Phellinus smoothed (Phellinus laevigatus)
Phellinus smoothis is a perennial porioid fungus. Trutovik.
Found everywhere. Prefers to grow on fallen deciduous trees, especially birch, as well as on the trunks of buckthorn, willow, alder, oak.
Fruiting bodies are rounded, may also have an oblong shape. At a young age, they are solitary, later they merge with neighboring ones into long, irregular formations. Formations can reach a length of up to 20-25 centimeters, while growing very tightly to the substrate.
The surface of the fruiting bodies is uneven, wavy, the color is brown, brown, chestnut, it can have a beautiful steel sheen. The edge of the body of the fungus is slightly raised, ridge-like. In mature mushrooms, the edge usually lags behind the substrate.
The tubules of the hymenophore are layered, with thin walls, often overgrown with mycelium. The pores are rounded or elongated.
Phellinus flattened is a wood-destroying fungus that causes white rot. At the same time, the places affected by rot often pierce the brown threads of the mycelium. When affected, the wood begins to rot and disintegrate along the growth rings.
Phellinus smoothed refers to inedible mushrooms.