Pharmaceutical technicians fear the “kiss of death”. Sales through the pass-through window pose a risk of coronavirus infection?
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“Selling through the window is a kiss of DEATH” – raises the alarm Aneta Klimczak, vice-president of the Trade Union of Pharmaceutical Technicians, who demands mandatory installation of protective glass in pharmacies.

They need protective glass. They write to the Ministry of Health

Aneta Klimczak wrote to the Ministry of Health a letter on ensuring the safety of employees of pharmacies and pharmacy outlets. As he emphasizes, it is necessary to introduce the obligation to install protective glazing and to stop presenting the pharmacy as a place of first contact for people with infection. According to the vice president of the Trade Union of Pharmaceutical Technicians, clear communication is needed that sick people should stay at home and healthy family members should be asked to buy drugs. The appeals of the community remained unanswered.

“Kiss of death” – what does it mean?

– What I write about glass or appealing not to come from sick people are no jokes. This is where your and your family’s lives are really at stake, because if you catch an infection, there is a great chance that you will share it with the whole family. Meanwhile, the ministry not only ignores us completely, because why spend a few pennies on glass, but even introduces recommendations that are a deadly threat to us – emphasizes Klimczak.

What is the risk and why is it even bigger now ZZTF Vice President explains on social media:

Coughing causes viruses to travel from the lower respiratory tract and up to the mouth. This results in a condition in which an infected person directly spreads particles of secretions containing germs not only when coughing but even while talking. Now I must point out that the expeditionary chamber must be equipped with intensive ventilation, which must ensure that the air is changed twice in an hour. As a rule, these are ventilation chimneys that suck air from the room. It normally flows through window vents or door leaks. However, if a window is open, air, having less resistance, begins to flow in through it.

This phenomenon causes an air flow in the window directed towards the inside of the pharmacy. As a rule, it is felt as a “draft”. If we lean over such a window, our face will be in the stream of air flowing into the pharmacy. Now it is enough for the infected person to say something on the other hand, he does not even have to cough, millions of germs are released, which, carried by the air current, immediately enter our lungs.

The magazine was written in response to a statement by Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska: a recommendation that customers of pharmacies should be served by night windows instead of going inside.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Beware of counterfeit COVID-19 drugs. It is a threat to health and life
  2. How does the coronavirus attack the body? The scientists answer
  3. Poles are afraid of the coronavirus. The record holder bought drugs for 1800 zlotys

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