Photo session for a pregnant woman, ideas – photo

Who among the mothers has not dreamed of a touching “pregnant” photo session? After all, I want to preserve all that tenderness, all the romance of this magical time filled with dreams and experiences. Photographers understand this very well. But in order to get really beautiful pictures, a person with a camera must be able to see the future. Because this is the only way to understand what will turn out from an unpretentious at first glance shot taken in the most everyday environment.

Gilmar Silva, a Brazilian wedding and family photographer, has shown how touching images are actually obtained that can then be proudly displayed to family and friends throughout their lives. You know, he wants to sympathize. It seems that Gilmar spends a third of his life lying down, another third – freezing in the most uncomfortable positions, and the last third he spends at the computer, tormenting Photoshop. But his suffering is worth it. Gilmar gets the royalties, and the customers get great pictures.

To show what a photographer has to go to in order to capture a pregnant woman in an enchanted forest, the Garden of Eden, or emerging from the foam of the sea, Gilmar created a series of collages called “Location”. On them, he combined the photo before and after processing. I must say, the result is impressive. We will see?

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