Photorejuvenation of the face
What used to be done only by plastic surgeons can now be achieved with a laser. Fast and safe! We tell in detail about the photorejuvenation of the face, what are the pros and cons of the procedure

Today, technology allows you to transform in an instant. If you are afraid to go under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon or do not rely too much on the effect of expensive creams and serums, then laser cosmetology may be the best option. Including for fast and effective skin rejuvenation.

What, in general, gives the procedure of photorejuvenation of the face? Smoothing wrinkles, eliminating hyperpigmentation, vascular defects, the skin tightens and becomes more elastic.

There are two types of technologies used in phototherapy: ablative (destructive) and non-ablative. The goal is the same – to rid the skin of various cosmetic defects and return it to a healthy, radiant appearance. But the rest of the methods are different.

What is Facial Rejuvenation

Phototherapy with ablative lasers is based on the effect of photothermolysis. Due to the action of the laser beam, damage to the skin occurs, including the epidermis, as well as intensive evaporation of fluid from the tissues. But since the duration of light exposure does not exceed 1 ms, a burn is excluded¹. These technologies include erbium and CO2 lasers.

These lasers are more commonly used to reduce wrinkles, vascular lesions, warts, lentigo, deep acne scars, and other textural abnormalities².

The procedure is painful, after it redness remains on the skin and rehabilitation is necessary. Therefore, today the most popular other technologies for facial rejuvenation are non-ablative, among which IPL systems can be distinguished, as well as neodymium, diode, ruby ​​lasers, and dye lasers. Light pulses act on the upper layer of the dermis without damaging the epidermis. But this is enough to provoke the body’s healing response, which will lead to the effect of rejuvenation¹. Non-ablative lasers can help treat hyperpigmentation and other signs of photoaging. But with wrinkles, this option fights worse than the first.

In general, the effect will depend on the wavelength at which a particular laser operates. So, for laser photorejuvenation are used:

  • Nd:YAG lasers with a wavelength of 1064 nm,
  • KTP Nd:YAG lasers with a wavelength of 532 nm (for the removal of vascular lesions and pigmentation),
  • Er: YAG: 2940 nm wavelength lasers (also for skin resurfacing),
  • ruby lasers with a wavelength of 694 nm (for removing dark pigment spots),
  • dye lasers with a wavelength of 800 nm (including for the treatment of vascular lesions),
  • fractional lasers around 1550 nm (especially suitable for wrinkles)³.

However, in any case, which method is right for you, in accordance with the requests for a cosmetic effect, you will need to check with the beautician.

Interesting facts about facial rejuvenation

The essence of the procedureExposure of the skin to light pulses with a certain wavelength in order to evaporate the liquid or excite the reaction of the body
PurposeAnti-age effect (smoothing wrinkles, eliminating age spots and vascular defects, increasing skin turgor, lifting effect)
Duration of the procedure20-45 minutes
Side effectsRedness, swelling (usually disappears quickly), there may be bruising, significant peeling
ПротивопоказанияAge under 18, epilepsy, skin diseases, oncology, hypersensitivity to light, sunburn on the skin

Benefits of facial rejuvenation

Lasers are so widely used in cosmetology and dermatology (and not only) that it already seems commonplace. Moreover, with the help of different methods and devices, you can forget about visiting a plastic surgeon.

Thus, according to the International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery for 2020, the total number of operations (plastic surgery) decreased by 10,09% compared to 2019, and the number of non-invasive manipulations, including laser rejuvenation, increased by 5,7%⁴ .

The facial rejuvenation procedure is non-invasive, that is, it does not involve any incisions and, in general, great trauma. It’s the most important. At the same time, there is a significant cosmetic effect: in some cases, it is noticeable after the first procedure.

Other undoubted advantages of facial rejuvenation include:

  • lack of preparation
  • a short period of rehabilitation or its absence,
  • short procedure,
  • relatively low cost.

Disadvantages of facial rejuvenation

Since, one way or another, the procedure is associated with damage to the skin (with or without the participation of the epidermis), immediately after exposure to the laser, reddening of the integument and swelling are often observed. There may also be significant peeling of the skin and even bruising (bruising).

In some cases, the effect can be noticeable only after a couple of months (for non-ablative technology). And after the use of ablative technologies (for example, CO2 laser), although the result is immediately visible, a long-term rehabilitation is necessary. Also, after phototherapy, you can not use cosmetics for several days.

And one more thing: there is no universal solution. That is, there is no laser that effectively smoothes wrinkles and eliminates hyperpigmentation at the same time. You will need to choose. Plus – for a lasting effect, several procedures with a long, up to a month, break will be required.

Procedure for photo-rejuvenation of faces

The process itself takes only 20-45 minutes, and does not require serious preparation. However, the procedure is not as simple as any home care, so there are several important points to consider.

1. Preparation

This stage does not imply a diet or long-term use of any means before going to the beautician. In the case of photorejuvenation, you need to visit a doctor for a consultation before the procedure. The specialist will clarify the indications and contraindications, study the characteristics of your skin, find out your wishes and concerns, tell you more about the different options for photorejuvenation, and based on this you will be able to make the best decision.

In addition, immediately before the procedure, it is worth completely removing cosmetics. The skin should be without traces of a fresh tan (self-tanning), and a month before going to the cosmetologist, it is necessary to abandon the use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), antibiotics and retinoids.

2. Procedure

You will spend a little time in the specialist’s office, but the process itself takes place in several steps. As part of the preparatory phase, the beautician will clean the skin and apply a special gel. It will protect the skin and help the light rays to penetrate exactly where it is needed. Also, the patient will need to wear special glasses – again, for safety reasons.

Then the master will start working with the laser. Unpleasant sensations are possible: burning, tingling, soreness. But there should not be severe pain – all this is tolerable, as a rule.

Finally, the affected skin is treated with special products that will help you recover faster and reduce discomfort. As a rule, dexpanthenol is used in the composition of such creams, but sometimes some plant substances are also used.

3. Post-procedure care

Immediately after the photorejuvenation procedure, you may notice a slight reddening of the skin, bruising and swelling. This must be taken into account: you should not appoint important events and business meetings for the near future.

Remember that the skin is damaged. Therefore, you should avoid sun exposure, as well as refuse to visit the sauna, pool, bath and other irritating factors. Only peace.

Photos before and after facial rejuvenation

When it comes to a significant cosmetic effect (which is expected from this service), before and after photos will speak better than any epithets.

See for yourself!

Contraindications for photo-rejuvenated persons

Like any other cosmetic procedure, facial photorejuvenation has its own list of contraindications. These include:

  •  oncology and cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases,
  • acute inflammatory and infectious diseases of the skin,
  • epilepsy,
  • Fresh tan (and self tan)
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • age up to 18 years (not for all types).

If you have any doubts about a particular disease or features of your skin, it is worth discussing this with a specialist. Moreover, in the clinic where you plan to do facial rejuvenation. After all, different clinics use different devices.

Skin care after facial rejuvenation

After the procedure, it is necessary to protect the face from UV radiation using special products with SPF filters, as well as apply creams and gels with a therapeutic or delicate care effect that your doctor will recommend.

In the next day or two, you should give up decorative cosmetics, as well as during the rehabilitation period, give up other cosmetic procedures, do not sunbathe, do not visit saunas, swimming pools, baths, solariums.

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Reviews of cosmetologists about facial rejuvenation

Specialists, in addition to the above benefits, often note a cumulative effect, an increase in collagen production, which ensures a long-term result. According to a number of cosmetologists, the skin can keep a fresh look, elasticity up to 2-3 years.

At the same time, experienced doctors emphasize that it is important to choose a competent specialist who knows what the work of any laser is based on, knows how to set the correct parameters, and can tell the patient in detail about the technique, its advantages, contraindications and give advice on rehabilitation.

Popular questions and answers

Photorejuvenation is a popular cosmetic procedure, and every year more and more people are interested in this possibility. Our expert Aigul Mirkhaidarova, candidate of medical sciences, dermatologist, cosmetologistanswers the most frequently asked questions. Look, maybe your doubts will be removed.

How much does facial rejuvenation cost?

— Prices for photorejuvenation of the face vary from 2000 and above. It all depends on what problem the patient wants to fix. For example, remove one age spot, or completely treat the face.

When can facial rejuvenation be done?

– It is, of course, better to do such a procedure in the autumn-winter period, like most other cosmetic procedures. But if a person is ready to comply with all the requirements of a doctor, then he can do facial rejuvenation all year round.

How many facial photorejuvenation procedures do you need to do for a visible effect?

– It all depends on the area of ​​damage and the expected result. Usually it is necessary from 4 procedures, 1 time per month.

What can not be done after facial rejuvenation?

– In no case do not sunbathe and do not damage the skin, a bath, sauna and swimming pool are contraindicated. While there is redness and swelling, it is not recommended to apply foundation.

How to remove swelling after facial rejuvenation?

– Slight swelling is often observed immediately after the procedure, but it usually goes away on its own within a while. But if there is severe swelling, you need to see a doctor: a specialist will consult the patient, give individual recommendations and select the necessary funds for recovery.


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