Phobias: main signs, causes of their manifestation, as well as ways to deal with panic attacks

Hello, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about how to get rid of phobias, even very unusual and complex forms. How to learn to control your feelings, anticipating the occurrence of panic attacks. Anyway, let’s find out what they are.


Phobia, translated from Greek as «fear», is only a symptom of an obsessive state. Which arises as a result of an experienced trauma, or stressful situations with which the psyche for some reason could not cope.


  • The experiences that arise are usually not objective. Let’s say horror can be caused by completely harmless things, such as a round cloud in the sky, yellow leaves, or a simple washing procedure in the morning;
  • The object of fear itself has clear boundaries, it is defined. That is, it means that a person always knows exactly what exactly he reacted to with horror. And not as it happens, anxiety is felt inside, but consciousness is not able to identify it. Why is he simply scared, but why — he does not understand;
  • Most people are ashamed of their fear. As a rule, this happens because they understand how irrational he is and do not want to be considered crazy, not like everyone else.
  • Phobias tend to progress rapidly. Let’s say it’s enough for a person to get stuck in an elevator or a pipe at least once. In general, in a confined space — as she will forever remember this incident. At best, he will be wary of approaching such places, at worst, he may stop leaving the apartment altogether.

Signs and symptoms

Phobias: main signs, causes of their manifestation, as well as ways to deal with panic attacks


On the physical level, a person feels dry mouth, his pulse quickens, tinnitus appears, breathing problems, which also accelerates and becomes superficial.

There may be dizziness and a state of stupor, when, due to excessive tension of the skeletal muscles, it is difficult for a person to move, as if he “freezes” in place. Or vice versa, chaotic movements appear in case of panic, he loses the ability to control himself at such a moment.


There are problems with concentration, memory, deja vu may occur. The personality seems to be in constant expectation that something bad will happen, that it will definitely be unlucky and the most terrible thoughts, fantasies will come true.

This anxiety does not make it possible to relax, which is why the body’s resources are depleted. And in a person, against the background of the frustration of the natural need for rest and recovery, irritation begins to accumulate.


There are changes in the cognitive sphere, which means that the worldview, values, beliefs and thoughts in general are changing. Suppose a person decides that he is terminally ill if he has ever had a heart attack.

Therefore, he will give up bad habits, if they were. Will avoid physical activity, socializing with friends, and so on. And all this in order not to provoke a heart attack.


Habits can develop that allow you to minimize the amount of stress. In this case, we are talking about obsessive-compulsive disorder. In short, OKR.

A person invents rituals for himself, which he strictly follows in order to avoid panic. For example, if he does not wash his hands exactly 174 times a day, he will not even be able to fall asleep.

This is a severe form of manifestation of neurotic disorders and is included in the list of the international classifier of diseases ICD-10.

Panic attacks can also make themselves felt. These are sudden, causeless attacks of fear, due to which a person has difficulty breathing. Which is even more frightening, since it seems that now it will suffocate or just go crazy.

In general, at the moment of exacerbation, a person can hysteria, cry, beg for help and behave completely unpredictably. And only when she has already calmed down and is safe (in her perception), will she be able to realize that the fear was completely irrational and the reactions to it were excessive.

Theories of origin

Phobias: main signs, causes of their manifestation, as well as ways to deal with panic attacks


Psychodynamic theory (the same psychoanalysis) is not scientifically recognized, but it has a chance to exist. Its essence lies in the fact that a person unconsciously displaces the true causes of fear into the unconscious. And in the future it transfers to a previously indifferent object, an object.

To make it clearer, let me give you an example. A man is afraid of castration, or erectile dysfunction (that is, impotence). Why displaces thoughts about it, hoping that this will never happen to him.

But in fact, experiences do not go anywhere, the charge of energy remains in the body. And he needs to find a way out. In this case, horror may suddenly appear at the sight of spiders, kittens, the bright sun, and so on.


In ancient times, in order to survive, a person had to beware of alien tribes, even very cute cubs of predators and animals in general, large in size. Heights, fire, cold, darkness and so on. Otherwise, there could be no question of any evolution, everyone would have died out even then.

Therefore, experts are inclined to believe that even the most ridiculous phobias in a modern person are from ancestors that were transmitted to us at the genetic level. It’s just that the objects are completely different due to the changing conditions in which we now live.


It suggests that the tendency to phobic reactions to us is inherited. But here it is difficult to judge in what way.

That is, a person can be insanely afraid of thrushes due to the fact that his mother suffered from some kind of mental, nervous disorder. Why was he included in the risk group, since he had a high probability of receiving a similar diagnosis.

Or simply, as a child, he saw how she reacts to birds, which is why he adopted the way of behavior, considering it correct.

After all, children are not able to process the information received by connecting criticism, logic. Moreover, if an adult is significant for him, he then becomes a role model.


Behaviorists believe that a person «earns» a phobia during his lifetime, denying heredity and so on.

She simply learns to respond with fear to certain stimuli that once in the past caused a storm of emotions. Therefore, once in a similar situation, the reaction occurs automatically.


Phobias: main signs, causes of their manifestation, as well as ways to deal with panic attacks

Based on the above theories, we can classify the most likely causes of phobias.

  1. Anxious people are usually deficient in gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is called GABA for short. It is the neurotransmitter that makes us feel calm. Accordingly, due to its low level, a person is unable to relax, feel safe, and so on. The level of GABA usually falls with prolonged use of medications, any psychoactive substances. Also with brain damage, depression, stress and so on.
  2. We have already mentioned heredity above. If one of the close relatives suffers from this disorder, then the child is highly likely to face similar difficulties and experiences in the future. Plus, he can simply adopt a style of behavior in certain situations.
  3. In 2013, scientists Brian Diaz and Kerry Ressler proved the existence of the so-called genetic memory. That is, reactions that are passed on from generation to generation at an unconscious level, starting from ancient ancestors.
  4. Various psychological traumas, negative experiences in the past can provoke the appearance of phobias. Even if it’s just a quarrel between parents in front of the baby, criticism of the teacher, loss of toys, and so on, they may well be the cause of mental trauma. That is, a terrible event does not have to happen. Even with minor irritants, the psyche at some point may not cope properly, without any consequences.

Methods of treatment

Let’s just say that a person can get rid of «ordinary» anxieties with the help of relaxation or simply breathing techniques. Meditations, rationalization, auto-training, positive affirmations and so on.

Phobias are not so easy to deal with, especially on your own. In this case, a visit to a specialist is simply necessary. Because, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, they tend to grow in scale very quickly.

If initially a person tenses up at the sight of any dog, then it will not be difficult to correct his reaction to them.

Let him not become an avid dog owner, but at least he will feel calm if the animal is not aggressive towards him. That is, seeing a helpless puppy will not run away without feeling the ground under his feet.

But in an advanced stage, this fear threatens to become so irrational that such a person will not be able to sleep, because he will dream of packs of angry dogs. He will be afraid to close his eyes, because in his fantasy they will immediately attack him, crawling out from under the bed and so on.

Then it will take a long time to work to regain control of his life. So that he can relax and interact with the environment, satisfying his needs.

Treatment types

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

The most commonly used is cognitive behavioral therapy. It allows you to transform negative thoughts into positive ones. And also to understand what stereotypes of behavior, reactions are destructive for the client.

That is, they do not allow to achieve goals and realize needs, receiving satisfaction. Once they are identified, a cognitive therapist will help form new ones. Which will not interfere with its development and existence in general.

Among other things, in the process of therapy, you can meet the object of your horror face to face, only in your imagination. Under the supervision of a specialist, the client tries to describe situations when he has panic attacks.

Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to do this with the help of virtual reality gadgets. Naturally, when a person is already ready for such a turn of events.

Phobias: main signs, causes of their manifestation, as well as ways to deal with panic attacks

Deep work

This does not mean consultations, but directly psychotherapy. Basically it is gestalt, body therapy, hypnosis and so on.

With deep work, the psychotherapist seeks to find the cause of the phobia. Because working with symptoms alone is useless work. I think you yourself understand. It is important to understand the origins of this condition.


In some cases, when the patient is really in a serious condition, antidepressants, antipsychotics, or tranquilizers are prescribed. This reduces the level of anxiety, as well as the physical manifestations of anxiety. For example, it helps to nullify the occurrence of panic attacks (hereinafter referred to as PA).

For each variety there are certain medicines. For example, agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) responds well to benzodiazepines, beta-blockers. And if, while living in PA, a person becomes violent, antipsychotics work well.

The only thing is that there are specific fears, such as the fear of blood, snakes or crocodiles. So, they are amenable only to psychotherapy, medication cannot cope with them.

In general, as already mentioned, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the symptoms, but it is also important to understand where the roots of the disease come from. Therefore, treatment is usually complex.

Methods for dealing with panic attacks

As you remember, unreasonable anxiety usually takes you by surprise. When I was not at all ready for such a turn of events and calmly, for example, I drank tea with cookies at a party. And then suddenly it begins to seem that control over the body is lost and that, most likely, death is already a stone’s throw away.

This is a really difficult condition, but it is quite possible to cope with it on your own. So, the main methods that will help you regain your peace of mind and the ability to think rationally:

Diverting attention

Judging by the name, I think you guessed that when you are very anxious, you should try to distract yourself with something else. Preferably positive, funny.

It is clear that during an attack there is absolutely no time for jokes, but try to keep yourself looking for answers to some simple questions. Starting from what day it is, how many windows are in the room, where you are and what color of socks the interlocutor has.

It seems to be such simple nuances, but they will distract from experiences. Your brain will actively engage in work, which will allow the body to gradually stabilize. Remember, when emotions are running high, rationalization is the best way to bring them back to normal.

If from confusion it doesn’t work out to come up with questions and tasks for yourself, switch to sensations. Attach a warm object to the skin in different places, a cold one.

The best, most sensitive places are the stomach, wrist, temples. Pinch yourself, feel the boundaries of your body. Then you will not think that you are a solid «lump» of horror and anxiety.

Phobias: main signs, causes of their manifestation, as well as ways to deal with panic attacks


Slow down your breathing. Turn on the timer and try to take such slow and deep breaths and exhalations that within a minute you get no more than 8 — 9. Then try to experiment and breathe first with the diaphragm, and then with the stomach. Pay close attention to how the muscles are stretched, what you feel and what you think.

Learn more about calming and stress-relieving breathing techniques in this article. By the way, practice meditation. There is nothing complicated in it, but you will learn how to achieve inner balance. The simplest methods, designed for beginners, you will get from the article about the popular method of meditation.

«Paper bag»

This method is familiar to us thanks to American films. When someone at the onset of PA grabbed a paper bag and often breathed into it to calm down.

But such a package is not always at hand. Therefore, it will do if you just put your hands to your face and try to breathe in them. The effect will be the same.

The secret of this technique is that by exhaling excess oxygen, a person restores the gas balance in the blood. Why is it back to normal.


To control your condition and not do stupid things. Suppose, while running screaming and praying for help, take a sheet with a pen and write down everything that comes to mind.

In the process of writing, you distance yourself from your state, as if you are watching it from the side. And this will help to put your thoughts in order.


When anxiety rises, the body releases adrenaline. It is he who makes our heart beat at a crazy speed. Feeling dizzy due to an increase in the amount of oxygen in the blood, etc.

And at the moment of rage, strong anger, there is a surge of norepinephrine. It constricts blood vessels, affects blood pressure. In general, in a moment of panic, if you manage to get genuinely angry, you will stop, so to speak, spinning the flywheel of uncontrolled horror. And gradually come back to normal.

It will only be necessary to retire and turn to the PA as a real interlocutor. Say as much as you can out loud what you think. About how she got you and how much longer it will last. The main thing is to do it sincerely.

It is important to clarify that the above techniques allow you to bring feelings back to normal if anxiety suddenly seizes. But if you suffer from a phobic disorder, be sure to consult a specialist.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Stay on the site, and even better, subscribe to updates. In this section, we will introduce you to all existing types of phobias. Starting from the fear of spiders and ending with balloons or in general, the Internet.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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