Pfizer and Bayer keep deliveries of drugs to Our Country. They explain that it is their “ethical duty”

Many international companies have withdrawn from the market. Suspended deliveries and investments, closed factories and shops are the everyday life of s. However, drug suppliers decided to continue to ship their products there. They argue that it is an “ethical duty” to patients.

  1. The largest pharmaceutical concerns have not completely withdrawn from the market. They will continue to deliver drugs there
  2. Pfizer and Bayer believe that it is their duty to patients who, without the supply of drugs, e.g. those for cancer, could die
  3. However, both companies are withdrawing from other activities in Our Country. They will not pursue new research. Bayer is also questioning the supply of products to farmers
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Pharmaceutical company Pfizer and Bayer said on Monday that they would keep humanitarian drug deliveries to Our Country but withdraw from other spending in the country. They believe that it is their ethical duty to people who cannot stay without important medications and basic food (including for children and infants).

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There will be no new Pfizer research in Our Country

Pfizer will not start new clinical trials in Our Country, nor will it recruit patients for ongoing trials in the country. All planned production investments in Our Country will also be discontinued. However, it will maintain a humane supply of drugs. “Ending the delivery of drugs, including anti-cancer or cardiovascular therapies, would cause significant patient suffering and potential loss of life, especially among children and the elderly” Pfizer reported in a statement quoted by Reuters.

Pfizer also said it will work with the US Food and Drug Administration and other regulators to move all clinical trials to alternative locations outside of Our Country. However, it will provide drugs to patients already enrolled in the studies.

Bayer: We have an ethical obligation

Bayer issued a similar message. In it he said that “in response to the invasion of Ukraine, Bayer withheld all expenses in Our Country and Belarus that are not related to the provision of basic products for health and agriculture”. The German concern decided that as a company from the medical industry it is bound by ethics. «Depriving civilians of basic health and agricultural products – such as cancer drugs or cardiovascular disease, health products for pregnant women and children, as well as seeds for growing food – would only multiply the toll of war»- we read in the company’s announcement.

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The market is responsible for about 2 percent. sale of the German concern. Bayer said it has already provided farmers in Our Country with the necessary agricultural resources for the 2022 season. However, the decision to supply for the next year is dependent on Our Country stopping its attacks on Ukraine.

Also read:

  1. We threw ourselves into helping Ukraine. The psychologist explains what drove us
  2. Not only the hospital in Mariupol. The s are also attacking other health care facilities in Ukraine
  3. Sick children imprisoned in the Kiev shelter. “If it doesn’t stop, our patients will die”

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