pharmaceutical camomile
Chamomile is one of the most famous medicinal plants, whose medicinal properties are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and even cooking. The plant has a number of positive properties, which is why it is widely used as an adjunct to treatment.

Chamomile is a component of many herbal remedies, cosmetics, actively used in children and adults. It is used both internally and externally. But it is important to know about the benefits of this plant in order to rationally use chamomile, take into account indications and contraindications in order to help the body recover faster.

What are the health benefits of chamomile

The medicinal properties of chamomile are known to doctors of almost all specialties. Infusions, decoctions, tea with chamomile are used in the treatment of various diseases. Such a wide scope of its application is due to its biological composition, the components found in the plant. First of all, it is worth highlighting:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • beta-carotene;
  • matricin;
  • selenium, potassium, zinc and copper;
  • caprylic, salicylic, isovaleric acids;
  • gums;
  • quercetin;
  • flavonoids;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • polysaccharides;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil.

All these components have a beneficial effect on the body of adults and children.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

The therapeutic effects of pharmacy chamomile are wide, it is used in various fields of medicine. Chamomile-based preparations are used both internally and topically, externally. They have a range of biological effects used in medicine. Yes, chamomile

  • has a pronounced sedative, sedative effect, due to which it helps to cope with increased anxiety and stress, is part of the treatment fees for the correction of depression;
  • helps to normalize the heart rhythm, has a cardioprotective effect, protecting the myocardium from external influences;
  • helps in normalizing blood circulation, stimulating brain activity;
  • regulates the digestive system, helps in suppressing the inflammatory process, reducing the formation of gases and seething;
  • protects mucous membranes, stimulates regeneration, has an antiseptic effect;
  • helps in improving sleep, stimulates increased efficiency;
  • helps in strengthening the walls of the arteries, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • has antiallergic action.

In addition, chamomile contains natural antispasmodic and analgesic components, they help to relax smooth muscles, eliminating discomfort in organs and tissues.

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Chamomile contraindications

Although chamomile is generally a very safe plant, there are some contraindications to taking it, as well as a number of side effects that you need to be aware of before starting therapy. So, chamomile is forbidden to use in the presence of:

  • individual intolerance to certain of its components and allergies to the plant;
  • chronic kidney damage, severe organ diseases;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of both the intestine and stomach;
  • diarrhea of ​​unknown origin;
  • serious mental disorders.

The use of decoctions, teas or infusions with chamomile in too large quantities can threaten the development of side effects. These include nausea with vomiting attacks, a sharp increase in blood pressure, as well as allergies with the development of a rash or bronchospasm, swelling of the throat.

The use of chamomile

All the biological properties of chamomile, in the preparation and use of various types of herbal remedies with it, can help with various pathologies. This may include:

  • various skin pathologies, including inflammatory processes, various small wounds, superficial burns, dermatitis, allergies, infections;
  • lesions of the biliary system, including problems with stagnation of bile;
  • различные процессы в области мочевыделительной системы, мочевого пузыря, мочеточников или почек;
  • inflammatory lesions of internal organs, colds, infections;
  • gastritis and intestinal problems (flatulence, spasms);
  • bronchial asthma, cough in various pathologies, including respiratory pathologies and lesions of the respiratory system;
  • migraine, various infe headaches;
  • oral problems, gum disease, dental problems;
  • тревожность, проблемы со сном, депрессии.

Various variants of medicinal formulations with chamomile are slightly allergenic, do not form addiction and toxic effects, therefore, phyto-raw materials can be used for long courses, up to 2-3 months.

Chamomile can help in weight loss and body shaping due to a mild diuretic and laxative effect, normalization of metabolic processes, and stimulation of liver cleansing.

In addition, this plant helps in the regulation of digestion.

Recipes with chamomile


2 чайные ложки сухой ромашки залить 100 мл кипяченой воды, отварить на водяной бане в течение получаса. Полученный отвар отфильтровать и развести водой до 250 мл. Принимать по 2 ст. ложки трижды в день.

Chamomile decoctions are one of the most popular remedies. They are used for digestive problems, inflammatory bowel disease, loss of appetite, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. In addition, they are indicated for increased anxiety and sleep problems.


2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials pour a glass of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 60 minutes, strain through a sieve. Take 30 ml before meals three times a day.

Chamomile infusion helps in regulating bowel function, it eliminates gas formation, spasms and improves peristalsis. It also helps with inflammatory processes in the biliary system, stimulates the stomach against the background of gastritis with low acidity, is useful for gynecological diseases and colds.


Pour 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Take three times a day with a spoonful of honey or lemon, ginger root.

Chamomile tea is useful in eliminating increased nervousness, during stressful situations, against the background of overwork. Chamomile tea also helps in normalizing sleep. Chamomile tea is also useful for gastritis, colds, has a tonic effect, and is useful in the cold season for preventing infections.

Reviews of doctors about chamomile

Pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr Olga Zorina:

– Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects when applied externally, when taken orally – sedative, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, which is useful for various colds and digestive problems. A very popular home remedy, including for colds. Of the side effects, allergies are not uncommon; in children, it is used with caution, strictly in children’s dosages.

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