Pfizera is effective in protecting the unvaccinated. «A key tool to contain a pandemic»
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Pfizer’s experimental drug for COVID-19 reduces the risk of hospitalization and death by 89%. in unvaccinated patients at risk, according to the latest research. The new drug, Paxlovid, will be tested until the end of December.

  1. Research shows that the Pfizera drug for COVID-19 is effective, but the condition is to administer the preparation within a few days of the first symptoms appearing
  2. Pfizer: “Our drug could be a key tool to contain the pandemic”
  3. The company hopes that Paxlovid will effectively help people infected with the Omikron variant
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The study under the tested measure covered over 1,3 thousand. people who contracted COVID-19. None of the 697 people who received the drug within the first three days of onset of symptoms died, and only five patients were hospitalized. Of the 682 people who received the placebo, 44 ​​were hospitalized, including 9 who died. All subjects were unvaccinated. So it is not known how the drug works in the vaccinated.

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The study also showed that Paxlovid (the trade name of the drug) reduced the number of viral pathogens 10 times compared to placebo. Ultimately, Pfizer wants patients to be able to take Paxlovid at home before they become ill enough to require hospitalization and ongoing medical care.

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The rest of the text is below the video.

«A key tool to contain a pandemic»

«This shows what opportunities our medicine offers to save patients’ lives all over the world. And this regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not. Emerging worrying variants such as Omikron have forced an increase in possible treatment options for those infected with the virus. If approved, the drug could be a key tool to contain a pandemic » underlines Dr. Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, quoted in the press release.

The pharmaceutical company hopes that the drug will remain active against variants such as Omikron (it was tested mainly on the Delta variant). According to the press release, the medicine blocks an enzyme involved in the replication of the virus, making it difficult for it to multiply.

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Research on Paxlovid is expected to be completed by the end of December. Then their results will be sent to the Food and Drug Administration, which will decide on the possible approval of the drug on the American market. So far, 19 million people in the USA have fallen ill with COVID-50,1 (the most in California, Texas, Florida), and 797 thousand. died.

Also read:

  1. Coronavirus in retreat? One of the pandemic indicators has dropped to the value last seen in July
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  3. Epidemiologist: Delta variant takes its toll, the situation is dramatic
  4. Pediatrician: children need to be vaccinated to overcome the pandemic

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