Phalaenopsis mini orchids: care

Phalaenopsis mini orchids: care

Mini orchids are adorable flowers that take up little space on your windowsill. At the same time, they give great aesthetic pleasure to all household members. With comfortable conditions and careful care, the plant can bloom all year round.

Description of mini phalaenopsis orchids

Phalaenopsis is a herbaceous plant no more than 20 cm high. It has a flattened green stem and long branching peduncles. Its roots are green, firm and well developed.

Mini orchids have a long flowering period

Broad leaves reach 15 cm in length. In a healthy plant, they are green, smooth, and firm to the touch. During flowering, which often lasts from early spring to autumn, large flowers bloom on the peduncles. Their diameter can be about 5 cm, while all the petals are symmetrical.

Flowers have a pleasant aroma, and they look like a butterfly.

Depending on the variety, they can be of different shades, have patterns in the form of stripes or be speckled.

An orchid of this species is a beautiful and delicate flower.

Phalaenopsis mini orchid care

In order for the plant to feel comfortable, it is necessary to create favorable conditions. It is better to grow a flower in a small transparent pot. This will allow you to monitor the state of the root system and provide it with the necessary light.

The soil should contain moss, pine bark and charcoal. You can prepare this mixture yourself and buy the substrate in the store.

Place the orchid in a bright spot, but not in direct sunlight. She loves diffused light. Arrange additional lighting in winter

The room should have a high temperature – from 18 to 25⁰С and air humidity about 40%. If the air is dry, then a container of water can be placed near the flower pot. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room.

Here’s how to care for your orchid:

  • Water it abundantly with water at room temperature after the soil is completely dry. You need to do this under the root or immerse the flower pot in water so that the leaves do not get wet. Take a hot shower once a month, then wipe the leaves thoroughly.
  • In hot weather, spray the leaves with water in the morning.
  • Feed the plant every 2 weeks. Use special mixtures for this. Apply them to the soil or spray on the leaves.
  • After flowering, trim the stems, leaving about 1 cm from the base.
  • Transplant the phalaenopsis to a different pot if necessary. Do this if the roots are overgrown and cramped, or when the substrate has an unpleasant odor. In other cases, the transplant does not need to be carried out, since the plant does not tolerate it well.

This is the basic care a mini orchid will need.

Grow this miniature flower in appropriate conditions, take care of it, for this it will thank you with its gentle flowering.

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