Photos of exercises for weight loss, nutritional advice
By performing these simple exercises and observing the rules of nutrition, you can throw off the accumulated fat in the month remaining until the summer!
Our consultant is Alexander Okhokhonin, a cross-fit instructor in Yekaterinburg.
Meals: I wanted a cake – eat an orange!
Do you like sweets? Fool yourself – eat your treat once a week
– You need to eat more often, at least 5-6 times a day. But these should be small portions: 200-300 ml is about a glass. The main thing is not to overeat. If it doesn’t work out 5-6 times, then eat at least 3 times a day, because if there are long breaks between meals, this is additional stress for the body, it begins to accumulate excess.
In the morning, be sure to load up on carbohydrates. The closer to evening, the lower the amount of carbohydrates.
The basic principle of “fat melting”: if you want to lose weight, reduce the amount of carbohydrates! However, this should not come to fanaticism – it is not necessary to completely exclude carbohydrates from the diet. Our brain feeds on carbohydrates and if they are completely removed, then we will have poor thinking.
We exclude: potatoes are a useless product, there is only one starch, as well as sweet, flour, fried, smoked, alcohol.
If you cannot live without sweets, then “deceive” yourself. You can arrange for yourself days when you eat a treat once a week. But! Swallowed one – and stopped! You don’t eat the whole pack of cookies at once!
Add more fiber – vegetables and fruits to your diet. If you wanted a cake, replace it with something more useful – eat an orange! All sweets contain preservatives and additives, this is harmful.
Fruits are fast carbohydrates, it is not advisable to eat them in the evening, especially sweet ones. Eat them in the morning and throughout the day. You can replace sweets with dried fruits – prunes and dried apricots. But do not forget that these are also carbohydrates. You cannot absorb them in kilograms!
You need to get into the habit of looking at what a product is made of when you buy it. Two identical products from different manufacturers can be very different in composition. One will be high in fat and carbohydrates and low in protein. And in the other – more protein and less fat and carbohydrates. Choose, of course, the second option!
Approximate meals throughout the day
Breakfast: must be required. Better if it is porridge, preferably such that it needs to be cooked for at least 7-10 minutes. There are slow carbohydrates that will be slowly digested, supplying energy to our body. Moreover, porridge can be cooked both in water and in milk – it depends on food priorities. From milk, it will not become more high-calorie.
Snack before lunch: fruits – apple, banana. Or it could be a second breakfast – an omelet, for example.
Lunch: there must be vegetables, they are rich in fiber, which must enter our body. Cucumbers and various greens – there are plenty of these in stores now, and you can eat as many greens as you like. Protein – boiled meat, fish. For garnish – buckwheat, rice, durum pasta.
Pre-dinner snack: sour milk products, vegetables.
Dinner: vegetable salad without mayonnaise and protein – a piece of meat, fish.
Training: come on, repeat it!
The most ideal training scheme is 4 times a week, of which 2-3 are strength training or crossfit training (exercise system). And one is cardio, that is, aerobic: jogging, ellipsoid exercises, swimming. But you need to check the heart rate – it should be 120-130 beats per minute. This is the pulse that provides us with normal long-term work.
First, a warm-up.
1. We begin the warm-up with a run – at an average pace of 5–6 minutes.
1. We start the warm-up with a run
We warm up with special equipment (at home it can be replaced with a mop stick).
2. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands hold the stick closer to its edges at hip level. The press is tense. Slowly raise the stick to head level, put your hands behind your back, hold it, return it to its original position. Repeat 10-15 times.
3. Take the stick in the middle of the right hand and start the rotation. Repeat 10-15 times, change your hand.
4. Put the stick on your shoulders (like a rocker), fix it with your hands on the sides. We make turns in both directions. 10-15 times in each direction.
5. Bend forward with a stick on your shoulders. The back is straight, the knees are slightly bent. We bend over 10-15 times.
6. Swing your leg from side to side with support on a stick – 10 times in each direction. Have changed your leg.
7. In the same way, we perform swings back and forth with both legs in turn.
8. We remove the stick. We make circular movements with our hips – we make a full circle, first in one direction, then in the other direction.
9. Stretch your knees – like footballers. We make circular movements, help ourselves with our hands. First we twist away from ourselves, then towards ourselves.
10. Now we make circular movements with our feet – first one, then the second.
There are five of them. You do each one for one minute, then you rest for one minute, and repeat everything 2 more times.
1. Dam. To do this, you need a special simulator in the gym. We sit on a bench with bent legs, hold on to the “oars”. We stretch out our arms. Relax. Of course, most of us do not have such a simulator at home, so we replace it with a moderate run.
2. Squats. We put a rather large and heavy ball behind. We bend our knees, lower ourselves onto the ball, while pulling our arms up. We go up.
3. Push ups: can be done both from straight legs and from knees, if it does not work with straight legs. In this case, we do push-ups according to the following scheme: we lie on our stomach, the chest is pressed to the floor, arms are bent and palms are pressed to the floor. We straighten our arms, raising the body (no wriggling!). We go down, bend our arms, lie down with our ribcage on the floor, open our arms from the floor, hit them on the floor and rise again on outstretched arms.
4. Sitapy. This is a press exercise. We lie on our back, legs bent, arms along the body. As we exhale, we raise the body, reach with our hands to the tips of our toes, and go down.
5. Pull up… If it’s hard to do classic pull-ups, then we replace them with pull-ups using gymnastic rings or tensioned belts with special handles.
By the way, other tips for losing weight and training can be seen in the program “Weighted People” on the STS channel, in which people with a large weight have been fighting with extra pounds for two weeks.