Phlox Douglas is a perennial evergreen ground cover crop that belongs to the Blueberry family. The plant is undemanding to the composition of the soil and care, for which it has won the love of many flower growers. North America is considered its homeland, where Douglas phlox grows everywhere on mountainous slopes, rocks and plains. In appearance, this species is in many ways similar to the styloid, but there are some differences.
Description of Phlox Douglas
Phlox “Douglas” is a low-growing herbaceous plant, about 7-10 cm high and 30-50 cm in diameter. It is distinguished by dense open shoots intertwining with each other. The stems are densely leafy, therefore, in the process of growth, the Douglas phlox resembles a dense pillow of moss. Its leaves are hard, narrow, dark green in color. Their length is about 1,0-1,5 cm.
The plant is valued for its high decorative qualities, as it is evergreen. And even after flowering forms a beautiful carpet on the soil surface. In this form, the Douglas phlox hibernates. The root system of the plant is well developed, branched, goes deep and wide by 15-20 cm.
This plant is photophilous, therefore it prefers open sunny areas. But it can also be planted in places with diffused light.

Phloxes are used for landscaping flower beds, paths and rocky gardens.
This species easily tolerates low temperatures, it is not afraid of frosts down to -35 degrees. Therefore, Douglas Phlox can be grown in the central and northern regions. When planting in the southern regions, the crop may get wet during thaws.
The main difference between the “Douglas” phlox and the subulate is that it grows much more slowly.
Top Grades
Phlox “Douglas” has a wide variety of varieties. This allows you to combine species and create unusual ground cover compositions. You should familiarize yourself with the most popular varieties that have won the general recognition of flower growers.
The variety was obtained through the efforts of Scottish breeders. Phlox Douglas Crackerjack flowers have a bright crimson hue. Their diameter is much larger than that of other species and is 1,5-2 cm. The flowering period of this species is somewhat shifted: for the first time it occurs in May, and the buds are formed again at the end of July.

The shape of the flowers in the Crackerjack variety is star-shaped
Lilac Cloud
This variety of Phlox “Douglas” is characterized by mauve flowers. When blooming, they are bright, and subsequently brighten significantly and acquire a more delicate shade. Due to the play of color, the Douglas phlox Lilac Cloud looks very elegant.

Variety Lilac Cloud is characterized by color variability
Red Admiral
This species is characterized by a red tint of flowers with a raspberry tint. Their diameter is 1 cm. The flowering period begins at the end of May and lasts 4-5 weeks. During this period, the Douglas Red Admiral phlox is a bright red carpet, as the leaves are not visible. Prefers open areas, as the shade fades slightly in partial shade.

The Red Admiral variety is considered one of the most powerful and hardy
White Admiral
This variety of Phlox “Douglas” is distinguished by a snow-white shade of flowers. The height of the plant is 10-11 cm. During the flowering period, the foliage is almost invisible. Prefers sunny places, but easily tolerates partial shade without loss of decorative qualities. White Admiral is one of the most sought after species in landscape design.

This variety goes well with the bright types of Douglas phlox.
This variety is characterized by pale lilac, almost white flowers. It is characterized by slow growth, like other varieties of Douglas Phlox. But at the same time it is distinguished by abundant flowering in May, and repeated, but more scarce – in August.

Eva looks great in rock gardens in combination with other species, as well as in pots
This variety of Phlox “Douglas” is characterized by soft crimson flowers with a darker center. Waterloo looks good in single plantings, as well as in combination with white species. The first flowering occurs in May and lasts 3-4 weeks, the second – at the end of August, under favorable conditions.

The diameter of flowers in the Waterloo variety varies between 1-1,2 cm
Boothman’s Variety
The variety is a dwarf form of Phlox “Douglas”. The main shade of the flowers is pink-purple, and there is a dark contrasting ring in the center. The height of the shoots is 4-6 cm. Phlox “Douglas” Boothman’s Variety is characterized by a persistent pleasant aroma that is felt when the buds open.

This variety grows in diameter by 30-40 cm.
Features of flowering
Phlox “Douglas” flowers are simple, consist of 5 notched petals with a diameter of 1,5 cm. Collected in capitate inflorescences of 2-3 pieces, which are located on the tops of the shoots. Their shade depends on the variety and can be white, pink, carmine red, purple, while the eye differs in color from the main tone.
Phlox “Douglas” is characterized by lush flowering. This period begins in May-June, and again – in August-September, in the presence of favorable conditions. During flowering, a light pleasant aroma is felt, which intensifies in the evening.
Application in design
Phlox “Douglas” is very much in demand in landscape design. The densely leafy shoots of the plant are intertwined and densely fill the free space. Thanks to this feature, a living flower carpet is formed, through which weeds cannot break through.
Options for using Douglas phlox for landscaping a site:
- in the foreground mixed flower beds;
- as borders;
- along garden paths, at the entrance to the gazebo;
- for smoothing slopes and decorating the top of an alpine hill, rockery;
- between boulders, between slabs, stones, steps;
- in containers for decorating terraces, balconies, near the gate.
The plant can be combined with other ground cover varieties of phlox, as well as with crops such as primrose, edelweiss and dwarf irises. Phlox “Douglas” also looks good along the edge of the lawn and against the background of thuja, pine, juniper and spruce.

To preserve the decorative qualities of Douglas phlox, the plant needs to be updated every 4 years
Methods of reproduction
This ground cover crop can be propagated by apical cuttings and division of the rhizome.
The first method can be used before and after flowering. To do this, it is necessary to cut the apical cuttings 10 cm long. Clean the stem below from the leaves and lower it into the water by 2-3 cm. The roots will appear after 2-3 weeks. But during this time it is necessary to constantly update the water in the tank.
Cuttings can also be planted directly into the soil at a slight angle. Rooting occurs after 2 weeks. During this time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly slightly moist.
The second method is simpler, but allows you to get a limited number of new seedlings. It is necessary to start dividing the rhizome immediately after the first flowering. To do this, it is necessary to dig out the mother liquor and divide it into “delenki” with a knife, so that each has root processes and shoots. After that, the seedlings should be planted immediately in a permanent place.
Planting and caring for Phlox Douglas
For phlox, it is recommended to choose open elevated areas. At the same time, light midday penumbra is allowed. The plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil, so the close occurrence of groundwater is detrimental to it.
This culture is able to adapt to any soil composition, but grows and blooms best on loams with neutral or low acidity. Before planting, it is important to dig the site in advance and carefully remove the weed roots.
To get the most dense and beautiful flower carpet, it is necessary to plant seedlings at a distance of 0,2-0,25 m from each other.
Landing algorithm:
- Make a recess in length and width of 20 cm.
- Lay a layer of drainage 2 cm thick on the bottom.
- Top with earth.
- Place the seedling in the center.
- Spread the roots, sprinkle with earth, compact the surface.
- Water the plant generously.
The most favorable period for planting is April. At this time, growth processes are activated in the plant, and therefore it quickly adapts to a new place.
Phlox “Douglas” does not require complex care. It is enough to water the seedlings as needed, as well as loosen the soil at the base and remove weeds in a timely manner until the plant grows.
This crop does not need regular feeding, so it is recommended to apply fertilizer twice a season. The first time in the spring during the period of active growth. For this, it is recommended to use mullein 1:10, the second time – during the formation of buds. In this case, it is recommended to use a mineral fertilizer for flowering crops, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

Excessive feeding causes active growth of shoots to the detriment of the flowering of the plant.
Preparation for winter
Preparation for winter includes pruning at the end of September. In this case, the shoots should be shortened by 1/4 of the length. It is also necessary to fertilize the plants with wood ash to strengthen the immune system before wintering.
Phlox “Douglas” does not need shelter, as it is highly frost-resistant. But if the winter is snowless, then it is recommended to lay spruce branches on top of the plant.
Pests and diseases
Phlox “Douglas”, like the subulate, is susceptible to diseases and pests. Therefore, the plant must be regularly examined and urgent measures taken when the first warning signs appear.
Possible problems:
- Powdery mildew. The disease is characterized by the appearance of white spots on the leaves. Subsequently, they grow and acquire a brown tint. If left untreated, the plant may die. To combat the fungus, it is recommended to use Topaz or Skor. The provoking factor is excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers, high humidity and temperature.
- Rust. При развитии болезни на листьях флокса «Дугласа» появляются коричневые пятна. Ржавчине в большей степени подвержены темные сорта культуры. Для борьбы рекомендуется использовать бордосскую смесь (3%) или медный купорос.
- Spider mite. A small harmful insect that is difficult to see with the naked eye. It feeds on the juice of leaves and shoots. When affected, the plant stops growing, looks dejected, and small yellow dots appear on the plates at the puncture sites. For destruction, it is recommended to use Actellik, Fitoverm. High temperature and dry air can provoke mass distribution.
Phlox Douglas is an undemanding culture that can be used for landscaping a site in different ways. At the same time, the variety of varieties allows you to combine species and create bright flower arrangements that will attract attention.
But to get a lush dense carpet, you need to plant at least 9 seedlings per 1 sq. m. And then the desired result will not be long in coming.