The author of the idea, Australian Sarah Murnane, is trying to defend a woman’s right to breastfeed her baby anytime, anywhere.
The process, it would seem, is natural – there is nowhere else to go. But many consider breastfeeding an intimate affair. Comparable, sorry, to bowel movements. That is, of course, it is useful and necessary, but do it so that no one can see. And if it’s already hot, when you are not at home, hide somewhere in a dark corner. Well, or at least cover up.
There are plenty of controversies on this topic. For example, here is the story with the princess of Kyrgyzstan – she published on her page on the social network a photo of how she breastfeeds her baby daughter, stating that she will breastfeed the baby wherever and whenever she wants. In her opinion, there is nothing shameful in this. After this revelation, the princess was hounded so that she chose to delete her account. The girl was ashamed in every way.
Aliya Shagieva
But in America, there was a different story: the post office employee asked the woman to leave the office and feed the baby somewhere else. And he got into a showdown with the police: state laws allowed mothers to feed a baby anywhere, no one has the right to reprimand her.
Such clashes happen everywhere in the world. In Australia, photographer Sarah Mournane decided to fight discrimination against breastfeeding mothers using her art: she created a photography project about breastfeeding.
“I believe that breastfeeding is the most beautiful and natural thing that can happen between a mother and a child,” Sarah is sure.
According to Murnane, memories of this time are quickly erased from memory. And the photos will stay with you forever.
“I want to eliminate the prejudice about breastfeeding in society,” says Sarah of the reasons that prompted her to start the project. – I often hear how nursing mothers are humiliated, insulted, they say that something they do is disgusting and inappropriate. But this is not so! “
Sarah has collected 20 women who have recently become mothers. They posed in white robes (white everywhere symbolizes holiness) or even naked.
“They were shy at first. But, feeling the support of other women, they relaxed and began to smile, ”says Sarah.
The author of the project was breastfeeding herself. And she, too, was shamed when she did it outside the home. So she decided to help other women. First, they begin to understand that there is no shame in breastfeeding. Second, they now know that they are not alone. Feel the support of the “sisters”, as they call themselves.
What do you think about this?
In your opinion, is it okay to breastfeed in public?
Why not? You never know where the baby wants to eat.
This is an intimate affair, putting it on display is shamelessness.
If you are not feeding at home, you can always find a secluded corner.
If you cover yourself with a scarf, then no one will notice anything. No need to make an elephant out of a fly!
Going to restaurants while you are breastfeeding is not the most necessary activity. Need to guess at feeding.
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