Photographer from Yekaterinburg Margarita Kareva photographs girls from all over the world in fabulous images: photos, details

Photographer from Yekaterinburg Margarita Kareva photographs girls from all over the world in fabulous images: photos, details

The photographer from Yekaterinburg has gained worldwide fame thanks to her fabulous photographs. She travels with master classes to different countries and takes pictures of girls in the images of her favorite heroines from books.

Margarita Kareva, photographer:

– Before becoming a photographer, I tried many professions. The latter was a marketing analyst. Now I regret that I spent too much time on obtaining various diplomas, which, in fact, were not very useful in life, and worked for too long at unloved jobs. On the other hand, I will say thank you for the fact that I still found my life’s work.

In 2011, I asked my husband for a camera for the New Year. I myself do not know why – I was not fond of photography then. Probably just to be like all people (laughs).

The unit began to be mastered through the brochure that came with the kit. Then the friends presented the certificate to the photography school. I went there, realized that all the photography schools in the world are a rather useless thing, and began to master the camera on my own. The only thing I can thank the photography school for is that there I realized that I really like photography.

So I started taking pictures every day (fortunately at that time it was summer, and after the main work it was possible to have time to hold a photo session before sunset). Little by little, the photographs were getting better, because after many hours of practice I achieved an intuitive understanding of light, color, composition and developed my own style, which became quite recognizable.

At the weekend I sat and mastered the processing of photos from the lessons on the Internet.

For the first two years, I didn’t have a single day off without photography. When normal people went on weekends, for example, to the movies or for a walk, I took pictures or processed. But after a year and a half of this lifestyle, photography became my main job.

Now I’m only interested in staged shots. But on my free day I can go out with an iPhone and shoot everything.

I have high requirements for the model’s appearance. She can be a non-professional, the main thing is that the type fits the idea of ​​a particular shooting. It is important to have that elusive thing called charisma. I spend quite a lot of time looking for interesting types. And I am always sensitive to all the details: the selection of clothes, the choice of color scheme, location. All this I think carefully and prepare before shooting. I have never had problems with ideas, but I cannot explain how they are generated. It just helps “reading” voraciously throughout life.

Fame came to me through word of mouth. I just posted my photos on different sites, in particular, Facebook and, and my work quickly began to acquire fans from all over the world. Now I have an impressive audience of subscribers on all social networks. It’s great, of course, that there are people who like my work, and there are many such people.

There are many orders for private filming from foreign customers and many requests for master classes and workshops in other countries. In them I am looking for local Russian models or I take them with me.

This year alone, I have had trips to Norway, India, Poland, France, the Czech Republic and, perhaps, there will be another trip to Israel. Students also come to Russia for individual training in photography.

For 2017, I think the schedule will be at least as intense.

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