Pharaoh’s dog
The Pharaoh Hound is an excellent companion, loyal friend and energetic hunting dog. She is calm, affectionate, friendly and open. There is even a legend about its origin. In what conditions to keep it, what to feed and how to train, Healthy Food Near Me will tell
Name of the breedPharaoh’s dog
Country of originMalta
The time of the birth of the breed1647 year
A typehunting dog
The weight30 kg (males), 20 kg (females)
Height (height at the withers)56 to 63 cm (males), 53 to 61 cm (females)
Lifespan14 – 17 years
puppies price50000 – 65000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesNational, Olympic, Jdan, Orion, Cleopatra, Graham, Jerby, Gary, Byron

History of origin

The history of the origin of the pharaoh dog breed is shrouded in the darkness of mystery. For example, among the ancient Egyptian myths there is a story that many thousands of years ago a fiery essence descended from the star Sirius to the earth, which was supposed to save human civilization. This essence appeared in a fiery dog, so for a long time the Egyptians considered dogs of this breed to be sacred.

According to another version, these progenitors of these dogs accompanied the pharaohs on the hunt – hence the name. The first official mention of pharaoh dogs dates back to 1647 and is found in the writings of a member of the Order of Malta. And only three centuries later, in 1920, the pharaoh dog came to Europe, and soon gained worldwide fame. The breed was officially recognized in 1977, at the same time standards were developed and approved. In Our Country, by the way, the Pharaoh Hound is one of the rarest and most expensive breeds.

Breed description

The Pharaoh Hound is a very graceful, aristocratic animal with a stately posture and a flexible body. It has an elongated wedge-shaped head, a long neck and long graceful limbs. The ears are raised high and stick straight up. The nose is large, flesh or red, and the small, expressive eyes are amber. The tail is thick at the base and strongly tapering towards the end. When the dog is in an excited state, the tail is held high and curled like a sickle.

The coat of the Pharaoh Hound is short, dense, close to the body. The color is usually reddish-brown, but chestnut and red-gold shades of wool can occur. The tip of the tail is most often white, but white markings on the chest, bridge of the nose and forehead of dogs are also allowed.



The Pharaoh Hound is a very kind and affectionate animal, so the defenders and guards of them are unimportant. These dogs are sometimes jokingly called “smiles” because in a fit of joy they wrinkle their noses and stretch their mouths. At these moments, all the benevolence and openness of the breed is manifested.

Animals very quickly become attached to the owner and his family, show care and affection for them and get very bored when they are left alone at home. The dog rarely approaches strangers, behaves wary, but does not show aggression. Pharaoh dogs are very smart and independent, able to make their own decisions. They get along well with young children, taking an active part in their fun games.

Pharaoh dogs have perfectly preserved hunting instinct. If the dog smells the game, then it rushes after it, ignoring the command of the owner. Therefore, take care of the safety of small pets: birds, hamsters and rabbits, keep them away and locked in cages.

Care and maintenance

As a rule, there are no difficulties in caring for pharaoh dogs. Their short coat practically does not shed and does not have a characteristic “dog” smell. It is enough to wipe the dog once a week with a damp cloth or a special glove, but you do not need to comb them out. Do not forget to trim the nails in time, because overgrown claws cause pain to the dog when jumping and walking.

Wash the Pharaoh Hound only when it gets dirty, ideally 1-2 times a year. You need to choose the right shampoo or not use it at all.

For autumn-spring walks you need to buy a special raincoat, and for winter walks – warm overalls. This dog is very active and energetic and will not do well in an apartment. Even if she gets used to the conditions, she will dream of freedom. The ideal place to keep such a dog is the house and the adjacent territory, because the dogs are in great need of space for running and mischievous games. Such a dog should live at home, and not in a kennel, because its “fur coat” is not adapted to frosts. Although the animal loves to play in the snow – to burrow into a snowdrift and catch snowballs.

You can walk the dog after quarantine, starting from 2-3 months of age. Walks of an adult dog should be long – at least 3 hours. Without exercise, the dog will become lethargic, sad, whine loudly.

Nutrition in the pharaoh dog should be balanced. It is recommended to use premium and super-premium dry food with a high protein content.

If you choose a natural diet, then the diet should include lean meat, offal, vegetables, eggs, cottage cheese. In no case should a dog be given salty, sweet and starchy foods.

Education and training

Pharaoh Hound training should begin with early socialization. Puppies of this breed are very timid, so it needs to be taken out for walks more often, introduced to a large number of people and other animals.

The dog learns commands very quickly. You need to start with the simplest ones: a three-month-old puppy should know such commands as “Lie down”, “Sit”, “Give a paw”. Later, she needs to be taught more difficult commands – “Next”, “Voice”.

Pharaoh Hounds are quite stubborn and may refuse to execute a particular command. In these cases, you can not beat the dog, shout at it. It is enough to raise your voice to the dog, and he will understand his mistake. Do not forget to praise your pet and treat him with “sweets” for correctly completed tasks.

Health and disease

These dogs are considered long-lived, and with proper care, they can live from 14 to 17 years. Even in old age, they maintain excellent physical shape. This breed has strong health and graceful appearance due to a mobile lifestyle. They rarely get sick, but some diseases do occur: hip dysplasia, dislocation of the patella, bloating with malnutrition. There is also a high risk of an allergic reaction to improperly selected or low-quality shampoos, so check with your veterinarian before choosing them. Do not forget to give your pet comprehensive vaccinations and treat it for worms once a quarter.

Popular questions and answers

She shared her knowledge about the breed veterinarian, cynologist Irina Bezuglaya.

How long does it take to walk the Pharaoh’s Hound?

Since the dog was created for hunting, he needs good exercise, and you won’t get off with 20 minutes of walking on a leash. Ideally, this breed should have active leisure 2-3 times a week – walking in the fields where the dog can frolic.


And on the rest of the days – walks 2 times a day for at least 1 hour.

Do pharaoh dogs get cold in winter?

The dog has a short coat, thin skin and no fat layer, so the dog needs clothes for long hikes. But, if you actively walk, and the dog begins to warm himself with movements, the dog can not be dressed!

How do Pharaoh Hounds react to other dogs?

They are very kind, cheerful and open to everything new being. They are happy to socialize and play with other dogs.

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