Pharmacy chamomile: beneficial properties. Video
Pharmacy chamomile has a lot of useful properties, and therefore is often used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. You can take it in the form of a decoction, infusion and tea, as well as make rinses and medicinal baths with it.
Pharmacy chamomile: useful properties
Useful properties of chamomile
Pharmacy chamomile has a huge number of useful properties, and therefore can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, is well tolerated by the body and almost never has side effects. The only contraindication to its use is individual intolerance, but this is so rare that even allergy sufferers in most cases can not be afraid and calmly use chamomile to deal with all kinds of ailments.
An allergy to chamomile can manifest itself as redness or slight itching of the skin, as well as a runny nose and watery eyes. A really serious complication – airway edema – occurs in isolated cases and requires the help of a doctor
Most often, chamomile is used as an anti-inflammatory agent, but in reality, its spectrum of action is much wider.
For example, chamomile tea works well in the following cases:
- at high temperature
- with a cold
- with a decrease in immunity
- with vitamin deficiency
- with mild headache and muscle pain
- with increased nervous excitability
- with insomnia
- with problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract
- with cardiovascular diseases
- with allergies
- with muscle weakness
- with neuroses and many other neuropsychiatric disorders
Chamomile can also be used during pregnancy. With regular use, it has a positive effect on the uteroplacental blood flow, prevents the occurrence of fetal hypoxia, eases the course of early toxicosis and helps get rid of heartburn in late pregnancy.
A decoction of chamomile helps to recover faster in case of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas
In addition, it can be used for bloating, flatulence, diarrhea caused by both infection and nutritional deficiencies.
Pharmacy chamomile has found its application in dermatology. It is often used as a local remedy for skin rashes, allergies, cuts, burns, and other wounds. Chamomile baths have a softening effect, and therefore help well with dry skin, eczema, gout and even ulcers.
Pharmacy chamomile in cosmetology
Pharmacy chamomile is often used in cosmetology as a skin and hair care product. It is effective in treating dandruff as well as hair breakage, dryness and hair loss. Decoctions from it can be used in the preparation of all kinds of masks, as well as rinse your head with them after washing.
Herbal chamomile baths have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands and nails
To prepare them, you need a tablespoon of chopped herbs and two glasses of boiling water. When the infusion acquires a golden color (about 10-15 minutes after the herb is brewed), it will need to be filtered and cooled to 40 ° C. With brittle nails, burrs and dry skin, hands will need to be immersed in the infusion for 15-20 minutes. The procedure can be repeated daily until the desired result is achieved.
How to use pharmacy chamomile
Despite the fact that collecting and harvesting chamomile is not difficult, it is better to use herb purchased from a pharmacy. It is grown in ecologically clean areas, and also undergoes special processing before reaching the counter. You can buy it both in the form of crushed herbs and in filter bags, which are convenient to use for making tea, trays and rinsing infusions.
The filter bag with pharmacy chamomile should be brewed in a glass of boiling water. After 5-7 minutes, the resulting liquid can be used for both internal and external treatment. She can rinse her mouth with stomatitis, gingivitis, flux and sore throat. In the presence of gynecological diseases, the resulting infusion can be doused. In addition, a glass of such a drink helps to quickly recover from stress and fall asleep in the presence of mild insomnia.
You can drink brewed chamomile up to 5-7 times a day, and it is effective both with a single dose and with course treatment
For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, it is better to use concentrated infusions made from dried chopped herbs. In this case, it is better to brew chamomile for at least an hour and preferably in a thermos. A liter of boiling water will require 2-3 tablespoons of herbs. The resulting liquid will need to be filtered through a fine sieve or double gauze before use.
Useful properties of chamomile
With gastritis and gastric ulcer, half a glass of the resulting infusion should be drunk half an hour before meals, but if the outflow of bile is disturbed or diarrhea, the same amount, but after eating. However, you can drink the infusion regardless of the diet, for example, with a sudden intestinal spasm, accompanied by severe pain, or with nausea, vomiting, heartburn and other similar unpleasant symptoms.
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