Phlox Tatiana is one of the most beautifully flowering panicled phlox. Flowers have long been the favorites of flower growers. The plant is characterized by high immunity to diseases, practically does not suffer from insect damage and is very resistant to frost. The profuse blooming of panicled phlox with pink flowers will add a gentle charm to any garden.

The plant has a high resistance to adverse weather conditions.
Phlox variety description Tatyana
Variety “Tatiana” is a flowering ornamental perennial plant that belongs to the cyanotic family. The frost-resistant variety “Tatyana” perfectly tolerates winter in the middle latitudes, where sometimes there are especially cold winters. At the same time, the thicker the layer of snow, the easier the bushes will endure wintering. Light-loving phlox prefers open and lit areas, however, it grows well in the shade. But in this case, abundant flowering is difficult to achieve.
The shrub grows no more than 1 meter in height; phloxes are quite compact plants for garden plots. Due to the upright shoots, they do not particularly spread around. On the shoots in pairs are elongated oval leaves of dark green color.
Features of flowering
Variety “Tatiana” refers to the paniculate type of phlox and begins to bloom in mid-summer, usually in July. Flowering continues until the first days of September. By this time, all the buds have faded and in their place fruits are formed in the form of boxes, inside which the seeds ripen.
Large inflorescences are spherical in shape and are located at the very top of the shoots. On each inflorescence there are from 5 to 10 flowers with a diameter of 5 centimeters. Each bud of the Tatyana variety has 5 pale pink petals, which have only one row.

Phlox prefers partial shade and grows well under the crown of trees.
Application in design
Panicled phloxes are popular not only in Our Country, but throughout the world. They are used to decorate public park flower beds. In the UK, owners of private houses like to decorate their gardens with these flowers, and in the Netherlands they are planted along with gladioli.
Flowering plants with which “Tatiana” will look beautiful:
- astilbe;
- marigold;
- verbena;
- geleniums;
- buzulniki;
- monard.
Among the decorative deciduous plants that are suitable for the “neighborhood” with the paniculate “Tatyana” can be identified:
- loosestrife;
- oregano;
- badan;
- white forest tobacco;
- feverweed;
- barnyard (perennial);
- mexican mint.
It is not necessary to plant panicled phlox next to massive trees, they look better against the background of sprawling shrubs with a lush crown. The only trees that look very beautiful with Tatyana are conifers, the darker their needles, the more decorative and concise the garden looks.
Methods of reproduction
Panicled phlox is propagated in three ways:
- division of the bush;
- seeds;
- layering.
The most commonly used in home floriculture is the first method, the other two are used very rarely.
To propagate the Tatyana bush by dividing the parent adult bush, it is necessary to dig it out without injuring the root system. With a sharp and thin knife, separate the side parts of the bush along with the rhizome. Places of cuts must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or sprinkled with activated charcoal.
It is easy to propagate phloxes by layering, but the procedure can take a long time. Side shoots are covered with earth and watered abundantly, now it is necessary to wait for their rooting. Only when they give stable roots, they can be separated from the main bush and transplanted to another place.
In autumn, the seeds of panicled phlox are collected and planted in a box with a nutritious moistened substrate in early spring. From above they cover with a film and put on a lighted windowsill. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate pots.
Rules of landing
Panicled “Tatyana” loves a lot of light, so the site should be well lit. However, in order not to burn the leaf plates of the bush in summer, in especially hot and dry periods, you can choose a slightly shaded place. Moreover, panicled phlox tolerates shade well.
The great advantage of the plant is that planting can be carried out both in spring and in autumn. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to carefully examine them for mechanical damage and disease.
The plant is not particularly demanding on the quality of the soil, but it is better to plant it on loamy soil.
Stages of planting panicled phlox “Tatiana”:
- Dig up the area and add humus to it.
- Dig holes with a diameter and depth of 30 centimeters.
- Prepare the substrate by mixing fertile soil, compost and river sand.
- Pour the substrate into the holes with a small layer and place the seedlings in them.
- Pour around the remaining earthen mixture, do not tamp heavily.
- Pour soft, slightly warm water.
Planted on a properly selected place, “Tatyana” can grow there without transplants for almost 10 years, however, it is better to change the place of phloxes every 5 years.
The panicled variety is especially demanding on watering, they must be carried out often and plentifully. It is recommended that the watering procedure be carried out in the morning before sunrise at the zenith or in the evening, closer to sunset. For every 1 sq. meter, it is necessary to pour out about 2 buckets of high-quality, without various impurities, water.

Phlox “Tatyana” is a moisture-loving flower, its watering should be plentiful and regular
When water is absorbed into the soil, you need to loosen it to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. This procedure will not allow moisture to stagnate in the soil, which will protect against rot, fungi and mold.
Another way to keep water in the ground and not harm the phlox is to mulch it. Peat, sawdust or dry foliage can act as mulch. Small pebbles look good on flower beds and flower beds.
Panicled phlox “Tatyana” is fed every 3 weeks. For this, mineral fertilizers are used, which are best purchased ready-made in a complex form in special stores. In spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are needed, which contribute to the growth of green mass. With the onset of flowering, the bush is fed with phosphorus-potassium preparations.
Preparation for winter
The latest autumn top dressing should include both mineral fertilizers and organic matter: rotted manure, humus, compost. It is advisable to carry it out with liquid fertilizers so that all the nutrients are well saturated into the ground closer to the root system.
In the active season, the Tatyana panicled phlox does not need pinching and pruning. However, before leaving for the winter, phloxes need to be cut. Remove all shoots, leaving 3 centimeters of stems above ground level. The remaining segments, together with the soil, are carefully treated with fungicides or copper sulfate.
In the southern and some central regions, this variety can not be covered for the winter. It is enough just to completely fill the bush with mulch, and sprinkle the earth on top. In the northern latitudes, the plant is covered with spruce branches or spunbond.
Pests and diseases
Panicled phlox “Tatiana” is distinguished by its high resistance to pests and diseases. Rarely, the bush is affected by mealybugs, which provoke the appearance of powdery mildew. First, white round insects settle on the leaves, which secrete a whitish liquid. The stems and leaf plates begin to bloom, soon they turn black and fall off.
Another disease that can harm panicled phlox is variegation. It affects the flowers of the bush, they begin to change color to a brown tint.
The rust disease has similar characteristics, but it affects the leaf plates of Tatyana phlox. Locally they begin to dry up.
Nematodes not only destroy the bush, feeding on its juicy parts, but also carry infections. The leaves turn yellow, begin to curl and stop growing. If you do not treat the bush, then the foliage begins to fall off.

Leaf rust greatly spoils the decorative appearance of the plant and stops it from flowering.
Panicled phlox Tatyana is able to give garden plots a pleasing look thanks to her delicate raspberry flowers. Despite the fragile appearance, the variety is not capricious in care and is able to withstand severe frosts. And in order to diversify your site and dilute it with bright colors, you can plant different varieties of panicled phlox.