Floribunda Circus is an unpretentious variety with large, fragrant flowers in warm shades (from copper-yellow to red-pink). The culture is characterized by moderate winter hardiness and undemanding care. Suitable for growing in the southern regions, in the middle lane, as well as in the North-West. It is used in single landings and compositions. Flowers are used for cutting, as they remain fresh for 10-14 days.

History of breeding

Floribunda Circus rose is a variety bred in 1956 by the American breeder Herbert C. Swim. He worked on different varieties for more than 40 years – from 1941 to 1982. He took part in the creation of 115 varieties of roses, including 76 received personally.

The Circus rose was bred by step-by-step crossing of representatives of several groups:

  • hybrid tea;
  • polyanthus;
  • nutmeg.

When breeding a variety, G. Swim set the task of creating a variety that would not lose color in the sun. The result was a rose with orange petals that, when burnt out, changed color to yellow with pinkish hues.

The plant combines the advantages of all parent groups. The variety Circus is decorative and winter-hardy. Also, the rose is distinguished by unpretentiousness and good immunity to a number of diseases. Therefore, it can be grown in different regions of Our Country, including in the North-West and in the middle lane.

Description of the floribunda Circus rose and characteristics

Rose Circus (Rose Circus) is a perennial flowering shrub of medium height – from 40 to 70 cm, less often up to 90 cm. The leaves are dark green in color, leathery, have a pleasant glossy surface. They cover the rose bush abundantly and create a beautiful backdrop. Shoots erect, with few thorns.

Buds pointed, elongated. The flowers of the Circus variety are large, reach 12–14 cm in diameter, terry type, consist of several rows of petals. The color in the center is copper-yellow, closer to the edges salmon-pink, during fading, the tones become more saturated – pink-red.

The flowering of the floribunda rose Circus is abundant: 3-10 flowers on each peduncle (height 50-60 cm). The aroma is pleasant, slightly pronounced. Roses are suitable both for decorating the garden and for flower bouquets: they stand for a long time in the cut.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Circus flowers have a bright, attractive color.

The main characteristics of the variety:

  • medium-sized bush – 70–90 cm;
  • terry buds, consist of 37-45 petals, their diameter is 5-8 cm, when blooming – 12-14 cm;
  • the shape of the inflorescences is classical, cup-shaped;
  • the aroma is weak, pleasant;
  • the flowering period lasts from June to August;
  • cut resistance – from 10 to 14 days;
  • disease resistance is satisfactory;
  • winter hardiness: zone 6 (up to -23 °C);
  • resistance to precipitation is high, the buds bloom even in rainy weather.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Hybrid tea rose Circus has both advantages and disadvantages. Gardeners especially appreciate this variety for such advantages:

  • attractive large flowers of bright coloring;
  • undemanding to care;
  • continuous and abundant bud formation;
  • rain resistance;
  • compactness;
  • weak studding;
  • use for cutting.

Among the shortcomings of the floribunda Circus rose variety, flower growers distinguish only certain points:

  • weak aroma;
  • average winter hardiness.

Methods of reproduction

The main methods of propagation of floribunda Circus roses are cuttings and grafting. For a novice gardener, it is more convenient to plant a flower using cuttings. They are received at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut off the lignified shoots from the rose.
  2. Get several cuttings up to 8 cm long.
  3. Make the top cut at a right angle, the bottom – oblique.
  4. Remove all thorns and lower leaves.
  5. Put for several hours in a solution of “Epin” or another growth stimulant.
  6. Plant in moist fertile soil and grow at home until spring.
  7. At first, cover with a jar, water periodically.
  8. Transplant into the ground in mid-May.
Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Floribunda Circus cuttings can be grown in potato tubers

Important! Propagation of roses by seeds is not recommended. This is a laborious process, and planting material does not always retain varietal characteristics.

It is better to purchase seedlings from a trusted supplier, and after 2-3 years, dilute several bushes by cuttings.

Cultivation and care

The floribunda Circus rose can be planted in mid-May, when there will be no return frosts; in the south, the procedure is carried out at the end of April. The landing site should be:

  • well lit, even a faint shadow is undesirable;
  • protected from the winds;
  • without stagnant moisture (not a lowland);
  • fertile (soil – light loam with a pH reaction of 5,5 to 7,3).

The soil is recommended to prepare in the fall. The site is thoroughly cleaned, dug up on a spade bayonet and humus is applied at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per 1 m2 or complex mineral fertilizer – 30-40 g per 1 m2. If the soil is heavy, you will need to add sawdust or sand 500–700 g each to the same area.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

It is necessary to plant a floribunda Circus rose together with an earthen clod

They dig several holes with a depth of at least 50 cm. The distance between them should be 50–60 cm, then the floribunda Circus rose bushes will be located as close to each other as possible. With a less dense fit, the interval is increased to 80–100 cm.


  1. Lay a drainage layer of sand and small stones on the bottom of the pit.
  2. Root the seedling.
  3. Cover with fertile soil.
  4. Deepen the root neck by 2-3 cm, tamp a little.
  5. Pour warm water (5-10 l).
  6. Mulch with peat, humus, sawdust.

Floribunda Circus is not too demanding to care for. Its shoots are covered with a wax layer, so fluid loss is minimal. Watering is organized so that the surface layer of the soil remains slightly moist:

  • if the precipitation is weak – weekly;
  • in drought – 2 times a week;
  • in the presence of rains – without additional irrigation.

In the dry season, it is also recommended to spray the leaves of the floribunda Circus rose with drops of water. Irrigation is best done in the evening so that the sun’s rays do not burn the plant.

Fertilizers are applied regularly (every 2-3 weeks) from late April to mid-July. A complex mineral remedy is used, for example, azofoska in alternation with organic matter (infusion of cut grass, humus). At the same time, fresh manure cannot be used, since the bush can “burn out”, the leaves turn yellow, which will affect flowering.

Pruning is done every spring. Remove weak, frost-damaged, old shoots. You also need to cut off those branches that grow inward and spoil the appearance of the bush. In summer, as the flower stalks fade, they are gradually removed. The cut points are sprinkled with coal powder or treated in a solution of potassium permanganate, a fungicide.

In early October, the floribunda Circus rose must be prepared for wintering (except for the southern regions). Spruce branches are laid on the surface of the soil, branches are laid on it, and they are fixed to the ground. A frame is installed on top, on which cardboard, parchment or agrofibre is placed. In early spring, the shelter is removed so that the bush does not rot from excess moisture.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Rose Circus will bloom continuously and profusely when fertilized every 2-3 weeks

Attention! This variety does not need a floribunda transplant. But if the bush needs to be moved to another place, it is better to start the procedure at the end of March or at the beginning of April, that is, before the active growth phase begins. The plant is carefully dug up and transplanted into fertile soil.

Pests and diseases

Circus floribunda rose is resistant to many diseases, but can be affected by powdery mildew and black spot. Signs of powdery mildew:

  • leaves are covered with a whitish bloom;
  • buds do not open;
  • the rose stops developing, weakens.

The disease is not treated, so all affected shoots are immediately removed and burned. If the disease is running, the bush will have to be destroyed.

The main signs of black spotting: dark brown spots on the leaves. They expand rapidly, acquire yellowish edges. Then the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. For treatment, the affected shoots are removed, and the rest are treated with a fungicide:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • “Fitosporin”;
  • “Tatu”;
  • “Profit”;
  • “Maksim”.

Of the insects, aphids are of particular danger to the floribunda rose Circus. It is destroyed with the help of insecticides:

  • “Biotlin”;
  • “Aktara”;
  • “Confidor”;
  • “Match”;
  • Fitoverm.

Also, folk remedies can be used to destroy pests – an infusion of tobacco dust, wood ash with laundry soap, garlic cloves, chili peppers, etc. Processing is carried out in the evening. The weather should be dry and calm.

Attention! If there is an anthill next to the flower garden, it must be destroyed. The ants protect the aphids, and in return feed on their sweetish secretions, which can be seen on the leaves, flowers, and stems of roses.

Application in landscape design

The Circus rose variety is suitable for decorating ceremonial places. These are gazebos, benches, lawns and other recreation areas. Bushes look favorably in a symmetrical fit at the entrance.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Floribunda rose Circus adorns the path in combination with dwarf conifers

A well-groomed lawn on the site may look uncomfortable due to too large, “uninhabited” space. For decoration, roses of different varieties are suitable.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Floribunda Circus revitalizes the lawn, looks good against a green background

Roses can be complemented by any plants with bright, juicy greenery. The bushes are neat, compact and not too tall.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Rose variety Circus looks good in a single planting


The floribunda Circus rose is one of the best varieties that is suitable for beginner gardeners. Bushes do not need care. It is enough for them to provide regular watering and top dressing until mid-July. It is also worth considering winter shelter in advance. Caring for a Circus rose is exactly the same as for other garden flowers.

Reviews with photos about the rose floribunda Circus

Anna Nikolaevna, 56 years old, Belgorod
I saw a Circus rose at the exhibition and could not resist. Bought 2 seedlings. This variety belongs to the floribunda group, blooms well. Literally from the end of June to the beginning of September, buds constantly appear. Only at the end of August they already need to be cut so that the plant has time to “stop” before the first frost. In terms of wintering, everything is fine – even after frosts it recovers well. I cover with spruce. Flowers are used for cutting.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Tatyana, 45 years old, Sochi
I love warm colored roses. Floribunda Circus is one of my favorite varieties. Her flowers are orange, but there you can see all sorts of shades: from coral and salmon to pink and red. Even under the bright southern sun, the flowers do not fade. For the winter in our region, you can not cover, and in the middle lane you will need a small shelter made of spruce branches or artificial agrofibre.

Photo and description of the tea-hybrid variety of roses Circus (Circus)

Hybrid tea rose Circus. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy Circus seedlings

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