Pharyngitis in adults
Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process in the pharynx. It is because of him that we feel tickling, scratching, burning or dryness in the throat, coughing or hoarse dry cough, pain when swallowing

With pharyngitis, the nasopharynx, oropharynx or laryngopharynx becomes inflamed. The manifestations of pathology depend on this. Often, pharyngitis is combined with a runny nose (rhinopharyngitis), inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillopharyngitis).

Causes of pharyngitis in adults

By origin, pharyngitis can be divided into infectious (caused by infection with an infection) and non-infectious (inflammation is provoked by external factors or some diseases that a person has, chronic pathologies).

Depending on the pathogen, infectious pharyngitis is divided into:

  • viral (more than 90%);
  • bacterial (about 10%);
  • fungal (mainly candidal).

The most common causative agents of viral pharyngitis are rhinoviruses and adenoviruses, less often influenza viruses, parainfluenza, coronaviruses, etc.

The causative agent of bacterial pharyngitis is most often hemolytic streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma.

Among the causes of non-infectious pharyngitis, the following influences can be distinguished:

  • exposure to irritating, traumatic factors – dry hot or very cold air, steam, caustic food, dust, cigarette smoke, chemicals, physical trauma (fish bones, foreign bodies, consequences of surgical interventions);
  • allergens that enter the pharyngeal mucosa with air, food or liquid and provoke acute inflammation (usually in parallel with inflammation of the nasal mucosa);
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, which provoke a person to breathe mainly through the mouth;
  • excessive use of vasoconstrictor sprays and nasal drops;
  • pathologies of the digestive system (gastroesophageal reflux) with acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus and oropharynx, which makes it irritated and inflamed;
  • smoking and excessive alcohol intake as irritating factors.

Factors contributing to the development of pharyngitis are considered to be diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, lungs, which provoke circulatory disorders and oxygen supply to the pharyngeal mucosa, due to which it suffers from dryness, gradually atrophies.

Ways of infection with pharyngitis in an adult

The infection is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets, as well as through direct contact with the sick person’s hygiene items, dishes, spoons, and from dirty hands.

Sometimes it is possible to transmit an infectious agent from apparently healthy people, carriers. Particularly prone to such forms of pharyngitis are people with a weakened immune defense caused by stress, physical overload, and having bad habits.

Types of pharyngitis

Depending on how the disease proceeds, pharyngitis is divided into acute and chronic.

Acute pharyngitis usually develops after a viral infection, has a diffuse distribution, capturing all parts of the pharynx, its symptoms are quite pronounced.

Chronic pharyngitis is the result of constant exposure to irritating factors, such as dust, cigarette smoke, irritating gases, etc. The inflammatory process has a clearer localization, the upper and middle or lower pharynx may suffer, although the allocation of different types of pharyngitis by localization is rather conditional.

Symptoms of pharyngitis in adults

The earliest symptom of acute pharyngitis is discomfort in the throat. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms may join:

  • perspiration and dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • pain and discomfort when swallowing;
  • dry cough;
  • enlargement of the cervical, submandibular lymph nodes;
  • irradiation of pain in the ear;
  • general weakness, malaise.

In chronic pharyngitis, patients often complain of a sensation of a lump in the throat, a dry cough without discharge, and an accumulation of sputum in the throat. With exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, redness of the throat and swelling are observed.

Treatment of pharyngitis in adults

Treatment of pharyngitis can be carried out at home under the supervision of a doctor. In the presence of tonsillopharyngitis, additional drugs, including antibiotics, may be required. And without treatment, this form of the disease is fraught with complications.


An otorhinolaryngologist can make a diagnosis by examining the pharynx and identifying typical symptoms during pharyngoscopy. But in order to determine the cause of the inflammation, it is necessary to take a swab from the pharynx by conducting virology or bacteriological examination.

Acute pharyngitis during pharyngoscopy is characterized by redness of the mucous membranes, passing to the tonsils, swelling of the tongue. On the mucosa there may be mucous or purulent raids. Some patients have enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

In the chronic form, in addition to the examination, additional examinations may be required – blood tests, crops separated from the mucous membranes, nasal endoscopy. Some patients need a consultation with a gastroenterologist to rule out reflux disease.

Modern treatments

First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet food that irritates the mucous membrane of the pharynx: spicy, salty, sour, alcohol, seeds, nuts, crackers. Stop smoking, do not strain your vocal cords. The drinking regimen should be at least 1,5-2 liters per day and include compotes, fruit drinks, rosehip and chamomile decoction.

Medicines for the treatment of pharyngitis in adults

In the treatment of acute pharyngitis, several groups of drugs are used:

  • anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs when the body temperature reaches values ​​above 38,6 ° C (Nurofen, Ibuklin, Rinza, Paracetamol);
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  • antiseptic (Doctor Mom, Strepsils, Faringopils, Faringosept);
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  • topical agents – sprays (Tantum-Verde, Hexoral, Miramistin), rinses (saline solutions, OKI solution, Furacillin, Sangviritrin, Angidak Sept).
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If necessary: ​​painkillers, antibiotics.

Antibiotics for pharyngitis in adults

With viral pharyngitis and fungal infection, antibiotics are not used. When confirming the bacterial nature of pharyngitis (especially in combination with tonsillitis), if, for example, beta-hemolytic streptococcus type A is detected, antibiotic therapy is indicated, which should be started with penicillin antibiotics (semi-synthetic drugs).

If these are patients from the frequently ill group, they may be prescribed drugs protected aminopenicillins. All antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor on prescription and strictly monitors their use. The course of antibiotic therapy must be completed completely, even if all symptoms have disappeared.

Inhalation for pharyngitis in adults

Recently, there has been controversy regarding inhalation with pharyngitis. Many doctors believe that the use of nebulizer and compressor inhalers and their use for the treatment of pharyngitis is excessive, and can even lead to complications (if mineral water or herbal decoctions, non-sterile solutions are used). Therefore, the advisability of inhalation should be discussed with the doctor, as well as the drugs that are used.

Rinsing with pharyngitis

Moisturizing the mucosa and the effect of medicinal components (antiseptic, anti-inflammatory) helps in the early suppression of inflammation. In addition, when rinsing, viruses, bacterial cells and exfoliating epithelium, mucus are mechanically washed off. You can gargle with solutions of sea or table salt, soda, various pharmaceutical preparations (OKI-solution, Povidone-Iodine, Furacillin, Miramistin).

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Pharyngeal physiotherapy

With prolonged and chronic pharyngitis, the doctor may recommend methods of physiotherapy (laser therapy, ultraviolet radiation, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy). Any methods are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Surgical treatment of pharyngitis

Surgical interventions are carried out in cases where the cause of chronic pharyngitis is a violation of nasal breathing due to a curvature of the septum, nasal polyps, chronic tonsillitis (only under strict indications).

Folk remedies for the treatment of pharyngitis

Treatment of pharyngitis should be comprehensive and not limited to folk remedies alone. Using only folk remedies is usually not so ineffective and threatens with the development of complications.

In combination with drugs, you can use gargles with infusions of herbs with antiseptic properties (sage, chamomile, eucalyptus).

Prevention of pharyngitis at home

In order to warn yourself against pharyngitis, you must first of all give up bad habits that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat – quit smoking and abuse alcohol.

In the cold season, do not overcool, strengthen the immune system by taking vitamin complexes. Breathing, especially in cold air, should be through the nose, as it traps germs and warms the air.

An effective way to prevent pharyngitis is to ventilate the premises, especially during the heating period. It increases the body’s resistance to viruses.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed some of the issues in the treatment of pharyngitis, the reasons for visiting a doctor and the possibility of a quick and effective treatment of inflammation with otorhinolaryngologist Igor Yurganov.

When to see a doctor for pharyngitis?
If the symptoms are severe and severe, do not hesitate to contact a doctor. This is especially important if a high temperature has risen, the sore throat is very severe, swallowing food and liquids is difficult. It is also worth consulting a doctor if, with home treatment, relief of the condition does not occur for 3-4 days.
How long is pharyngitis treated?
Uncomplicated forms of viral and bacterial pharyngitis are treated within 7-10 days, chronic forms in the acute stage can be treated for up to 2 weeks.
What are the possible complications of pharyngitis?
Acute pharyngitis without proper treatment can become chronic. In addition, it is possible for the infection to spread to the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis develops), to the middle ear (otitis media occurs), or to the tonsils (tonsillitis). With purulent processes, a pharyngeal or paratonsillar abscess is possible.
How to quickly and effectively cure pharyngitis?
You can quickly and effectively recover from pharyngitis by strictly following the doctor’s recommendations, following all his prescriptions and not abandoning the course of treatment as it becomes easier, completing the therapy to the end.
Is it possible to treat pharyngitis with folk methods?
If the doctor did not recommend some alternative methods of treatment, then you should not practice them on your own. Self-medication with dubious recipes from the Internet can only do harm, provoking allergies or complications.

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