Petting – what is it and how to grow it? Petting and pregnancy and venereal diseases

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One of the essential needs of most sexually mature people is the ability to achieve sexual gratification. In a situation where traditional sexual intercourse is impossible or unwanted, it is worth choosing petting, which can generally be said to be sex without penetration.

Petting is a form of human sexual activity, which consists of various erotic caresses that can even lead to orgasm. The difference between petting and traditional sexual intercourse is that the penis does not enter the vagina or anus.

In recent years, oral sex has aroused a lot of controversy, which so far has been a separate method of sexual intercourse, and which many specialists perceive, however, as a form of petting.

According to sexologists, petting is an important stage of human sexual development at a time when masturbation is no longer a sufficient way to relieve sexual tension, and you are not yet mentally ready for full sexual intercourse. Petting is also a great opportunity to get to know the body (both your own and your partner’s), learn its reactions to advanced erotic caresses.

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Since petting is a very broad concept, it can include many different forms of sexual activity of partners. The most popular ways to achieve sexual satisfaction without full penetration are:

  1. caressing the area of ​​the vulva, clitoris, vagina and anus with a finger,
  2. hand penile stimulation,
  3. sham intercourse, i.e. inserting a member between the breasts, buttocks, feet, thighs, etc.,
  4. rubbing each other’s genitals.

In petting, the most important thing is to gradually increase sexual tension and then release it through various sexual activities. In petting, the intensity of the caresses should be changed in such a way that will allow the caressed person to come close to the point of orgasm several times. Initial caresses may focus on less intimate erogenous zones, such as: ears, neck, hands, elbows and knees bends, back.

The partner’s erogenous zones can be stimulated by touching the hands, lips and tongue, or by using erotic accessories. Especially in the later stages of a relationship, to deal with the routine, you can think about using, for example, handcuffs, blindfolds or a sexy disguise. You can also try experiments with ice cubes, whipped cream, etc.

If partners decide to use erotic accessories, it is worth using Toy Lube Pjur erotic lubricant. In case of problems with moisturization or dryness of the vagina, the regenerating lubricant Med Repair Pjur will also work. You can also consider purchasing a cleaning fluid for these types of gadgets, such as MED Clean Spray Pjur, to ensure adequate hygiene and reduce the risk of intimate infections.

Partners should relax before caresses – if the intimate situation is a stressful novelty for them, you can help yourself with romantic music and a relaxing massage. Moans and grunts can also be positive, as well as whispering compliments in the ear, which will additionally warm up the atmosphere.

Although it is widely recognized that petting is intended primarily for young people who are just entering the world of erotic ecstasy, intimate caresses can be a salvation for many couples, including those with long experience and a lot of sexual experience.

Petting is a good way to build and maintain an intimate partner relationship and meet your sexual needs in a situation, when:

  1. health does not allow full sexual intercourse (this applies to, among others, people with sexually transmitted diseases and women in puerperium),
  2. partners have no sexual experience,
  3. partners are not ready to start sexual intercourse with the immission of a member into the vagina or anus,
  4. a couple is looking for ways to diversify their sex life and / or extend the sexual act,
  5. partners want to relieve sexual tension during the fertile days by using the so-called contraceptive method. calendar,
  6. the couple are afraid of becoming pregnant.

It is worth adding that petting can be a great solution for people with problems such as erectile dysfunction or vaginismus, when penetration may be very painful, difficult or simply impossible. These types of illnesses are often associated with a fear of possible pain that may be the result of either previous unpleasant experiences or mental problems.

In the case of erectile dysfunction, the fear of possible failure during sexual activity may also be the reason. Petting, in turn, allows you to achieve sexual satisfaction without allowing situations in which these people would have to deal with their own fears.

Petting is also recommended for people who have trouble getting sexually aroused, especially ladies for whom it usually takes longer to arouse sexually than for men.

It should be added that petting can also help when only one of the partners reaches orgasm, which is usually associated with the end of the sexual act. Petting, on the other hand, is an activity that allows both partners to reach orgasm.

Find out more: Orgasm – what is it? How do you get an orgasm?

Petting and pregnancy

While many people say that petting is a great way to have a successful sex life without worrying about the possibility of unplanned pregnancy, it should be noted that the lack of vaginal penetration does not completely rule out the possibility of fertilization. It is enough for the sperm to ejaculate directly onto the female genitalia during petting, or for the ejaculate to be inserted into the vagina on the finger – then the risk of pregnancy increases sharply.

Petting should therefore not be considered a method of contraception, and couples who want to avoid unplanned pregnancy should be especially careful during any erotic caresses.

The expert explains: Can you get pregnant while petting?

Petting and sexually transmitted diseases

Petting not only is not a safeguard against unwanted pregnancy, but also does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. As well as against pregnancy, we are protected against sexually transmitted diseases by condoms for men and women, as well as dental masks, i.e. thin, flexible pieces of latex that protect against direct mouth-genital or mouth-anus contact during oral sex.

You should be aware that STIs are usually spread by the exchange of contaminated body fluids during vaginal, anal or oral sex. In addition, you can get sick by sharing anything that has come into contact with body fluids (e.g. syringes), eating contaminated food or kissing an infected person.

Moreover, even frotting, which is the act of rubbing any part of the body against another person’s genitals, whether clothed or naked, can cause infection with some sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV or cold sores. This is true even if the fluids have not been changed. Of course, you can use the barrier provided by underwear during frotting, but even this will not prevent all contact between partners.

To be sure we are not infected, a sexually transmitted disease test should be performed. We must remember that many diseases of this type can be asymptomatic, which in turn means that healthy looking people may be carriers of the disease without being aware of it. Only the performance of the test can give us certainty about our health and the health of our partner. If the test is positive, you should refrain from any sexual activity, including petting.

It is important to mention, however, that some STIs are completely treatable, assuming they are detected early, which in turn requires us to regularly check our own health and undergo testing.

Also check: Is it possible to catch the coronavirus through sex or oral sex?

Petting a necking

Petting is about caressing the whole body, while necking concerns only the upper parts of the torso, i.e. the face, neck, neck, shoulders, back, breasts and torso of the partner. This is due to the name itself, because the word “necking” is derived from the English word “neck”, which indicates the caresses of these areas.

During the necking, you should stroke, hug, kiss and press places such as the neck, nape or breasts, which are actually one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, their stimulation causes sexual arousal and even orgasm. Necking is very often an introduction to petting, because at the beginning it is more natural to caress the upper body than to caress the crotch area.

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