
Phthisiology is one of the sections of clinical medicine that studies the causes, development mechanisms and patterns of the spread of tuberculosis. The direction also studies pathological processes against the background of tuberculosis, methods of its prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of patients with a serious illness.

What is included in the list of duties of a phthisiatrician, how often do you need to be diagnosed and what you need to know about tuberculosis therapy?

General characteristics of the direction

Tuberculosis is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide, in both adults and children. But the disease is curable and amenable to timely correction. Causes, patterns, treatment, prevention of tuberculosis and is engaged in phthisiology.

Therapy takes place in closed TB dispensaries/offices, hospitals and sanatoriums, where a phthisiatrician is engaged in diagnostics, therapy, prevention and dispensary observation of patients.

Phthisiatricians advise in other medical institutions on the early detection of the disease. Each patient with tuberculosis needs constant monitoring by several highly specialized specialists, because drug therapy alone is not enough.

In some countries, “phthisiosurgery” is distinguished separately. For example, in Russia and Ukraine, thoracic surgeons are involved in the surgical treatment of tuberculosis patients, and orthopedists work on cases of osteoarticular tuberculosis.

Eye tuberculosis is treated by ophthalmologists, and urogenital organs by gynecologists and urologists. A referral for examination by another specialist can only be obtained from a phthisiatrician. The practice of treatment may differ on a territorial basis and the general epidemiological situation of the disease in the region.

What is included in the list of duties of a doctor

A phthisiatrician is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, regardless of localization (liver, intestines, lungs, bones or other systems).

The competence of the doctor includes the study and examination of the lungs, bones and joints, epithelium, meninges, eyes, lymph nodes, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.

Why is a TB doctor obliged to pay attention to the whole body? Because tuberculosis can develop in any organ or part of the body.

Only after a comprehensive diagnosis can a specialist issue a conclusion and begin therapy.

Features of the work of a pediatric phthisiatrician

A pediatric TB specialist diagnoses, treats and makes recommendations for the prevention of tuberculosis. He is most often contacted after a Mantoux test to clarify the results or to vaccinate against an illness.

A visit to the phthisiatrician is a mandatory part of the annual medical examination.

Without a certificate of health, the child will not be allowed to attend kindergarten or school. Reasons for an unscheduled visit to the doctor:

  • general weakness, increased body temperature, increased sweating;
  • sudden weight loss, refusal to eat;
  • cough with sputum or blood streaks;
  • a positive Mantoux test, an atypical increase or induration of the papule.

Referral for examination is issued by the local pediatrician, or the school nurse. You can also seek advice from a private clinic.

What symptoms should you seek help for?

A person infected with tuberculosis may not even be aware of his condition and function quietly for several years. Usually, the infection makes itself felt when the protective function of the immune system is impaired – illness, mechanical injury, and so on. In order to fix changes in the body in time, start therapy and not endanger the health of others, you need to consult a phthisiatrician at least once a year.

What symptoms should alert the patient? Increased body temperature, severe persistent cough with sputum, increased sweating, fatigue, lethargy and sudden weight gains. Chest pain and general exhaustion should also be a reason to see a doctor.

Do not associate health problems with temporary fatigue or the common cold. Perhaps the body is struggling with a much more serious pathogen. Be attentive to yourself, get diagnosed on time and do not delay visiting a doctor to avoid complications.

Methods of diagnosis

After the first consultation, the phthisiatrician issues referrals for tests. Before the next visit, it is necessary to do a complete blood count, chest x-ray, tuberculin skin test (depending on the age of the patient).

Additionally, the doctor may need microbiological culture of various materials (pus / urine / sputum), liver tests (blood biochemistry), examination of the organs of vision by a highly specialized doctor. Also, if necessary, you need to undergo computed tomography, MRI, diagnostics of cerebrospinal fluid and other manipulations.

Do not expose the body to additional stress, go through only those diagnostic methods prescribed by the phthisiatrician.

Features of therapy

Treatment of tuberculosis requires an integrated approach, time and patience. The therapy consists of several blocks and may vary based on the reaction of the body. The first block is chemotherapy (etiotropic therapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs). Only a doctor is engaged in the selection of medicines, features of chemotherapy and concomitant drugs.

It is forbidden to change the chemotherapy plan on your own and can be fraught with serious complications or death.

The second block is a healthy lifestyle. The patient’s body weight is corrected, detoxification is carried out, addictions are removed, they are introduced to feasible physical activity and a balanced diet.

The third block is sanatorium treatment. Mycobacterium tuberculosis does not tolerate good oxygenation. As soon as more clean air enters the lungs, inhibition of the growth and reproduction of mycobacteria starts.

Moreover, a spa holiday will help strengthen the protective functions of the immune system, change the environment and get psychological relaxation.

The fourth block is surgical treatment. It is used in especially severe or neglected cases. The affected lung or its lobe is removed, the cavity is drained, and various manipulations with the organ are performed.

A phthisiatrician deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Visit your doctor regularly to prevent illness and develop symptoms. Learn about vaccination against tuberculosis, explain to your child the meaning of Mantoux and the importance of the procedure.

Be careful and healthy.

Sources of
  1. Samtsov BC, Gorbach I.N. Course of lectures on phthisiology: Textbook. /Vitebsk, VSMU, 2001, 142p.
  2. General principles for the treatment of tuberculosis, under. ed. M.I. Perelman Phthisiology national leadership. 2004, 22 p.

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