Phellinus grape (Phellinus viticola)
Phellinus grape is a perennial polypore fungus. Its fruiting bodies are prostrate, usually with narrow, elongated caps.
In width – narrow, the thickness reaches about 1,5-2 centimeters.
The caps of Phellinus viticola are solitary, laterally fused. May be tiled. The surface of the caps of young mushrooms with small bristles, felt, velvety. And in mature mushrooms, it is naked or rough, with some convex zones.
The flesh is very hard cork-like, the color is red, chestnut-brown. The hymenophore is layered, the tubules are lighter than the pulp tissue, have a yellowish-brown or brown color. The pores are angular, sometimes somewhat elongated, with a white coating on the edges, 3–5 per 1 mm.
Phellinus grape is a mushroom that grows on deadwood of conifers, usually pine, spruce. It is very similar to such types of tinder fungi as rusty-brown fellinus, black-limited fellinus. But in the grape fellinus, the caps are not so pubescent, while the pores of the hymenophore are very large.
The mushroom belongs to the category of inedible species. Grows everywhere.