Photorejuvenation of the face: reviews. Video

Photorejuvenation of the face: reviews. Video

Age-related changes associated with the process of natural aging of the skin are especially noticeable on the face, since it is constantly open and exposed to the harmful effects of solar radiation. No, even the best, creams are able to stop this process, but this does not mean that youth cannot be prolonged. The latest laser technologies are used in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles and restore the elasticity of the skin.

Laser photorejuvenation is a quick way to regain youthfulness

This method is based on the selective effect of a point light flux on all layers of the skin. During a session, which can last from 20 to 40 minutes, the laser beams have a targeted effect on those areas of the skin where there are pathological changes: loss of elasticity, age spots, rosacea – spider veins. This effect has a double effect – not only eliminating blemishes and emerging blood vessels on the skin, but also stimulating collagen production in the deep layers of the skin, which slows down with age.

The effect of this painless procedure is noticeable after just one session: the skin is tightened, takes on a fresh, renewed look, fine wrinkles disappear.

Rejuvenation is carried out in courses of 5-7 sessions, which are repeated every three weeks, but have a prolonged effect, and the process continues for several months after the course is completed

During this period, those wrinkles that were more noticeable also disappear, time literally turns back, and your skin again becomes smooth, beautiful and elastic, which cannot be achieved even with proper and careful care of it with conventional cosmetics.

An additional advantage of this safe method, judging by the reviews, is the absence of a rehabilitation period – a course of photorejuvenation can be taken without using a sick leave or vacation. Immediately after the procedure, you can apply cosmetics to your face and go to work – no traces of the operation will be noticeable.

Contraindications include: pregnancy and lactation, skin diseases and malignant neoplasms on it, acute forms of herpes, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, allergy to sunlight

When is the use of photorejuvenation indicated?

You can start photorejuvenation procedures already at the first signs of aging – after 30–35 years. With such prevention, you will be able to do without plastic surgery at the age of 45-50. These procedures are recommended in cases of erythema after laser skin resurfacing, the appearance of age spots and signs of photoaging, rosacea, dyschromia, enlarged pores, elastosis and benign vascular lesions.

It is not recommended to visit the solarium and sunbathing in natural conditions three weeks before the procedures.

The eyelids and glabellar region, forehead, nose, temples and cheeks, places of occurrence of mimic and age wrinkles, as well as earlobes, neck, chin and décolleté area are exposed to apparatus – all those areas of the skin where signs of wilting appear first.

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