Photo project about the beauty of motherhood – photo

Body shaming versus body positive – this confrontation has become a symbol of our time.

Woman’s Day has talked more than once or twice about photo projects designed to help young (or not so) mothers accept their new body. Bloggers and photographers, phytonyashi and advanced body positive women – only the lazy did not speak on the topic of how a woman should look after childbirth. The war is fierce. The confrontation between the supporters of “natural” beauty and bodyshamers has heated up, it seems, to the limit. What should a mother’s body be like? The way pregnancy and childbirth made him? “Yes,” some confidently answer. “No,” others answer just as confidently. “You’re just lazy.”

Both seem to forget that no two women are alike. No two pregnancies are the same. One will be lucky and she will give birth to seven children without getting a single stretch. The other will be smeared with oils around the clock, but after the first pregnancy it will be covered with crimson striae. And both will look down on each other: one because she looks good, and the second “has launched herself”, the other – because the fitnyasha is fixated on her appearance, and she ought to think about children.

And there is a lot of hypocrisy around pregnant women and young mothers. If you are expecting a child, it means no open swimsuits, dances, nude photos. You can’t unstick the #ticker label from your forehead.

Who is right? Nobody. But we have found a new soldier for this war. Photographer and mom of two Jade Bill has created a photo project that should help moms stop suffering from the fact that they no longer look the same as before, and enjoy their new body – because they are still beautiful.

Many male followers of her Facebook page are outraged by the pictures of Jade. They found them disgusting: naked women, shriveled bellies, saggy breasts, droplets of milk frozen on nipples. And they even demanded to remove these photos. But Jade didn’t. Real beauty is not outside, Jade is sure. She may be right.

We cannot publish all of Jade Bill’s works for ethical reasons. But these 14 pictures are quite eloquent. Scroll right arrow.

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