
The magnificent album released by MDF is based on a collection of Russian photography collected by Yuri Rybchinsky and Eduard Gladkov.

The magnificent album released by MDF is based on a collection of Russian photography collected by Yuri Rybchinsky and Eduard Gladkov.

The compilers outline the main vector of the development of Russian photography «from avant-garde to avant-garde» — from the bold experiments of the 20s of the twentieth century to the conceptual photography of the late Soviet era and the experimental photography of recent years.

In the interval between these two milestones, the monumental socialist realism of the 30s, and the bewitching front-line photo chronicle, and genre shots of the 50-60s, and the grotesque officialdom of the 70s fit in. The deliberate selection and the highest quality of the photographs included in the album make it possible to create a complete impression of the colossal path that Russian photography made in the XNUMXth century, and to trace the main trends that determined its development throughout this period.


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