
Phoniatrics is one of the branches of medicine. Phoniatricians study voice pathologies, methods of their treatment, prevention, as well as ways to correct the timbre / intensity in the desired direction. The direction works with both congenital (anatomical) and psychological manifestations of diseases. Often, phoniatry is closely related to speech therapy, and doctors have to work together for a comprehensive treatment of the patient. What you need to know about phoniatrists, when to contact them and what to expect from a therapeutic course?

General characteristics of the direction

The vocal apparatus is a set of organs that are involved in voice formation. It consists of 3 main parts – lungs with a system of exhalation / inhalation resonators and sound emitters. Sound is produced by the movement of air exhaled from the lungs. The air starts vibrations in the vocal cords, and they, in turn, give rise to a sound wave. The stronger the tension of the muscles of the vocal cords, the higher the person’s voice and vice versa.

The human vocal apparatus is very similar to a wind instrument. In order for all parts of the mechanism to work, and the output sound to be clear, it is necessary to pay regular attention to it. Malfunctions of the instrument can lead to a change in tone, episodic pain in the throat. In severe cases, loss of voice is possible. The phoniatrist deals with the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and improvement of all parts of the vocal mechanism.

Phoniatrics is considered a surgical specialty. The industry is relatively young, and until recently it was part of otorhinolaryngology (a branch of medicine that specializes in the treatment of pathologies of the ear, throat, nose, neck, head).

The main task of the phoniatrist is to restore the voice and develop its capabilities. The success of therapy depends on how quickly the person suspected something was wrong and went to the doctor. Early diagnosis greatly increases the chances of a quick recovery.

Practicing phoniatrists use videostroboscopic equipment. With its help, the larynx is examined, the image of tissues is repeatedly enlarged, hard-to-reach areas of the body are examined and a video recording is made for further research.

What is included in the list of duties of a doctor

Most often, a phoniatrist is consulted after the treatment of ENT diseases. Pathologies of the ear, throat and nose can affect the functionality of the vocal apparatus – provoke hoarseness, change the intensity or timbre.

Usually the voice is restored as soon as the causative agent of the infection disappears, but this does not always happen. A phoniatrist deals with malfunctions of the vocal apparatus, examines and treats pain in the throat.

The competence of the doctor includes not only voice correction, but also such diseases:

  1. Laryngitis. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx. Most often occurs after infectious or colds. The main symptoms are hoarseness, sore throat, dryness, severe dry cough, complete loss of voice is possible. There may also be pain when swallowing, difficulty breathing, bluish skin tone.
  2. Dysphonia. A voice disorder in which its main characteristics are violated – height, strength, timbre. Most often it develops after diseases of the larynx or excessive overexertion of the vocal apparatus.
  3. Cancer neoplasms. Malignant tumors can develop in the larynx and vocal cords. Benign tumors include fibromas, polyps, granulomas, papillomas, and singing nodules. The phoniatrist conducts diagnostics, prescribes therapy, and in some cases performs surgical intervention.
  4. Pre-node states. Nodules on the vocal cords occur due to overvoltage of the vocal apparatus. Incorrect manner of speech, squealing, loud crying, singing in adverse conditions can provoke the development of nodules. A modern phoniatrist can easily diagnose and prevent the disease. If the patient turned to the doctor out of time, then the nodule is removed surgically.

Phoniatricians are engaged in the rehabilitation of the voice function, carry out the prevention of diseases of the vocal apparatus. Doctors often cooperate with musical, drama and pedagogical institutions. The specialist gives admission to classes, assesses the applicant’s chances of entering an educational institution and monitors the condition of students.

What are the symptoms that should be referred to a phoniatrist?

Therapy and prevention of voice pathologies is necessary not only for singers or artists. Oratory skills, supported by a confident and powerful voice, are an integral part of both public speaking and everyday dialogue.

What symptoms should be paid special attention to? Sudden loss of voice or excessive hoarseness, long-term change in timbre, rapid fatigue from the tension of the vocal cords.

An appointment with a phoniatrist is necessary after thyroid surgery. The specialist must control the rehabilitation process in order to prevent complications. Painful swallowing, not associated with a cold or other infectious pathologies, is also a good reason to visit a specialist. The risk group includes heavy smokers and people who experience constant stress (for example, at work that requires high mental concentration). To prevent problems with ligaments or voice changes, visit a specialist at least 1-2 times a year. Additionally, phoniatrists are advised to make an appointment with a teenage “breaking” of the voice in order to track the process and completely control it.

Methods of diagnosis

At the first consultation, the doctor evaluates the clinical picture, the patient’s complaints, his voice, general health and the dynamics of the pathological process. The specialist will ask many questions not only about the voice, but also about the hormonal background, past illnesses / operations, the conclusions of other doctors, so be prepared for long and meaningful dialogue. Then the phoniatrist proceeds to examine the patient. First, the condition of the ENT organs is assessed – the nasal cavity, pharynx, eardrum, larynx, vocal cords. Inspection is carried out using a laryngeal mirror.

There are only 2 types of examination of the larynx: with the help of rigid optics (laryngeal mirror) or soft endoscopes. It is quite difficult to assess the voice of a patient who has a medical instrument in his mouth. To optimize the reception of phoniatrists, a video rhinolaryngoscope is used. A tiny flexible device is inserted through the nose. The phoniatrist examines the anatomical structures, describes the functions of the organs of the larynx, looks for suspicious neoplasms.

Usually, before the procedure, local anesthesia of the nasal passage is performed with anesthetic drops so that the patient does not feel discomfort. The procedure itself takes 5-10 minutes. She has no contraindications or age restrictions. To compile a complete picture, the doctor may need an x-ray, palpation of the thyroid gland, angiography and other examinations of the larynx, vocal cords, and the entire vocal apparatus.

Features of therapy

The therapeutic course depends on the problem with which the patient turns to the phoniatrist. In the presence of cancerous tumors, a person is waiting for special drug treatment and surgical intervention. In case of infectious processes in the larynx, the phoniatrist will prescribe a number of drugs, and at the end of the treatment, he will evaluate voice changes and correct them. When working with vocalists or speakers, a specialist will help you tune your voice, prepare your vocal cords for future stress, in order to level out overstrain. The main rule for diseases of the larynx – do not self-medicate. Dietary supplements will not help untie the knots, and herbal infusions will not be able to amplify the voice. Enjoy the benefits of modern medicine and be healthy.

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