Phalaenopsis orchid diseases, their treatment

Phalaenopsis orchid diseases, their treatment

Phalaenopsis orchid diseases cause many problems for flower growers. There are many ailments that can affect your pet. But in order to successfully cure them, you need to be able to quickly recognize the symptoms of a particular disease.

Phalaenopsis orchid putrefactive diseases and their treatment

According to the causative agent, such diseases are divided into fungal and bacterial. The latter develop much faster, and they can be recognized by a violation of the integrity of the tissues, as well as wateriness and an unpleasant odor. The course of fungal diseases is much slower. But ailments cause more damage to the flower, specific toxins are contained in the fungi. These diseases are resistant to most fungicides.

Phalaenopsis orchid diseases without proper treatment can lead to the death of the plant

The causes of such ailments are most often improper care, as well as the purchase of an infected flower. It is quite difficult to treat them, but it is possible. First of all, you need to remove the damaged parts. In the future, you should treat the leaves and roots of the culture with an antiseptic. The preparation “Tiram” helps to cure bacterial rot.

To fight fungal diseases, choose funds based on foundation. Be sure to transplant the diseased plant into fresh, sterilized substrate. Do not forget to treat the pot and all surfaces near which the orchid grew with an antiseptic.

The disease is caused by the fungi Coletotrichium. It is recognized by the appearance of light brown sores on the foliage of the plant. The disease spreads quickly, the spots increase in size and become uneven.

For treatment, it is necessary to remove damaged tissue, as well as transplant the culture into sterilized soil. It is advisable to treat healthy areas with ash or activated carbon. This ailment can be cured with the help of systemic and contact fungicides, such as Fundazol, Ridomil.

You can recognize the disease by the white bloom, which forms on almost all parts of the plant. The disease develops quickly and can lead to the death of the flower in a short time. Especially if the room has very high humidity and temperature.

To cure powdery mildew, soak the plant in a colloidal sulfur solution. In addition, it is recommended to treat the orchid with drugs such as “Skor”, “Fundazol” or “Topsin-M”.

Various insects and parasites can harm the plant no less than disease. At the same time, getting rid of pests is not easy. You will have to remove insects by hand, and then process the culture several times with special insecticidal preparations.

Beautiful phalaenopsis can be ill with many diseases. But, as a rule, they appear due to mistakes in care, as well as if you cannot withstand quarantine for purchased flowers. Therefore, it is very important to create a comfortable environment for existing orchids and be careful when buying new ones. And then your pets will be healthy.

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