Petrol electric cultivator

To work in the country, it is not necessary to buy a walk-behind tractor. To process a small area under the power of a motor cultivator. Such equipment is cheaper, compact and maneuverable. It is convenient to process hard-to-reach areas with a cultivator. If necessary, the handle can be removed from the unit, as well as the wheels and transported in the trunk of a car. A modern manufacturer offers the consumer gasoline and electric motor cultivators. Which one to choose, we will now try to figure it out.

Features of the device of gasoline cultivators

The popularity of gasoline motor cultivators is due to the mobility of equipment. The unit is not tied with a cable to the outlet, as is typical for electrical counterparts. Petrol models are more powerful. They are worth buying for processing large and remote areas from home.

Attention! The gasoline engine of the cultivator is two-stroke and four-stroke. For the first option, the fuel will have to be mixed manually. It consists of a mixture of different proportions of gasoline with engine oil. The second type of engine runs on pure gasoline.

Models of gasoline motor cultivators differ in power and weight. Because of this, they were conditionally divided into four categories.

Ultralight Models

Petrol electric cultivator

This category includes cultivators weighing up to 15 kg. Their power is usually limited to 3 horsepower. The weakest gasoline engine can have 1,5 horses. The technique is intended for the care of flower beds, beds in greenhouses and other small areas. The cultivator loosens the ground with cutters up to a maximum depth of 8 cm. At the same time, the working width is from 20 to 30 cm.

Important! The ultralight cultivator cannot be used on virgin soil and difficult ground.

The equipment is so compact that it can easily be put into a large bag and taken with you to the country. For ease of transportation, the manufacturer took care of collapsible handles.

Light models

Petrol electric cultivator

The weight of gasoline motor cultivators of the light category does not exceed 40 kg. The equipment is equipped with a motor with a capacity of 2,5 to 4,5 horsepower. The grip of cutters has been increased – from 40 to 50 cm, as well as the depth of loosening – from 15 to 18 cm.

The petrol cultivator of this category is also compact and highly manoeuvrable. The performance of the unit is 2 times higher compared to its ultralight counterpart, but it still cannot be used on hard soils and virgin soil. The scope of the equipment remains the same: the processing of flower beds, beds, flower beds.

Attention! The worm gear of light cultivators is made of plastic. The parts are very fragile and in the event of an oil leak from the body of the device, they quickly fail. Manufacturers recommend checking the lubricant level every 60 hours.

Another drawback of the worm gear is the inability to roll the motor cultivator back by hand from an obstacle encountered on the way. When choosing such a technique, it is better to give preference to a model with a reverse.

Medium models

Petrol electric cultivator

Gasoline motor cultivators of the middle category weigh from 45 to 60 kg. The equipment is equipped with motors with a capacity of 4-6 horsepower. Large weight provides better hitch of the unit with the ground. The cultivator is stable even when cultivating hard soil. The cutting width has been increased – from 40 to 85 cm, and the loosening depth is from 25 to 28 cm.

With an increase in engine power, the scope of technology has significantly expanded. With a middle-class motor cultivator, you can go to the garden, loosen the clay soil, but it is still weak for virgin lands. Of course, there are enough horses in the engine. The problem lies in the weak mechanical part of the unit, where the torque is transferred from the motor to the cutters.

Important! The movement of the cultivator occurs due to the rotation of the cutters. In the event of a collision with an obstacle, the operator must disengage the drive to roll the machine back.

More expensive models work with a chain gearbox. It has a long service life and allows the use of attachments on the cultivator: a mower, a harrow, a plow.

heavy models

Petrol electric cultivator

The category of heavy gasoline motor cultivators includes models weighing more than 60 kg. The equipment can compete with walk-behind tractors, as it is equipped with motors with a capacity of up to 10 horsepower. A heavy unit is able to process a plot of more than 10 acres with soil of any complexity, even if it is virgin land.

During operation, you need to learn how to control the cultivator so that you get a pressure in the ratio of 1 kg of the unit per 1 cm2 soil. Otherwise, the equipment will be thrown up or it will dig into the ground with cutters. Adjusting the depth of loosening with cutters occurs with the help of handles: they pressed down – the unit burrows, raised the handles – the cultivator climbed out of the ground to the surface.

Advice! When buying a heavy motor cultivator, it is better to give preference to a self-propelled machine. Such equipment itself moves on wheels, and the cutters are installed from the back of the frame.

The unit is able to work with many attachments. In addition to the traditional plow, harrow and mower, a potato planter, digger, cart and other mechanisms can be connected to the trailed one. Heavy motor cultivators are designed for long-term work, but they are not convenient to handle in a greenhouse, in a flower bed and other small areas.

Features of the device and use of an electric cultivator

Petrol electric cultivator

The performance of an electric cultivator can be compared to that of an ultra-light gasoline powered cultivator. The equipment is designed for processing areas with soft soil up to 5 acres. The unit does not require refueling of gasoline, operates with low noise and is easy to maintain. Such equipment weighs from 6 to 20 kg. The bulk falls on the electric motor. The more powerful it is, the harder it is. On virgin soil, an electric cultivator cannot be used, but it will cope with hard ground.

The main disadvantage of electrical technology is attachment to the outlet. The owner will have to buy a long cable so that it is enough for the entire site. Of course, the cord is also inconvenient to pull along. You have to constantly watch so that it does not fall under the cutters.

The video tells about the choice of a cultivator:

Which cultivator model to choose

Petrol electric cultivator

The dispute between summer residents about which cultivator to choose is eternal. Some recognize only gasoline models, others find it easier to handle electric units. The positive and negative sides of different motor cultivators are compensated, so let’s try to draw a conclusion:

  • Electric cultivators are easier to use and maintain. Any inexperienced person will cope with the technique. You just need to plug the cord into the outlet, and you can start working. The main unit of the unit is the electric motor. It is not noisy, has a long service life, economical. If a person is afraid of attachment to an outlet, then you can consider the option of a cultivator with a battery. The charge for work for the whole day is not enough, but there is the possibility of remote work.
  • Petrol cultivator wins on mobility and power. The downside is the fixed costs for the purchase of oil and gasoline. Consumables include candles and filters. This technique requires intelligence. The engines are simple, but they may not start. A person must independently be able to find the cause and correct it.

And now let’s deal with the whole. Summer cottages are usually located on difficult ground. There may be uneven terrain, areas heavily overgrown with grass or virgin land. Here, electric cultivators immediately disappear. There is no question of buying them.

Not even any gasoline motor cultivators will fit. For plowing virgin land, you will need a flat cutter and a plow. Here it is better to give preference only to heavy category equipment. If the soil is moderately dense, then you can get by with a middle-class gasoline unit.

Any tillage equipment should be taken with a small margin of power. After all, it is not known where in the future her help may be needed.

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