks leaves. Dark or light green spots and growths appear on them. Berries on diseased bushes become small and ripen poorly. To combat the virus, 10% whey infusion with microfertilizers is used;
  • penicillosis – is formed on the damaged areas of the fruit, which makes them unsuitable for use. For care and prevention, it is recommended to treat the plant several times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • white rot – white coating on leaves, fruits and stems. Affected plants are sprayed with drugs such as Profit, Ridomil, Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride, Kartocide;
  • gray rot – brown spots on the upper part of the shoots. They are treated with Profit, Ridomil, Bordeaux liquid, Copper oxychloride, Kartocid;
  • fuzarioz – drilling and wilting of the plant occurs. The infected bush is dug up and removed along with a lump of soil;
  • fitoftoroz – brown spots on the leaves. They are treated with Profit, Ridomil, Bordeaux liquid, Copper oxychloride, Kartocid.

Very often, when growing vegetable physalis bushes, slugs appear. These mollusks can severely damage the green part of the plant. It is necessary to remove them in a timely manner. It is recommended to sprinkle the paths between the ridges with superphosphate or tobacco dust.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow


With proper care, in vegetable physalis, the lower berries ripen first. They may crumble, but this does not affect their taste. They are collected and used for their intended purpose.

Fruits can be plucked when unripe and left until fully ripe. For long-term preservation of the crop, it is necessary to remove it in a dark place with a temperature of no more than +5 degrees.

Collection is carried out before the onset of cold weather, in dry weather. For long-term storage of the crop, the fruits are plucked along with the box. The wax coating protects the berry from damage.

The degree of maturation of vegetable physalis can be determined by the cap. When it begins to dry out and change color, you can prepare for collection.

Very often, by the end of September, there are still many unripe fruits on the bushes. You can dig up the plant and hang it in the utility room until they are fully ripe.

Physalis: fruit or vegetable, how to grow

Use in cooking

A wax coating forms on the fruits of a vegetable variety. To remove it, the berries are treated with boiling water for 5 minutes. After that, they can be used both fresh and cooked. Use for pickling, salting and urinating. Berries are added to various salads, sauces, caviar and casseroles. They are also suitable as an independent garnish for dishes. Fruits will enrich the taste of any soups. Juice is an unusual ingredient in fish sauce.


Growing and caring for vegetable physalis is not particularly difficult. The culture is undemanding to soil and watering. Differs in high productivity and resistance to diseases. The unusual taste of the fruit will add variety to cooked dishes.

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