Among flower growers there are many amateurs who prefer to grow various varieties of petunias. Today it works without problems. Every year, breeders delight with new amazing varieties of petunias. A variety of colors, shapes, sizes of a flower allows you to create amazing “ornaments” in your flower beds. Flowering petunias look great both in a single planting and among other flowers.
The sensation of 2016 was the petunia Sferika f1.
This is the latest series of petunias, in which breeders have managed to combine the excellent qualities of already existing premium groups.
- The plant is compact, with a large number of branches reaching a height of up to 30 cm. During the season, the petunia of the Sferika f1 variety grows in diameter up to 30 cm. The compactness of the bush is not lost, shoots are not stretched.
- The shoots of Spherica petunia are strong, tolerate transportation well, and do not break off during transplantation.
- The color of the flowers is the most diverse, you can choose for every taste. The flowers are quite large, up to 12 cm in diameter. There are terry options among the new series of petunias Sferika 100 f1. Flowering continues for a long time. Petunia bush almost all summer in bright fragrant colors. Just look at this photo!
Petunia Sferika is considered a universal variety, therefore it feels great in a flower pot, unique borders are created with it. The compact ball retains its shape throughout the season, as shown in the photo below.
Growing seedlings
The thing is that Sferika f1 petunia is a hybrid. That is why experienced flower growers are advised to purchase seeds in the store. A large selection of Sferika variety petunia seeds is offered by the Biotechnics online store.
The seeds of the flower are very small, it is difficult to work with such seed. They go on sale in a dragee form, the seeds of Sferiki are clearly visible in the photo.
To obtain high-quality seedlings, seeds must be sown in boxes in late February – early March.
The soil is prepared before planting. It should be nutritious, loose, moisture permeable. The soil is poured with boiling water with dissolved potassium permanganate (pink).
Seeds are scattered over the surface of the cooled soil, do not sprinkle. From above, the container is covered with glass to create a greenhouse effect. As a nursery, you can use cake boxes with a closing lid. Sowing, as the topsoil dries up, is sprayed with warm water.
The container is placed in a warm place, the temperature is maintained from +18 to +20 degrees. As a rule, the first shoots of Sferika petunia appear in 2-3 weeks.
Spherics’ sprouts are weak, they need a lot of light and heat. For successful development, seedlings need to be watered in a timely manner.
You can sow the seeds of Sferiki not only in a container, but also grow in a snail, in peat tablets. Many flower growers talk about such methods in their reviews.
To propagate the plant, you can use the vegetative method if the flower hibernated on the window. Healthy shoots are chosen, rooted in water, then planted in cups. The vegetative method allows you to save 100% parental qualities. The photo shows how the Sferika petunia is propagated by shoots.
Diving, landing on the street
As soon as 3-4 true leaves appear, Sferika petunia seedlings are transplanted. There should be enough humus in the soil, acidity pH 5,5-6. In more acidic soils, Spherica petunia slows down development.
Seedlings need a temperature of +17 degrees. The cups are exposed to a bright window, but direct sunlight should not burn the plants through the glass.
Seedlings at the age of three months are considered the most successful. It has a powerful root system, takes root easier. With proper care, flowering Sferika is planted in the ground.
Look at the photo and try to imagine what a ball of blooming petunias will be like in summer!
Video about making interesting planters:
Care instructions
Petunia Sferika is easy to care for, the reviews of our readers confirm this. Therefore, if a person is just starting to deal with flowers, he can safely grow petunias. For beginners, we will tell you about the care of flowers.
The plant can be grown in flowerpots, on a balcony, in the ground.
Irrigation features will depend on the location:
- flowerpots with petunia Sferika need to be watered twice a day;
- in a flower bed once every two days is enough;
- on the balcony, depending on where it goes. If on the south side, then every day. From the north – as the topsoil dries up.
You can water with rainwater or from a column. The water must be warm. In case of heavy rain, flowerpots should be removed under a canopy.
Petunias are photophilous plants. With a lack of light, the leaves fade, abundant flowering is not observed. In addition, the shoots are stretched, the Spherica loses its spherical shape.
The plant is hardy, feels good even at +7 degrees. You should know that the more real leaves on a petunia, the more vitality. Can be planted in flower beds, flowerpots. The flowering of the plant is long, often even after small frosts, flowering in the flower beds does not stop.
How to feed
The flower needs top dressing, especially if it is planted in a pot. Thanks to fertilizer, petunias receive vitality, bloom profusely, for a long time.
The first time Sferika is fed 7 days after disembarkation. Then every week. As a top dressing for petunias, you can use organic fertilizers, mullein.
Top dressing continues until the end of summer. Then the bush will be strong, with a lot of flowers.