Phlox Amethyst is a beautiful perennial flower popular with gardeners. The plant is bright, lush, takes root well, combines with almost all flowers, easily tolerates winter. Phlox has earned the respect of gardeners primarily because of its decorative qualities and unpretentiousness. It is often planted in gardens, flower beds, in personal plots. Even an inexperienced gardener can handle the cultivation of Amethyst.

Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

Phlox bloom once a year

Phlox Description Amethyst

Phlox bushes are moderately spreading, grow up to 1 m in height. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences, up to 8 cm in size. The stems are dense, strong, and can bend under the weight of the buds. Phlox petals are wavy, strongly open, bent at a right angle from the inflorescence. The plant loves partial shade and light, the Amethyst variety does not fade, but the sun’s rays can burn its leaves. Bushes do not grow well in drafts, slopes, under trees and on the north side of the site. The variety grows neatly and quickly, has high frost resistance.

Phloxes can be grown in all regions of Our Country and other CIS countries. In the southern regions, it is desirable to allocate wet, calm areas for planting plants. In a continental climate, in the Urals, in the Altai Territory, Siberia, phlox must be planted in well-lit places where a lot of snow accumulates in winter.

Important! In winters with little snow, amethysts should be covered with foliage, non-woven materials, and peat.

Features of flowering Amethyst phlox

Amethysts belong to the paniculate group, have funnel-shaped flowers, collected at the top in large elongated inflorescences. The color is bright, blue-lilac with a hint of pink. The plant is slender, up to 100 cm in height. The flowers are small, fragrant. Phlox paniculata Amethyst always stands out in a flower bed due to its delicate range and long flowering (1,5-2 months), which begins in mid-summer and lasts until September. The splendor of the plant depends on the place of planting. Amethyst seedling should be placed where moisture does not stagnate, on fertile and loose soil. It is noticed that in the shade the phlox bushes are less lush and inexpressive.

Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

Any kind of phlox takes root well in a new place.

Application in design

Amethysts look great in combination with annual varieties of different colors. The plant is indispensable in country style and mixborders. Good neighbors for him are aquilegia, low shrubs, bluebells, rudbeckia and carnations. In summer, geraniums, alpine asters, mountaineers, lilies and oriental poppies will be a good addition. But the aggressor plants: ostrich, periwinkle, ryegrass and variegated gout, it is better not to plant next to amethysts.

The flowers are suitable for cutting, look good in bouquets, and keep fresh for a long time in water.

Methods of reproduction

It is not difficult to breed Amethyst phlox, for this you will need seeds, a flower with a root or a cutting. The easiest and most effective way of propagation is the division of an adult bush. Such a plant will bloom the next year after planting. By cuttings, phloxes are planted less often; for this, young shoots up to 10 cm in length are used. When propagated by seeds, the varietal qualities of the crop are not always preserved. Amethyst seeds do not lie for a long time, they should be sown in the fall, almost immediately after harvest.

Advice! To keep the phlox seeds longer, they are mixed with sand and cleaned in a cool place.
Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

If the cuttings are planted in cups, they will take root better.

Rules of landing

Phlox Amethyst should be planted in the early morning or in cloudy weather, preferably in partial shade or in a sunny area. With light shading, the flowering period is significantly increased, and in the shade the culture will bloom poorly and not for long. The optimal soil for phlox is light, sandy loam. If the earth is heavy, then sand should be added to it. On dense and greasy soil, the plant develops poorly.

In the seed way, the crop is planted in the fall, the planting time is chosen depending on the climate. When planting seeds, a gap of up to 5 cm is left between them, sprinkled on top with a thin layer of earth. The planting depth is about 1 cm. In May, when the phlox seedlings get stronger, they are seated in a permanent place.

Planting the plant in seedlings is carried out in the spring, in May. In sprouts with 3-4 independent leaves, the tops are pinched and planted in open ground when the threat of frost has passed. A place for a plant during spring planting is prepared in the fall. To do this, they dig up the earth and remove the remains of weeds and debris from it. Humus is added to sandy soil, lime to acidic soil. Clay soil needs drainage.

Planting amethysts by division can be carried out both in spring and autumn. Bushes that are already 5 years old are suitable for this. The process includes several steps:

  1. Digging.
  2. Cleaning of rotten and dry roots.
  3. Division with a disinfected knife.
  4. Planting each part of the plant in fertilized and abundantly watered holes.

When propagated by cuttings from a healthy bush, a part with several nodes is cut off and planted in a permanent place. To root the sprouts, you can first plant them in containers, and after a couple of weeks in a flower bed.

Advice! Amethysts grow well, so seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 20 cm.
Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

Once every 5 years, in the fall, it is necessary to transplant or divide phlox


Phloxes do not need special care, but by adhering to elementary rules, you can preserve the beauty of the front garden for many years.

So that the plant does not hurt, it is enough:

  1. Fertilize the culture with minerals during the growing season.
  2. Provide abundant watering, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.
  3. Loosen the soil after watering.
  4. Regularly free the flower garden from weeds.
  5. Plant amethyst bushes every 4-5 years.
  6. Mulch at the onset of late autumn.
  7. Cover the plant for the winter if there is little snow in the region.

Flowers grow well on any soil, but they especially love light, with a small amount of clay.

Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

Flowers grow well in any soil, but especially love light soil with a little clay.

Preparation for winter

In order for Amethyst phlox to have lush inflorescences every year, it must be properly prepared for the onset of cold weather. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • summer pruning;
  • winter pruning;
  • top dressing;
  • weeding;
  • shelter or mulching in late autumn.

During the summer pruning of amethysts, only flower stalks are removed, leaving most of the greenery. Before winter, the plant is cut to ground level. Phlox can be fertilized both after flowering and before winter. Superphosphate, potassium sulfate or wood ash are best suited for this. After fertilizing around the bush, all weeds are removed.

Since Phlox Amethyst is frost-resistant, it is not necessary to cover it. But if such a desire arises, it is allowed to insulate the plants with compost, peat or humus, from above you can cover with spruce branches. Phloxes growing in a harsh climate are best dug up before winter and stored in the basement.

Attention! Phlox cannot be covered with film or airtight materials.

Pests and diseases

Of the diseases that can affect Phlox Amethyst, there are two:

  1. Powdery mildew. A fungal disease that looks like a layer of dust. It affects inflorescences and phlox leaves, leads to their drying and falling off. White plaque draws out useful substances, interferes with the process of photosynthesis. New leaves that appear in place of fallen ones grow deformed. The disease is not always immediately noticeable, but after its detection, the affected parts of the amethyst should be pruned, the soil should be soaked with a fungicide and the plant should be sprayed with it.

    Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

  2. Phomosis (button rot). Spots on stems and leaves that can cause flower death. To combat the disease, special drugs are used.

    Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

Among the pests that affect the phlox Amethyst, there are:

  1. Slugs. Permanent “guests” of gardens and orchards. They settle on moist soil, appear in sight only at night or on cloudy days. The fight against parasites consists in treating the soil with saline or ash.

    Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

  2. Nematodes. Worms that penetrate and feed on plant tissues. Pests lay their eggs under the skin of the stems, because of which the flowers on the inflorescences become smaller and the plant dies. It is impossible to get rid of parasites. When they appear, the phlox bush Amethyst should be dug up and burned, away from garden crops.

    Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews

  3. Penny. It sucks nutrients from the flower, piercing the stems and leaves. Dies from chemicals.

    Phlox Amethyst (Amethyst): photo and description, reviews


Phlox Amethyst is an unpretentious plant that, with proper care, pleases gardeners with beautiful flowers for several years. With timely removal of weeds and moderate watering, it is very resistant to diseases, but with a lack of nutrition and moisture, phlox bushes can weaken. The plant looks great in flower beds, parks, flower beds and front gardens.

Phlox Amethyst Reviews

Elizaveta Koshkina, 56 years old, Moscow.
I love phloxes, especially Amethyst. First of all, I love him because he does not fade in the sun and even during the hot summer, he always retains his colorfulness. I also like its disease resistance and unpretentiousness. I have been growing a plant in the country for about 20 years and have never encountered problems.
Diana Sobyanina, 40 years old, Volsk.
Phloxes have been growing in my garden for a long time, but Amethyst was planted for the first time the year before last, a neighbor shared a bush during transplantation. I was surprised that last year it immediately bloomed for me, and so magnificently. By autumn, the bush has grown well, so I’m thinking of planting next year so that there is more of this beauty.
Marina Shut, 30 years old, Engels.
I’m still an inexperienced gardener. All my life I lived in an apartment, and then moved to a private house. A friend shared her phlox with me, said that they are the easiest to grow, and indeed, I did it. Now these flowers grow in my garden, almost all summer they delight with their beauty and rich, pronounced aroma.
Phlox paniculata (Amethyst). Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings

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