Phylloporus red-orange (Phyllopor red-yellow): photo and description

Phylloporus red-orange (or, as it was popularly called, red-yellow phylloporus) is a small mushroom of unremarkable appearance, which in some reference books belongs to the Boletaceae family, and in others to the Pig family (Paxillaceae). It can be found in forests of all types, but most often groups of mushrooms grow under oaks. The distribution area includes North America, Europe and Asia (Japan).

Phylloporus is not considered a valuable mushroom, however, it is quite edible after heat treatment. It is not consumed raw.

What does phylloporus red-orange look like?

The mushroom does not have bright external signs, so it can be easily confused with many other species that also have a red-orange color. He does not have highly poisonous twins, however, one should still remember the key characteristics of the phyllopore.

Important! The hymenophore of this species is an intermediate link between the plates and tubes. Spore powder has an ocher-yellow color.

Phylloporus red-orange (Phyllopor red-yellow): photo and description

Cap Description

The cap of a mature phylloporus has a reddish-orange color, as the name implies. The edges of the cap are slightly wavy, sometimes cracking. On the outside, it is slightly darker than in the center. Its diameter varies from 2 to 7 cm. Young mushrooms have a convex cap, however, as it grows, it becomes flat and even slightly pressed inward. The surface is dryish, velvety to the touch.

Hymenophore in young specimens is bright yellow, but then it darkens to red-orange. The plates are clearly visible, they have obvious jumpers.

Important! The pulp of this species is quite dense, fibrous, yellowish in color and without any distinct aftertaste. In the air, the flesh of phylloporus does not change its color – this is how it can be distinguished from similar varieties.

Phylloporus red-orange (Phyllopor red-yellow): photo and description

Description of the leg

The leg of the red-orange phyllopore can reach 4 cm in height and 0,8 cm in width. It has the shape of a cylinder, smooth to the touch. From above it is painted in brownish tones, close to red-orange – the one in which the hat itself is painted. At the very base, the leg has a lighter color, turning into ocher and even white.

The inner part of the leg has no voids, it is solid. There is no peculiar ring (the so-called “skirt”) on it. If the fruiting body is damaged, there is no milky juice on the cut. At the base there is a slight thickening.

Phylloporus red-orange (Phyllopor red-yellow): photo and description

Is the mushroom edible or not?

Phylloporus red-yellow is a conditionally edible mushroom. This means that it can only be eaten after additional processing, namely:

  • frying;
  • roasting;
  • laxatives;
  • soaking in cold water;
  • drying in the oven or naturally.

The most reliable way to process raw materials for cooking is considered to be intense thermal exposure – after it there is no risk of poisoning. Drying is less reliable, but also suitable. In its raw form, phylloporus is strictly forbidden to be added to dishes (both young and old fruiting bodies).

The taste characteristics of this species leave much to be desired. The taste of red-orange phyllopore is inexpressive, without any bright notes.

Where and how to grow

Phylloporus red-yellow can be found in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, and it grows both singly and in groups. The distribution area is quite extensive – it grows in large quantities in North America, the islands of Japan and in most European countries. Most often, red-orange phyllopore comes across in oak groves, as well as under spruce and beeches.

Important! This mushroom is harvested from July to September. The peak of phylloporus activity occurs in August – it is at this time that it occurs most often. It is better to look for it in coniferous forests or under oaks.

Twins and their differences

Phylloporus has a slightly poisonous counterpart – a pig or thin pig (Paxillus involutus), which is also called a cowshed, filly, pig, etc. You can’t eat it, so it’s important not to confuse this mushroom with red-orange phylloporus. Luckily, they are easy to spot. The plates of the thin pig have the correct shape, and if damaged, the fruiting body of the twin is covered with brown spots. In addition, the color of the pig’s hat is somewhat lighter than that of the red-orange phyllopore, as can be seen in the photo below.

Phylloporus red-orange (Phyllopor red-yellow): photo and description

A young phylloporus red-yellow novice mushroom pickers can be confused with a podolsha. Ripe phyllopore can be distinguished from boletus by its reddish-orange cap and distinct blades. Specimens that are at the initial stage of development differ from their twin in a much smaller waviness of the cap – in the podolus, the bends along the edges are more noticeable and larger, and in general the shape of the mushroom is rather uneven. In addition, in this variety, in wet weather, the surface of the fruiting body becomes sticky. In phylloporus, this phenomenon is not observed.

This twin is classified as an edible mushroom, however, its taste characteristics are very mediocre.

Phylloporus red-orange (Phyllopor red-yellow): photo and description


Phylloporus red-orange is a conditionally edible mushroom that cannot boast of good taste. It does not have dangerous twins, however, an inexperienced mushroom picker can confuse phylloporus with a slightly poisonous thin pig, so it is important to know the main differences between these species. The red-orange cap of the phylloporus is darker than that of the pig, however, young mushrooms are almost the same. In this case, the species are distinguished by slightly damaging one specimen – the filly should noticeably darken under mechanical pressure and acquire a brown tint at the site of damage.

For more information on what red-orange phyllopore looks like, see the video below:

phylloporus rhodoxanthus

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