Phacelia as siderat
Phacelia as a green manure is able not only to give the soil looseness, but also to saturate the deep layers of the soil with all the necessary substances, to increase its quality and fertility. The plant is completely unpretentious to weather conditions and soil composition; it can be planted up to 3 times per season.
Using phacelia as a green manure
Phacelia has many positive qualities, thanks to which you can significantly improve the condition of the soil, prepare it for planting vegetables or rehabilitate the soil after harvest. In addition, the plant can become a decorative addition to the garden, it blooms beautifully and has a pleasant aroma.
The main positive actions of the plant include:
- Enrichment of the soil with potassium and nitrogen.
- Reducing the acidity of the soil, which is the prevention of many diseases. In addition, it will prevent wireworms from appearing.
- Getting rid of weeds.
- Giving the soil looseness, air permeability, which has a positive effect on the subsequent cultivation of root crops.
- Attracting pollinating insects. If the phacelia is planted close to fruit trees and bushes, then its fragrant, melliferous buds will gather many pollinators around them.
In addition to the mass of positive qualities, the plant is distinguished by the ease of cultivation. It is completely unpretentious to the soil, you can sow even on very depleted, rocky areas. In addition, the flower tolerates frost well, so you can start sowing immediately after the snow melts and before the first frost.
The plant does not suffer with a lack of moisture, has good drought resistance and shade tolerance. Can prepare the soil for any crop.
The optimal time for planting seeds depends on the goals of the summer resident. If the main task of the green manure is the spring preparation of the site for planting vegetables, then it can be sown immediately after the snow melts. After 10-15 days, the plant will rise, and after another 2 weeks it will bloom. At this moment, it is cut off and dug up with the ground. If you leave the cut greens on the surface of the earth, then it will become a good protection for vegetable seedlings from the spring cold, wind and sun.
If on the site it is planned to plant more thermophilic crops, such as zucchini, eggplants or cucumbers, then fertilizer is sown a little later. And when it begins to bloom, it is not cut off completely, leaving part of the stem. It will quickly gain green mass and become a protection for seedlings from adverse natural factors.
To restore, nourish and heal the soil after summer, phacelia green manure is sown in the fall, after harvesting. She manages to grow before the first frost, and if you leave her for the winter, she will protect the soil from freezing.
The most deadline for planting is the end of autumn, before winter. In this case, seedlings will occur at the beginning of spring. Then the soil will be ready for planting the earliest cold-resistant crops, you just need to have time to cut the fertilizer.
Regardless of the planting period, the plant quickly emerges, gains green mass and begins to bloom. It does not require special care, which will save the time and effort of the summer resident. And the result after using it is noticeable immediately. The land will become looser, light, fertile, with a high yield ratio.