Photoepilator, mesoscooter and other devices that you don’t need

Photoepilator, mesoscooter and other devices that you don’t need

It would seem that they will help you save money on going to the beautician, but not everything is so simple.

Recently, a huge number of gadgets have appeared in the beauty industry that will help maintain youth, improve the quality of the skin and replace face building classes. At first glance, this sounds very tempting. We decided to ask a beautician which beauty devices are worth buying and which ones to stay away from.

– Regarding beauty devices in general, we can say that they can both benefit and harm. The effect obtained depends on the condition of the skin, on its sensitivity, thickness and skin type. Before buying a home beauty device, it is best to consult with your cosmetologist, and you should not be shy about it. For example, I always answer these questions honestly.

Of course, you can save a significant amount of money by doing photoepilation at home yourself by buying yourself an epilator. But there are several pitfalls here: firstly, not all epilators are equally good at removing hair (it depends on the power), and secondly, no epilator for home use can compare in power with a device for professional use.

Finally, thirdly, the result of photoepilation depends on skin color and hair color (if you have to work with a situation where white skin and dark hair, then the effectiveness will be much higher than in the case of light, blond or red hair).

It is best to refuse to use mesoscooters at home, because their use involves damage to the skin barrier. In addition, the use of a mesoscooter is the use of many needles that should violate the integrity of the skin, plus this procedure is not always carried out at home in compliance with septic and aseptic conditions – as it should be in a beautician’s office.

In addition, each mesoscooter (according to the rules) is used once, that is, it must be opened, a procedure carried out, and then properly disinfected and disposed of as medical waste. At home, such a correct sequence cannot be carried out, and often the mesoscooter is used several times (this cannot be allowed in order to avoid getting an infection and subsequent complications).

Another important aspect: the mesoscooter needs to work correctly, starting from the correct selection of the length of the needles (in accordance with the problem) and ending with the degree of pressing and movements.

Such beauty devices (designed specifically for facial massage: they come with various attachments) have shown themselves quite well in home use. There are several advantages to using it: firstly, they are not so difficult to use, and secondly, the mechanism of operation itself is good – lifting massagers provide lymphatic drainage, muscle work, and increase skin tone.

Microcurrent beauty devices

Now beauty gadgets have appeared on the market, which are based on microcurrent – the technique is the same as in the procedure of microcurrent therapy (which is carried out in a cosmetology clinic). Such a device looks like headphones that need to be fixed on the skin of the cheeks over a wet mask (the current only passes through a wet environment or a special conductive gel).

The advantages of this beauty device are: effective technique, simplicity and safety of use, mobility (you can take it on a trip), as well as ease of use (the procedure lasts only 20-25 minutes).

Another controversial device. They are undoubtedly popular and many people use them. However, I am against using such gadgets at home: using a brush for cleansing, you mechanically affect the skin, and quite strongly. And in 80% of cases, this leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the skin, so that later it is necessary to work together with a cosmetologist to eliminate this problem. In no case should you use cleansing brushes when acne and rosacea occurs.

It is best to adhere to the position of gentle home care, and if it is necessary to prescribe more aggressive methods, then these will be chemical methods: for example, a cleanser with acids.

Objectively, I don’t see much sense in using this gadget for home care. Steam is used to steam the skin before cleansing, and at home, mechanical cleaning is fraught with red spots and small scars.

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