Pets who are fed up with frost: 25 very unhappy mosecs

Forecasters’ forecasts have come true: it is so cold outside that not only people, but also pets are shocked.

Epiphany frosts. For residents of the south, these words are an empty phrase, but for those who live in Central Russia or even in Siberia, they are a signal to get the warmest thing out of the closet. In Moscow, the temperature dropped to 22 degrees below zero, the North-West is freezing, and in Siberia and the northern regions, the temperature dropped to -35 degrees. In such weather, the kind owner will not drive the dog out into the street, says folk wisdom. And we add: the pets themselves are not delighted with what is happening outside. After all, they have to put on a fur coat over their own fur coat.

Frosts are more inconvenient for dogs than for cats; nevertheless, you have to walk twice a day, no matter how much you want to sit out at home by a warm battery. On the other hand, it is much easier to persuade a dog into a warm overalls. Cats do not like to wear clothes at all. Except that the sphinxes obediently substitute their heads and paws – they agree to wear at least a sweater, at least a dress, just to warm up a little.  

Only the bears are happy about the frost. They are simply delighted with the snow baths – admire this handsome man! True, as the owners of the bear say, even their pet does not want to walk outside for a long time in the cold, despite its impressive fur coat. The soles of his feet are bare, freezing.

No, there are, of course, such dogs and cats that will adapt to any frost and feel quite comfortable, even when it is fiercely cold outside. But our city pets are certainly not one of those. Some dog breeds are generally especially sensitive to temperature extremes – usually these are small dogs like Chihuahua and Chinese crested dogs, which have neither a warm fur coat nor a heat-saving fat layer. It seems that they would gladly hibernate until spring – but not bears.

In the meantime, everyone is freezing, we have collected for you a whole gallery of cute mosques who are terribly unhappy with the weather. Wrap yourself up warmly – and watch with us!

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