Petrov post in 2022
Petrov Post is the first of two summer posts in 2022. ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells what dates it passes and how to observe it

There are two summer fasts: Assumption Fast and Petrov Fast. The latter was established in honor of the holy apostles Peter and Paul (which is why this fast is sometimes also called the Apostolic or Peter and Paul fast) and in memory of how the disciples of Christ fasted, preparing to bring the word of God to the world.

Peter’s fast is considered not strict: it is even allowed to eat fish during it. This is due to the fact that the apostle Peter, who was born in the family of a fisherman, has always been considered the patron saint of fishermen. True, on Wednesdays and Fridays there are more restrictions: these days you can only eat raw food.

What date does Petrov post begin and end in 2022

The beginning of the fast depends on the date of the celebration of the Holy Trinity, which, in turn, is tied to the date of Easter. It is easy to calculate: the beginning of Peter’s fast always falls on the second Monday after Trinity.

In 2022, the Trinity is celebrated on June 12 (Sunday), so Petrov fasting will begin 20 June (Monday) and will last until July 11 (Monday). This fast can last from 8 to 42 days.

The main purpose of Peter’s fast is to prepare believers for the feast of Peter and Paul. Therefore, fasting ends precisely on the day of memory of these two apostles.


For the first time Peter’s fast is mentioned in the “Apostolic Tradition”, written by Saint Hippolytus of Rome in the XNUMXrd century. However, he was not originally associated with Peter and Paul. It was a kind of “compensatory” fast: it was called the fast of Pentecost and existed for those who, for one reason or another, could not observe Great Lent.

When the Day of Peter and Paul acquired the status of one of the most revered Christian holidays (it happened at the beginning of the 12th century), the fast that preceded July XNUMX became known as Petrovsky. Since then, believers perceive it as a kind of preparatory stage for the feast day of the holy apostles.


Since any fast is associated with dietary restrictions, most of the traditions of Peter’s Lent are related to cooking.

On the days of the memory of the saints, which fall during the period of fasting, it is customary to bake rybniki – pies with whole baked fish inside.

Traditional dishes in Petrov Post are lean cabbage soup, cold lenten okroshka and botvinya (cold soup with sour kvass). These treats are especially popular on Wednesdays and Fridays. These are days of strict fasting: not only any food of animal origin, including fish, but even vegetable oil is prohibited.

According to church canons, during the entire Peter’s Lent, there is a ban on meat, milk and eggs. You can not even eat dishes in the preparation of which these products were used. It is also recommended to give up alcohol and bad habits.

Also, during Petrov Lent, believers prefer not to pick up a needle and generally put aside needlework. Folk signs say that in this way you can “sew up” all the good things and attract troubles into your life.

During the days of fasting, our forefathers did not cut their hair, so as not to lose happiness and good luck for life. They also tried not to lend or borrow anything.

And closer to July 12, it was customary to prepare their homes for the Day of Peter and Paul – to carry out a general cleaning and take out all the garbage from the house.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to have a wedding on Petrov Post?

The Church does not welcome any weddings on Petrov Lent. There are a number of reasons for this.

Firstly, due to food restrictions: it is unlikely that you will be able to set a truly festive table from lenten dishes. Secondly, on the days of fasting, festivities and any fun are prohibited, and at weddings there are both alcohol and dancing.

And according to popular beliefs, a family that played a wedding on Peter’s post will not be strong: it will fall apart due to constant quarrels and scandals.

What is another name for Petrov post?

Petrovsky, Apostolic, fasting of Pentecost, Peter’s fasting, Petrovka – such names can be found in literature, in conversation with believers and in the media.

Can I drink alcohol during Petrovsky Lent?

Any post is a period of abstinence and renunciation of everything harmful and poisonous, be it envy or alcohol. Therefore, it is forbidden for believers to drink alcohol during fasting.

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