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Breast cancer is one of the worst diseases, claiming thousands of lives every year. Despite the fact that this type of cancer has been studied better than others and responds very well to treatment in the early stages, the statistics are becoming increasingly depressing. Every year in our country, it is detected in more than 55 thousand women, and only half of this number can be cured.
Breast cancer in Russia is rampant
Meanwhile, in many European countries, where breast cancer is sick at least as often, it is possible to save not half, but almost all cases.
Breast cancer in Russia is rampant for several reasons. First, there are many myths surrounding this disease. It is believed that a tumor can occur only in adulthood, and young people have nothing to fear. In fact, doctors notice that cancer is “getting younger”, and there are many known cases when it affected girls a little over 20 years old. The notion that cancer is always the fault of genes is also not true. Those who have never had this disease in their family also suffer from it. Approximately 70% of the patients had no hereditary predisposition to cancer. The most absurd myth associates the risk of cancer with the size of the breast – many believe that the smaller it is, the lower the likelihood of getting sick. In reality, the owners of the first size get sick with it as often as those whom nature has awarded with large breasts.
The second reason for the prevalence of breast cancer is the propensity of Russians to self-medicate. Despite the fact that the help of professionals is available to the absolute majority, many continue to believe in the effectiveness of “folk remedies” and try to independently cure cancer with the help of various decoctions and poultices. Of course, the result of such “therapy” is zero. But while a woman is experimenting, it takes precious time, because cancer develops very quickly.
Finally, the third and main reason for the prevalence of breast cancer is the lack of a habit of taking care of your health. Only 30% of Russian women more or less regularly go to the mammologist for examination. Meanwhile, the importance of early diagnosis cannot be overemphasized. Cancer in the initial stages, when it can be cured without any problems, does not manifest itself in any way. While the tumor is very small, it can only be detected on an ultrasound or mammogram. If the tumor is palpable during self-examination, it means that it has already grown so much that it poses a danger to life. Most cases of breast cancer in our country are detected completely by accident. But if women remembered how important it is to get diagnosed on time, the survival rate for breast cancer in our country, as in Europe, would be at least 85%.
Philips has been campaigning against breast cancer for several years
Philips has been running a global campaign against breast cancer for several years now. To remind women of the need to take care of themselves, the Dutch company organizes a spectacular event every year – it includes pink illumination of famous architectural monuments and other attractions in different cities of the world. Pink is the official color of the anti-breast cancer movement, the color of beauty and femininity. In recent years, such illumination has adorned many sights, and recently Russia has joined the action. This year, the central alley of the TsPKiO named after Gorky, Garden of them. Bauman, as well as Tverskaya street in Moscow.
Of course, the fight against breast cancer is not limited to highlighting famous sites. As part of the campaign, Philips employees make charitable contributions to fund cancer research. But the most important part of the action is the organization of free examinations for 10 thousand. women around the world.
Philips, one of the largest manufacturers of medical diagnostic equipment, has teamed up with the best clinics to give every woman the opportunity to be diagnosed using the most modern equipment and receive specialist advice. This year the action is taking place in a number of Moscow medical centers. So, during October, any woman can make an appointment at the Health Clinic and undergo mammography on modern equipment for free.
Unfortunately, we are seeing a constant increase in the number of cases of breast cancer. Tens of thousands of new cases are diagnosed in Russia every year. Age is one of the risk factors for the development of the disease: the older a woman gets, the higher the likelihood of developing breast cancer. It is important to remember that after age 40, all women should have a mammogram. Modern mammographs allow diagnosing the smallest foci of the disease, that is, identifying the problem at the earliest stages and greatly increasing the chances of recovery. All that is required is not to neglect the rule of visiting a doctor once a year. “The current trend shows that the age limits of this disease are expanding, which means that the sooner a woman begins to pay attention to her health, the better,” says Veronika Sergeevna Narkevich, a radiologist at the Clinic of Health Clinical Diagnostic Center.
It is generally accepted that breast cancer is an unambiguous death sentence, but it is not. Breast cancer in its early stages responds well to treatment. In many cases, it is even possible to do without a mastectomy – removal of the mammary glands. And Philips does not tire of reminding: take care of yourself and your loved ones, do not forget about the need to undergo an ultrasound or mammography every year, because early diagnosis saves lives.